This user worships Hermaeus Mora. |
This user is a master of Block. |
This user is a master of Restoration. |
This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim. |
This user is a
UESP Forum User
This user uses Linux, even for playing TES. |
Thoughts on Lore[edit]
"It's mostly lies, leavened with rumor and conjecture." "But at the same time, all of it is true. Even the falsehoods. Especially the falsehoods."
Thoughts on Writing[edit]
[1] George Orwell's classic guide on how to write. My personal favourite rule is #3, so if I ever seem terse, it's nothing anybody else did, it's just how I write. I'm a fan of the Oxford comma, and I have a habit of being picky about modifier placement. I'm from America, but use British English when I type, so I'm basically the opposite of UESP (I'm American but use British, it's Canadian but uses American). I did (Toot-toot!) score a 35 in Reading on my ACT, but I always have questions about grammar, so if something I write doesn't seem right, it probably isn't.