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The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
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Random dude
Born in Raven Rock
Affiliation House Redoran, Dark Brotherhood, College of Winterhold
Common languages Spanish, french and english
Very useful info
Flag Spain.svg This user is from Spain.
Wiki.png This user is a translator of UESPWiki in Spanish.
29 This UESPWikian is 29 years, 4 months, and 18 days old.
MaleIcon.png This user is male.
SR-perktree-Smithing.jpg This user creates art with fire and steel.
LO-race-Dunmer.png This User is touched by the blessing of Azura.
User-userbox-House Dagoth.png This user dangerously preaches the word of House Dagoth.
User-Userbox-Vivecdead.jpg This user rejects false gods, for only he speaks truth.
User-userbox-PC Icon.png This user plays on a Windows PC.
Main domains
SR-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.
LG-icon-Legends.png This user is knowledgeable about Legends.
SkyrimTAG-Skyrim The Adventure Game.png This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim - The Adventure Game.

Speak, citizen // Habla, ciudadano[edit]

Welcome to my cozy profile. I like dedicating myself to be knowledgeable about matters of State such as the kind of underwear Sotha Sil preferred before unaliving our poor boy Nerevar.

Bienvenido a mi perfil de UESP. Me gusta invertir mi tiempo en informarme de cuestiones de Estado como el tipo de calzoncillos que usaba Sotha Sil antes de cargarse al bueno de Nerevar.

About // Sobre mí[edit]

I have studies in Translation and Interpreting and want to help making Nirn's history more accessible to spanish speakers. Besides, official translations of The Elder Scrolls are also part of the lore, and I'd like to help recording it. Will we be able to create the spanish version of this wiki?

He estudiado Traducción e Interpretación y quiero contribuir a que la historia de Nirn sea más accesible para los hispanohablantes. Además, las traducciones oficiales de The Elder Scrolls también forman parte de la obra y quiero ayudar a documentarlas. ¿Podremos crear la versión española de esta wiki?