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User:Rpeh/The Lighter Side of Tamriel
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
By rpeh
- There was an old man from Bravil
- Who was feeling most terribly ill
- Since a medical fake
- Had made the mistake
- Of prescribing a Stinkhorn Cap pill.
- I once knew a male Khajiit
- Whose fur was incredibly neat.
- I asked him his means
- And was granted the scene
- Of him cleaning his back with his feet.
- They say that the ladies of Split
- Are all quite incredibly fit.
- But unless they're a quitter,
- The men must be fitter
- And have a great liking for... it.
- There once was a man from Ald'ruhn.
- It was said he could play any tune.
- But an Orcish request
- Proved too much of a test:
- I doubt we'll be seeing him soon.
- There once was a mighty young Nord,
- Who ended up terribly gored.
- He lost most his face
- When he made the mistake
- Of flossing his teeth with his sword.
- The God that they call Dagoth Ur
- Was naught but a cowardly cur.
- The Nerevarine
- Appeared on the scene
- And chopped off his head in a blur.
- The Altmer of Summerset Isle
- Are famed for their wit and their guile.
- But the rest of the races
- Feel like punching their faces
- And seeing them covered in bile.
- The once was a young Breton lass
- Who suffered from terrible gas.
- While playing a game
- She lit up a flame
- And flew to High Rock with a flash.