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Lorebook Jobs[edit]

{{Lore Book
|author=[[Lore:Books by Author#|]]
{{Book End}}

{{Mod Header|Elsweyr}}{{Game Book


==See Also==
*{{Book Link|}}


Lore books separated

Lore:Books by Author

Lore:Books by Subject

Online:Books by Subject

Moawita Memories Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Library of Incunabula (Up to 6th July 2023) Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Lore of Murkmire Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Anequina Archives Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Pellitine Postings Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Solitude Soliloquies Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Western Skyrim Register Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Books of Blackwood Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Dispatches from the Deadlands Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Systres Tomes and Scrolls Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Archipelago Books and Almanacs Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Apocryphal Pages Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒
Telvanni Tomes Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒


16 Accords of Madness, v. VI (Skyrim)
16 Accords of Madness, v. IX (Skyrim)
16 Accords of Madness, v. XII (Skyrim)
2920, Morning Star, v1 (Skyrim)
2920, Sun's Dawn, v2 (Skyrim)
2920, First Seed, v3 (Skyrim)
2920, Rain's Hand, v4 (Skyrim)
2920, Second Seed, v5 (Skyrim)
2920, MidYear, v6 (Skyrim)
2920, Sun's Height, v7 (Skyrim)
2920, Last Seed, v8 (Skyrim)
2920, Hearth Fire, v9 (Skyrim)
2920, Frostfall, v10 (Skyrim)
2920, Sun's Dusk, v11 (Skyrim)
2920, Evening Star, v12 (Skyrim)
An Accounting of the Scrolls (Skyrim)
The Adabal-a (Skyrim)
Admonition Against Ebony (Skyrim)
Adonato's Book (Skyrim)
Advances in Lockpicking (Skyrim)
Adventurer's Journal (Skyrim)
Aedra and Daedra (Skyrim)
The Aetherium Wars (Skyrim)
Aevar Stone-Singer (Skyrim)
Agrius's Journal (Skyrim)
Ahzidal's Descent (Skyrim)
Ahzirr Traajijazeri (Skyrim)
Aicantar's Lab Journal (Skyrim)
Alchemist's Journal (camp) (Skyrim)
Alchemist's Journal (shack) (Skyrim)
Alduin is Real (Skyrim)
The Alduin/Akatosh Dichotomy (Skyrim)
The Anticipations (Skyrim)
Alva's Journal (Skyrim)
Amongst the Draugr (Skyrim)
The Amulet of Kings (Skyrim)
Ancestors and the Dunmer (Skyrim)
Annals of the Dragonguard (Skyrim)
Antecedants of Dwemer Law (Skyrim)
The Apprentice's Assistant (Skyrim)
Arcana Restored (Skyrim)
The Arcturian Heresy (Skyrim)
Argonian Account, Book 1 (Skyrim)
Argonian Account, Book 2 (Skyrim)
Argonian Account, Book 3 (Skyrim)
Argonian Account, Book 4 (Skyrim)
The Armorer's Challenge (Skyrim)
Arondil's Journal, Part 1 (Skyrim)
Arondil's Journal, Part 2 (Skyrim)
Arondil's Journal, Part 3 (Skyrim)
Arondil's Journal, Part 4 (Skyrim)
The Art of War Magic (Skyrim)
Arvel's Journal (Skyrim)
Atlas of Dragons (Skyrim)
Atronach Forge Manual (Skyrim)
The Axe Man (Skyrim)
Azura and the Box (Skyrim)
Bandit Leader's Journal (Skyrim)
Bandit's Journal (Fort Neugrad) (Skyrim)
Bandit's Journal (Orotheim) (Skyrim)
Battle of Red Mountain (Skyrim)
Battle of Sancre Tor (Skyrim)
The Bear of Markarth (Skyrim)
Before the Ages of Man (Skyrim)
Beggar|Beggar (book) |Beggar (Beggar|Skyrim)
Beggar Prince (Skyrim)
The Beginner's Guide to Homesteading (Skyrim)
The Betrayed (Skyrim)
Biography of Barenziah, v1 (Skyrim)
Biography of Barenziah, v2 (Skyrim)
Biography of Barenziah, v3 (Skyrim)
Biography of the Wolf Queen (Skyrim)
The Black Arrow, v1 (Skyrim)
The Black Arrow, v2 (Skyrim)
The Black Arts On Trial (Skyrim)
Black Book: Epistolary Acumen|Black Book: Epistolary Acumen (book)|Black Book: Epistolary Acumen (Black Book: Epistolary Acumen|Skyrim)
Black Book: Filament and Filigree|Black Book: Filament and Filigree (book)|Black Book: Filament and Filigree (Black Book: Filament and Filigree|Skyrim)
Black Book: The Hidden Twilight|Black Book: The Hidden Twilight (book)|Black Book: The Hidden Twilight (Black Book: The Hidden Twilight|Skyrim)
Black Book: The Sallow Regent|Black Book: The Sallow Regent (book)|Black Book: The Sallow Regent (Black Book: The Sallow Regent|Skyrim)
Black Book: Untold Legends|Black Book: Untold Legends (book)|Black Book: Untold Legends (Black Book: Untold Legends|Skyrim)
Black Book: Waking Dreams|Black Book: Waking Dreams (book)|Black Book: Waking Dreams (Black Book: Waking Dreams|Skyrim)
Black Book: The Winds of Change|Black Book: The Winds of Change (book)|Black Book: The Winds of Change (Black Book: The Winds of Change|Skyrim)
Boethiah's Glory (Skyrim)
Boethiah's Proving (Skyrim)
Bone, Part I (Skyrim)
Bone, Part II (Skyrim)
The Book of Daedra (Skyrim)
The Book of Fate (Skyrim)
The Book of the Dragonborn (Skyrim)
The Book of Life and Service (Skyrim)
Breathing Water (Skyrim)
Brief History of the Empire, v1 (Skyrim)
Brief History of the Empire, v2 (Skyrim)
Brief History of the Empire, v3 (Skyrim)
Brief History of the Empire, v4 (Skyrim)
Brothers of Darkness (Skyrim)
Butcher Journal #1|Butcher Journal 1|Butcher Journal #1 (Butcher Journal #1|Skyrim)
Butcher Journal #2|Butcher Journal 2|Butcher Journal #2 (Butcher Journal #2|Skyrim)
Butcher Journal (Skyrim)
The Buying Game (Skyrim)
The Cabin in the Woods (Skyrim)
The Cake and The Diamond (Skyrim)
Catalogue of Armor Enchantments (Skyrim)
Catalogue of Weapon Enchantments (Skyrim)
Cats of Skyrim (Skyrim)
Chance's Folly (Skyrim)
Changed Ones (Skyrim)
Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v1 (Skyrim)
Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v3 (Skyrim)
Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v4 (Skyrim)
Charwich-Koniinge, v2 (Skyrim)
Chaurus Pie: A Recipe (Skyrim)
Cherim's Heart (Skyrim)
Children of the Sky (Skyrim)
A Children's Anuad (Skyrim)
Children of the All-Maker (Skyrim)
Chimarvamidium (Skyrim)
Chronicles of Nchuleft (Skyrim)
Cicero's Journal - Final Volume (Skyrim)
Cicero's Journal - Volume 1 (Skyrim)
Cicero's Journal - Volume 2 (Skyrim)
Cicero's Journal - Volume 3 (Skyrim)
Cicero's Journal - Volume 4 (Skyrim)
The City of Stone (Skyrim)
Cleansing of the Fane (Skyrim)
The Code of Malacath (Skyrim)
Confessions of a Dunmer Skooma Eater (Skyrim)
Confessions Of A Khajiit Fur Trader (Skyrim)
Cook's Journal (Skyrim)
A Dance in Fire, v1 (Skyrim)
A Dance in Fire, v2 (Skyrim)
A Dance in Fire, v3 (Skyrim)
A Dance in Fire, v4 (Skyrim)
A Dance in Fire, v5 (Skyrim)
A Dance in Fire, v6 (Skyrim)
A Dance in Fire, v7 (Skyrim)
Darkest Darkness (Skyrim)
Daughter of the Niben (Skyrim)
Daynas Valen's Journal (Skyrim)
Daynas Valen's Notes (Skyrim)
De Rerum Dirennis (Skyrim)
Death Blow of Abernanit (Skyrim)
Death of a Wanderer (Skyrim)
Deathbrand (book) (Skyrim)
Decree of Monument (Skyrim)
Diary of Faire Agarwen (Skyrim)
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. I (Skyrim)
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. II (Skyrim)
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. III (Skyrim)
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. IV (Skyrim)
The Doors of the Spirit (Skyrim)
The Doors of Oblivion (Skyrim)
The Dowry (Skyrim)
The Dragon Break (Skyrim)
Dragon Language: Myth no More (Skyrim)
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A Dream of Sovngarde (Skyrim)
The Dreamstride (Skyrim)
Dunmer of Skyrim (Skyrim)
Dwarves, v1 (Skyrim)
Dwarves, v2 (Skyrim)
Dwarves, v3 (Skyrim)
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Dwemer Inquiries Vol I (Skyrim)
Dwemer Inquiries Vol II (Skyrim)
Dwemer Inquiries Vol III (Skyrim)
Effects of the Elder Scrolls (Skyrim)
Eisa's Journal (Skyrim)
Enchanter's Primer (Skyrim)
Endrast's Journal (Skyrim)
Erj's Notes (Skyrim)
The Exodus (Skyrim)
Expedition Manifest (Skyrim)
An Explorer's Guide to Skyrim (Skyrim)
Eydis's Journal (Skyrim)
Faded Diary (Skyrim)
Fall from Glory (Skyrim)
Fall of the Snow Prince (Skyrim)
The Falmer: A Study (Skyrim)
Father Of The Niben (Skyrim)
Feyfolken I (Skyrim)
Feyfolken II (Skyrim)
Feyfolken III (Skyrim)
Final Lesson (Skyrim)
Fire and Darkness (Skyrim)
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The Firsthold Revolt (Skyrim)
Fisherman's Journal (camp) (Skyrim)
Fisherman's Journal (Ilinalta's Deep) (Skyrim)
Five Songs of King Wulfharth (Skyrim)
The Five Far Stars (Skyrim)
Flight from the Thalmor (Skyrim)
Forge, Hammer and Anvil (Skyrim)
The Four Totems of Volskygge (Skyrim)
Fragment: On Artaeum (Skyrim)
Frontier, Conquest (Skyrim)
Galerion The Mystic (Skyrim)
Gallus's Encoded Journal (Skyrim)
Gallus's Journal (Skyrim)
A Game at Dinner (Skyrim)
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Guide to Better Thieving (Skyrim)
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History of Raven Rock, Vol. II (Skyrim)
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Holdings of Jarl Gjalund (Skyrim)
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Horker Attacks (Skyrim)
Horror of Castle Xyr (Skyrim)
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Hrodulf's Journal (Skyrim)
Hunter's Journal|Hunter's Journal (camp) |Hunter's Journal (Hunter's Journal|Skyrim)
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A Hypothetical Treachery (Skyrim)
Ice and Chitin (Skyrim)
Ildari's Journal (Skyrim)
Ildari's Journal, vol. I (Skyrim)
Ildari's Journal, vol. II (Skyrim)
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Immortal Blood (Skyrim)
Imperial Missive|Imperial Missive (Battle-Born) |Imperial Missive (Imperial Missive|Skyrim)
Imperial Report on Saarthal (Skyrim)
The Importance of Where (Skyrim)
Incident at Necrom (Skyrim)
Invocation of Azura (Skyrim)
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Japhet's Journal (Skyrim)
Jornibret's Last Dance (Skyrim)
Journal|Journal (Harmugstahl) |Journal (Journal|Skyrim)
Journal|Journal (Meeko's Shack) |Journal (Journal|Skyrim)
Journal|Journal (pond) |Journal (Journal|Skyrim)
Journal of Drokt (Skyrim)
Journal of Mirtil Angoth (Skyrim)
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 19 (Skyrim)
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 20 (Skyrim)
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 21 (Skyrim)
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 22 (Skyrim)
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The Keepers of the Razor (Skyrim)
Killing - Before You're Killed (Skyrim)
King (Skyrim)
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A Kiss, Sweet Mother (Skyrim)
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Last King of the Ayleids (Skyrim)
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Last Scabbard of Akrash (Skyrim)
Legend of Krately House (Skyrim)
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The Legendary Sancre Tor (Skyrim)
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Life of Uriel Septim VII (Skyrim)
Light Armor Forging (Skyrim)
Liminal Bridges (Skyrim)
Lives of the Saints (Skyrim)
The Locked Room (Skyrim)
Lost Legends (Skyrim)
Love Poem (Skyrim)
Lu-ah's Journal (Skyrim)
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The Lusty Argonian Maid, v1 (Skyrim)
The Lusty Argonian Maid, v2 (Skyrim)
Lusty Argonian Maid Folio (Skyrim)
Lycanthropic Legends of Skyrim (Skyrim)
Lymdrenn Tenvanni's Journal (Skyrim)
Mace Etiquette (Skyrim)
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The Madness of Pelagius (Skyrim)
Magic from the Sky (Skyrim)
Maluril's Journal (Skyrim)
Malyn Varen's Grimoire (Skyrim)
Mannimarco, King of Worms (Skyrim)
Margret's Journal (Skyrim)
Markarth Home Decorating Guide (Skyrim)
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Master Illusion Text (2) (Skyrim)
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Master Illusion Text (4) (Skyrim)
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Midden Incident Report (Skyrim)
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A Minor Maze (Skyrim)
Minorne (book) (Skyrim)
The Mirror (Skyrim)
Mixed Unit Tactics (Skyrim)
The Monomyth (Skyrim)
Mysterious Akavir (Skyrim)
Mystery of Talara, v 1 (Skyrim)
Mystery of Talara, v 2 (Skyrim)
Mystery of Talara, Part 4 (Skyrim)
Mystery of Talara, v3 (Skyrim)
Mystery of Talara, v5 (Skyrim)
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On the Great Collapse (Skyrim)
Opusculus Lamae Bal (Skyrim)
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Palla, volume 1 (Skyrim)
Palla, volume 2 (Skyrim)
Pension of the Ancestor Moth (Skyrim)
Physicalities of Werewolves (Skyrim)
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Pirate King of the Abecean (Skyrim)
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The Poison Song, Book II (Skyrim)
The Poison Song, Book III (Skyrim)
The Poison Song, Book IV (Skyrim)
The Poison Song, Book V (Skyrim)
The Poison Song, Book VI (Skyrim)
The Poison Song, Book VII (Skyrim)
The Posting of the Hunt (Skyrim)
Power of the Elements (Skyrim)
Proper Lock Design (Skyrim)
Purloined Shadows (Skyrim)
Racial Phylogeny (Skyrim)
Raleth Eldri's Notes on Kagrumez (Skyrim)
Ramati's Journal (Skyrim)
The Ransom of Zarek (Skyrim)
The Real Barenziah, v1 (Skyrim)
The Real Barenziah, v2 (Skyrim)
The Real Barenziah, v3 (Skyrim)
The Real Barenziah, v4 (Skyrim)
The Real Barenziah, v5 (Skyrim)
Reality & Other Falsehoods (Skyrim)
The Rear Guard (Skyrim)
The Reclamations (Skyrim)
The Red Book of Riddles (Skyrim)
Red Eagle's Rite (Skyrim)
The Red Kitchen Reader (Skyrim)
The Red Year, Vol. I (Skyrim)
The Red Year, Vol. II (Skyrim)
The Refugees (Skyrim)
Remanada (Skyrim)
Report: Disaster at Ionith (Skyrim)
Research Log (Skyrim)
Research Notes (Skyrim)
Response to Bero's Speech (Skyrim)
Riften Home Decorating Guide (Skyrim)
The Rise and Fall of the Blades (Skyrim)
Rising Threat, Vol. I (Skyrim)
Rising Threat, Vol. II (Skyrim)
Rising Threat, Vol. III (Skyrim)
Rising Threat, Vol. IV (Skyrim)
Rislav The Righteous (Skyrim)
Ruined Trailbook (Skyrim)
Ruins of Kemel-Ze (Skyrim)
Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls (Skyrim)
Runil's Journal (Skyrim)
Sacred Witness (Skyrim)
Saden's Journal (Skyrim)
Saint Jiub's Opus (Skyrim)
Scourge of the Gray Quarter (Skyrim)
The Secrets of Ragnvald (Skyrim)
The Seed (Skyrim)
Servos' Journal (Skyrim)
Shadowmarks (book) (Skyrim)
Shalidor's Insights (book) (Skyrim)
Shezarr and the Divines (Skyrim)
Short History of Morrowind (Skyrim)
Sild's Journal (Skyrim)
Sinderion's Field Journal (Skyrim)
Sithis (Skyrim)
Skorm Snow-Strider's Journal (Skyrim)
Skyrim's Rule (Skyrim)
Smuggler's Journal (Skyrim)
Solitude Home Decorating Guide (Skyrim)
Song Of Hrormir (Skyrim)
Song of the Alchemists (Skyrim)
Song of the Askelde Men (Skyrim)
The Song of Pelinal, v1 (Skyrim)
The Song of Pelinal, v2 (Skyrim)
The Song of Pelinal, v3 (Skyrim)
The Song of Pelinal, v4 (Skyrim)
The Song of Pelinal, v5 (Skyrim)
The Song of Pelinal, v6 (Skyrim)
The Song of Pelinal, v7 (Skyrim)
The Song of Pelinal, v8 (Skyrim)
Songs of Skyrim (Skyrim)
Songs of Skyrim: Revised (Skyrim)
Songs of the Return, Vol 2 (Skyrim)
Songs of the Return, Vol 7 (Skyrim)
Songs of the Return, Vol 19 (Skyrim)
Songs of the Return, vol 24 (Skyrim)
Songs of the Return, Vol 56 (Skyrim)
Souls, Black and White (Skyrim)
Sovngarde: A Reexamination (Skyrim)
Spider Experiment Notes (Skyrim)
Spirit of Nirn (Skyrim)
Spirit of the Daedra (Skyrim)
Staubin's Diary (Skyrim)
Stromm's Diary (Skyrim)
Sudi's Journal (Skyrim)
Sulla's Journal (Skyrim)
The Sultry Argonian Bard, v1 (Skyrim)
Surfeit of Thieves (Skyrim)
Suvaris Atheron's Logbook (Skyrim)
The Tale of Dro'Zira (Skyrim)
The Talos Mistake (Skyrim)
Tattered Journal|Tattered Journal (Embershard Mine) |Tattered Journal (Tattered Journal|Skyrim)
Tattered Journal|Tattered Journal (Tolvald's Cave) |Tattered Journal (Tattered Journal|Skyrim)
Thalmor Dossier: Delphine (Skyrim)
Thalmor Dossier: Esbern (Skyrim)
Thalmor Dossier: Ulfric Stormcloak (Skyrim)
There Be Dragons (Skyrim)
Thief|Thief (book) |Thief (Thief|Skyrim)
Thief of Virtue (Skyrim)
The Third Door (Skyrim)
The Third Era Timeline (Skyrim)
Thirsk, A Revised History (Skyrim)
Thonar's Journal (Skyrim)
Three Thieves (Skyrim)
Tolfdir's Book (Skyrim)
The Totems of Hircine (Skyrim)
Touching the Sky|Touching the Sky (book) |Touching the Sky (Touching the Sky|Skyrim)
A Tragedy in Black (Skyrim)
Trap (Skyrim)
Treatise on Ayleidic Cities (Skyrim)
Trials of St. Alessia (Skyrim)
Troll Slaying (Skyrim)
The True Nature of Orcs (Skyrim)
The True Noble's Code (Skyrim)
Twin Secrets (Skyrim)
Ulfr's Book (Skyrim)
Ulyn's Journal (Skyrim)
Umana's Journal (Skyrim)
Uncommon Taste (Skyrim)
Uncommon Taste - Signed (Skyrim)
Unknown Book, Vol. I (Skyrim)
Unknown Book, Vol. II (Skyrim)
Unknown Book, Vol. III (Skyrim)
Unknown Book, Vol. IV (Skyrim)
Unsent Afflicted Letter (Skyrim)
Valerica's Journal (Skyrim)
Varieties of Daedra (Skyrim)
Varieties of Faith in the Empire (Skyrim)
Venarus Vulpin's Journal (Skyrim)
Venarus Vulpin's Research (Skyrim)
Vernaccus and Bourlor (Skyrim)
Volk's Journal (Skyrim)
Wabbajack|Wabbajack (book) |Wabbajack (Wabbajack|Skyrim)
Walking the World, Vol XI (Skyrim)
War of the First Council (Skyrim)
Warrior (book) (Skyrim)
The Warrior's Charge (Skyrim)
Watcher of Stones (Skyrim)
The Waters of Oblivion (Skyrim)
Where were you when the Dragon Broke (Skyrim)
Whiterun Home Decorating Guide (Skyrim)
The Wild Elves (Skyrim)
Wind and Sand (book) (Skyrim)
Windhelm Home Decorating Guide (Skyrim)
The Windhelm Letters (Skyrim)
The Wispmother (Skyrim)
Withershins (Skyrim)
The Wolf Queen, v1 (Skyrim)
The Wolf Queen, v2 (Skyrim)
The Wolf Queen, v3 (Skyrim)
The Wolf Queen, v4 (Skyrim)
The Wolf Queen, v5 (Skyrim)
The Wolf Queen, v6 (Skyrim)
The Wolf Queen, v7 (Skyrim)
The Wolf Queen, v8 (Skyrim)
The Woodcutter's Wife (Skyrim)
Words and Philosophy (Skyrim)
Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi (Skyrim)
Words of the Wind (Skyrim)
Wraith's Wedding Dowry (Skyrim)
Wyndelius's Journal (Skyrim)
Yellow Book of Riddles (Skyrim)
Yngol and the Sea-Ghosts (Skyrim)

Telvanni Tomes[edit]

Telvanni Tomes
Adventurers, Take Heed! (Online)
Another Letter from the Reformer (Online)
Aralos Sarvrothi Gravestone (Online)
Archwizard Twelvane's Decree (Online)
Attention All Egg-Hands (Online)
Beverages for the Bereaved (Online)
Blightcrown's Orders (Online)
Brave Little Scrib and the River Troll (Online)
Bringing Home the Trolls (Online)
A Brief History of House Telvanni (Online)
Camp Update (Online)
Closed By Order of the Abbot (Online)
Commentary on Fate Dialectal (Online)
Communications Between Nilphas and Thoryn (Online)
Compiled Research (Online)
Correspondence from Torvesard (Online)
Courier's Permit (Online)
Critter Dangers: Telvanni Peninsula (Online)
The Curse of Blackscale Island (Online)
Daedric Worship and the Dark Elves (Online)
Dayldela Gilrom Gravestone (Online)
Death to All Mages (Online)
Dres Message (Online)
Dreynis's Notes, Entry 001 (Online)
Dreynis's Notes, Entry 007 (Online)
Dreynis's Notes, Entry 028 (Online)
Dusk Captain Zenfis's Orders (Online)
Dusksaber Report (Online)
Elovul Alarndil Gravestone (Online)
The Eye of Baan Dar (Online)
Favami Seravel Gravestone (Online)
A Feast Among the Dead, Chapter I (Online)
A Feast Among the Dead, Chapter II (Online)
A Feast Among the Dead, Chapter III (Online)
A Feast Among the Dead, Chapter IV (Online)
First Mate Dalmir's Log (Online)
Folsi's Report (Online)
From the Journal of Balver Bemis (Online)
Herma-Mora: The Woodland Man? (Online)
Hidden Kindred Instructions (Online)
History of Necrom: The City of the Dead (Online)
History of the Dreamstone (Online)
House Dres Orders (Online)
House Telvanni Song (Online)
How Rajhin Stole the Book that Knows (Online)
Letter Concerning Tredecim (Online)
Letter from Azandar (Online)
Letter from Sharp (Online)
Letter from the Reformer (Online)
Letter to Deredrien (Online)
Letter to Elistrenne Starflower (Online)
Letter to Magister Meln Rendys (Online)
Letter to Mouth Vabdru (Online)
Life in the Camonna Tong (Online)
Master Shelreni's Notes: The Restoration (Online)
Master Shelreni's Notes: Torvesard (Online)
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Apocryphal Pages[edit]

Apocryphal Pages
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Archipelago Books and Almanacs[edit]

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Archdruid's Letter (Online)
Argument Between Priest and Druid Number 12 (Online)
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Dreadsails: Threat to the Isles (Online)
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Systres Tomes and Scrolls[edit]

Systres Tomes and Scrolls
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2. Baron-Admiral Bendu Olo (Online)
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4. Instrument of Vengeance (Online)
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Dispatches from the Deadlands[edit]

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Books of Blackwood[edit]

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The Reach Reader[edit]

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Great Spirits of the Reach: Volume 1 (Online)
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Great Spirits of the Reach: Volume 3 (Online)
Great Spirits of the Reach: Volume 4 (Online)
Great Spirits of the Reach: Volume 5 (Online)
Hail to the Ancient Spirits (Online)
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An Imperial in Markarth (Online)
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Journal of Dionus Trutor (Online)
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Letter from Ansdurran (Online)
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Western Skyrim Register[edit]

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Library of Incunabula - Last checked on 06 July 2023
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Moawita Memories[edit]

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Anequina Archives[edit]

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Lore of Murkmire[edit]

Lore of Murkmire
A Culinary Adventure, Volume 1 (Online)
A Culinary Adventure, Volume 2 (Online)
A Culinary Adventure, Volume 3 (Online)
A Culinary Adventure, Volume 4 (Online)
A Grand Transformation (Online)
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Vine-Tongues: Preparations (Online)
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MW Inscriptions

Group Dungeons[edit]

Base Game[edit]

Dungeon Zone Bosses Minimum Level
Arx Corinium Shadowfen Ganakton the Tempest, Sliklenia the Songstress, Sellistrix the Lamia Queen 18
The Banished Cells I Auridon Shadowrend, High Kinlord Rilis 10
The Banished Cells II Maw of the Infernal, Keeper Imiril, High Kinlord Rilis 41
Blackheart Haven Bangkorai Atarus, Roost Mother, Captain Blackheart 30
Blessed Crucible The Rift Nusana, Kayd at-Sal, Dynus Aralas, Snagg gro-Mashul, The Beast Master, The Lava Queen 32
City of Ash I Greenshade Infernal Guardian, Warden of the Shrine, Razor Master Erthas 22
City of Ash II Horvantud the Fire Maw, Ash Titan, Valkyn Skoria 40
Crypt of Hearts I Rivenspire Archmaster Siniel, Death's Leviathan, Ilambris-Zaven and Ilambris-Athor 22
Crypt of Hearts II Ruzozuzalpamaz, Ilambris Amalgam, Nerien'eth 43
Darkshade Caverns I Deshaan Foreman Llothan, The Hive Lord, Sentinel of Rkugamz 12
Darkshade Caverns II Transmuted Hive Lord, Grobull the Transmuted, The Engine Guardian 42
Direfrost Keep Eastmarch Guardian of the Flame, Iceheart, Drodda of Icereach 24
Elden Hollow I Grahtwood Akash gra-Mal, Chokethorn, Canonreeve Oraneth 14
Elden Hollow II Dark Root, Murklight, Bogdan the Nightflame 37
Fungal Grotto I Stonefalls War Chief Ozozai, Kra'gh the Dreugh King 10
Fungal Grotto II Gamyne Bandu, Spawn of Mephala, Vila Theran 39
Selene's Web Reaper's March Longclaw, Foulhide, Selene 34
Spindleclutch I Glenumbra Swarm Mother, The Whisperer 10
Spindleclutch II Blood Spawn, Praxin Douare, Vorenor Winterbourne 40
Tempest Island Malabal Tor Valaran Stormcaller, Stormfist, Stormreeve Neidir 26
Vaults of Madness Coldharbour Ulguna Soul-Reaver, Grothdarr, Iskra the Omen, Mad Architect 36
Volenfell Alik'r Desert Quintus Verres, Tremorscale, Guardian Council 28
Wayrest Sewers I Stormhaven Investigator Garron, Varaine Pellingare, Allene Pellingare 16
Wayrest Sewers II Malubeth the Scourger, Garron the Returned, Allene Pellingare and Varaine Pellingare 38


Loading Screen Dungeon Bosses Minimum Level
ON-load-Arx Corinium.jpgArx Corinium Arx Corinium
Level 18
The Second Empire made some advances into the periphery of Black Marsh, but they didn't stay long. Arx Corinium, once an Imperial fort, is now occupied by denizens of the deep swamp—and even stranger things.
ON-load-The Banished Cells.jpgThe Banished Cells The Banished Cells I
Level 10
The Banished Cells II
Level 41
The High Elves live long lives and have a talent for magic. Sometimes an Altmer's pursuit of magical power leads to tampering with forbidden knowledge and illicit dealings with evil Daedra. It was to confine such trespassers that the Banished Cells were created.
ON-load-Blackheart Haven.jpgBlackheart Haven Blackheart Haven
Level 30
The Bjoulsae River, where it widens as it enters the Iliac Bay, flows past dozens of small islands that have long served as refuges for smugglers and sea raiders. The most notorious of these hideouts is Blackheart Haven.
ON-load-Blessed Crucible.jpgBlessed Crucible Blessed Crucible
(The Rift)
Level 32
Warriors from all over Tamriel whisper about the Blessed Crucible, the hidden arena in the mountains of Skyrim where the mighty contend for fame, wealth, and the fabled Brimstone Crown.
ON-load-City of Ash.jpgCity of Ash City of Ash I
Level 22
City of Ash II
Level 40
Not all Wood Elves are happy about Valenwood joining the Aldmeri Dominion. Some fear for their beloved forests, while others fear their heritage and traditions will be diluted or replaced. A few groups have retreated to refuges deep in the jungle.
ON-load-Crypt of Hearts.jpgCrypt of Hearts Crypt of Hearts I
Level 22
Crypt of Hearts II
Level 43
This place's forbidding black towers are visible for leagues, even through Rivenspire's drifting mists. Yet the local inhabitants never mention it, behaving as if it doesn't even exist. But the Crypt of Hearts is no illusion or mirage—it is solid and all too real.
ON-load-Darkshade Caverns.jpgDarkshade Caverns Darkshade Caverns I
Level 12
Darkshade Caverns II
Level 42
These caves have the distinction of being the most famous kwama mines in Deshaan. Dark Elves consider kwama eggs a delicacy, and those harvested from Darkshade Caverns are particularly prized by Dunmeri gourmets.
ON-load-Direfrost Keep.jpgDirefrost Keep Direfrost Keep
Level 24
Ancestral home of the Direfrost clan, this frozen castle has long been sealed to the outside world, its owners neither seen nor heard from in generations. Mountain storms rage above the castle walls, conjured up by some unknown malignant power.
ON-load-Elden Hollow.jpgElden Hollow Elden Hollow I
Level 14
Elden Hollow II
Level 37
When the Daedra-worshiping Ayleids were driven from Cyrodiil after Alessia's Slave Rebellion, many of the Wild Elf clans took refuge in Valenwood. One of the foremost of those clans was granted the right to excavate dwelling-halls under Elden Root itself.
ON-load-Fungal Grotto.jpgFungal Grotto Fungal Grotto I
Level 10
Fungal Grotto II
Level 39
These extensive caverns in the volcanic rock beneath Stonefalls were once used for unknown purposes by the ancient Chimer, but were abandoned by the Elves long ago. Now they are the haunt of Goblins and other denizens of the underworld.
ON-load-Selene's Web.jpgSelene's Web Selene's Web
(Reaper's March)
Level 34
Even by the standards of Malabal Tor, something is not right about the growth of the forest in this vicinity. It doesn't seem unhealthy—on the contrary, it seems vigorous, but in an unwholesome way.
ON-load-Spindleclutch.jpgSpindleclutch Spindleclutch I
Level 10
Spindleclutch II
Level 40
The Ayleid ruins of Dwynnarth that grin down from the bluffs above Hag Fen were plundered and emptied out generations ago. But it seems there are forgotten mine tunnels beneath the lowest levels of Dwynnarth that might not be quite so empty.
ON-load-Tempest Island.jpgTempest Island Tempest Island
(Malabal Tor)
Level 26
Surrounded by sand bars and shifting channels, this island in the Strid estuary has long been a haven for pirates, raiders, and fugitives from law enforcement. It has never been fully explored by any civilized authority.
ON-load-Vaults of Madness.jpgVaults of Madness Vaults of Madness
Level 36
The Vaults of Madness are the masterpiece of the infamous Mad Architect, who is said to be one of the few entities ever to serve multiple Daedric Princes and profit from it. How he is paid for his "services" is a matter of wild and horrible conjecture.
ON-load-Volenfell.jpgVolenfell Volenfell
(Alik'r Desert)
Level 28
The ancient Dwarven city of Volenfell was long lost to the sands of the Alik'r Desert. But its ruins have recently been discovered, prompting a race between scholars and treasure-hunters to be the first to search its storied depths.
ON-load-Wayrest Sewers.jpgWayrest Sewers Wayrest Sewers I
Level 16
Wayrest Sewers II
Level 38
Wayrest is justifiably proud of the commodious modern sewers that drain the city's wastes into the Iliac Bay. But the curving conduits beneath the streets contain dark secrets unsuspected by those who walk in the light of day above.


DLC Artwork Dungeon Bosses
ON-icon-Imperial City.png
Imperial City
ON-load-Imperial Prison.jpgImperial City Prison Imperial City Prison Crown Store
This external district of the Imperial City houses the headquarters of the Imperial Legions, as well as the Imperial Prison itself. The City sewers pass beneath the prison as they drain toward Lake Rumare - but they're inaccessible, of course.
ON-load-White-Gold Tower.jpgWhite-Gold Tower White-Gold Tower Crown Store
Built by the Ayleids as a focus of mystic power at the heart of Tamriel, the White-Gold Tower has long been a symbol of the Empires of Cyrodiil that followed. Now it is in danger of being absorbed into Coldharbour—and could draw Tamriel in after it!
ON-icon-Shadows of the Hist.png
Shadows of the Hist
ON-load-Cradle of Shadows.pngCradle of Shadows Cradle of Shadows Crown Store
The Cradle of Shadows is the seat of power of the enigmatic figure known only as the Lady of Lace. What lies behind its veil of darkness is known only by her fanatical followers.
ON-load-Ruins of Mazzatun.pngRuins of Mazzatun Ruins of Mazzatun Crown Store
As any Argonian will tell you, something at the heart of the "Puzzle City" is terribly wrong and deeply disturbing at a basic, almost organic level. Erect the spines of warning!
ON-icon-Horns of the Reach.png
Horns of the Reach
ON-load-Bloodroot Forge.jpgBloodroot Forge Bloodroot Forge Crown Store
Shunned by the Nords as a place of evil, this mystic forge site was constructed by an unknown Nedic sect that worshiped forgotten dark gods. Now it's been reopened by the Dreadhorn clan of Reachmen, who are meddling with dangerous forces of great power.
ON-load-Falkreath Hold.jpgFalkreath Hold Falkreath Hold Crown Store
Since Hakkvild drove out the Orcs in 2E 467 Falkreath has been back in the hands of the Nords. But now the weakened hold is menaced by another threat: the savage Reachmen of the Dreadhorn Clan.
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Dragon Bones
ON-load-Fang Lair.jpgFang Lair/span> Fang Lair Crown Store
The Dwarven city of Arkngthamz-Phng rivaled the splendor of Dumac's kingdom before it was laid to waste by a Dragon in the First Era. The legend of that terrifying creature has long kept travelers far from Fang Lair ... until now.
ON-load-Scalecaller Peak.jpgScalecaller Peak Scalecaller Peak Crown Store
Abandoned by its Dragon Lord long ago, the temple of Zaan the Scalecaller remained empty for centuries, cold and discarded. Now a new cult has taken over the mountain, and their repugnant schemes threaten all of Tamriel.
ON-load-March of Sacrifices.jpgMarch of Sacrifices March of Sacrifices Crown Store
For an Oblivion realm, Lord Hircine's plane of The Hunting Grounds, a vast wilderness of forest, meadow, and mountain, is almost familiar to those Tamrielic mortals who find their way there. Almost familiar, but not quite.
ON-load-Moon Hunter Keep.jpgMoon Hunter Keep Moon Hunter Keep Crown Store
(Reaper's March)
Moon Hunter Keep! A name spoken by the Silver Dawn werewolf hunters of Reaper's March only in whispers—that is, when there still were Silver Dawn werewolf hunters in Reaper's March.
ON-load-Depths of Malatar.jpgDepths of Malatar Depths of Malatar Crown Store
(Gold Coast)
"The light that shone from the statue of Narilmor acted as both guide and protector to Ayleid ships crossing the Abecean, promising warmth and safe harbor in Garlas Malatar, until the city fell in the latter days of the Alessian Slave Rebellion." - Tjurhane Fyrre
300pxFrostvault Frostvault Crown Store
"Mhuvnak was known as one of the most gifted builders of architecture in Dwemereth, greatly expanding their underground kingdom with ingenious constructs until his disappearance on an expedition deep into Nord lands." —Guylaine Marilie
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ON-load-Lair of Maarselok.jpgLair of Maarselok Lair of Maarselok Crown Store
The fertile jungles of this mountain valley have long since swallowed up the Khajiit kingdom that once called it home. But a new, malignant growth is spreading here, and it threatens to consume far more than old ruins.
ON-load-Moongrave Fane.jpgMoongrave Fane Moongrave Fane Crown Store
(Northern Elsweyr)
"Just as the sixteen kingdoms were not always one, so too were the faiths of the Khajiit many-fold. In guiding Khajiit along his one true path of the moons, Riddle'Thar hid from us all the others. But if you are wise, you may catch glimpses of where the walkers of old have tread." — Tsramusa the Exile
Harrowstorm ON-load-Icereach.pngIcereach Icereach Crown Store
Hidden among the churning waves of the Sea of Ghosts, this frigid isle serves as the seat of power for the cruel Icereach Coven. Now, lashing storms swirl around it. Could this be a natural phenomenon, or something more sinister?
ON-load-Unhallowed Grave.pngUnhallowed Grave Unhallowed Grave Crown Store
Long ago, the soldiers of the Bangkorai Garrison buried something away in this accursed cavern—an evil too great to leave unguarded. Now, centuries later, even the most daring Redguard explorers know how to give this grave a wide berth.
ON-icon-stolen-Bats Medallion.png
ON-load-Stone Garden.jpgStone Garden Stone Garden Crown Store
(Greymoor Cavern)
"Dwarven pipes can transport more than just steam. Water, oil, air, even molten rock in some cases. That's the beauty of Dwemer designs. Their versatility means they can be repurposed for any use. It doesn't take a genius to see that, but it helps." —Raynor Vanos
ON-load-Castle Thorn.jpgCastle Thorn Castle Thorn Crown Store
(Western Skyrim)
"Despite Lady Thorn's mysterious past, the Ravenwatch never felt the need to deal with her directly. She seemed content to hide away in the mountains, alone in her horrific castle. This one wonders if ignoring her was a terrible mistake." —Adusa-daro

ON-icon-memento-Illusory Salamander Stone.png
Flames of Ambition
ON-prerelease-Black Drake Villa.jpgBlack Drake Villa Black Drake Villa Crown Store
(Gold Coast)
"After the fall of the Longhouse Emperors, this grand retreat stayed largely abandoned aside from the occasional treasure hunter. Most of the spoils of Durcorach's campaign across Tamriel went missing, only to appear later on the black market."
ON-prerelease-The Cauldron.jpgThe Cauldron The Cauldron Crown Store
"Once a thriving source of profit for the merchant Felisa Vendu, she abandoned this old mine after workers revolted. They insisted that voices came to them from the darkness. A low whispered chanting that followed them to their sleep, driving many of them mad. Since then, only fools have entered."

Shadows of the Hist[edit]

Dungeon Zone Bosses
Cradle of ShadowsCrown Store Shadowfen Khephidaen, Dranos Velador, Velidreth
Ruins of MazzatunCrown Store Mighty Chudan, Xal-Nur the Slaver, Tree-Minder Na-Kesh

Horns of the Reach[edit]

Dragon Bones[edit]






DLC Artwork Trial Description Bosses
ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png
Base Game
ON-load-Hel Ra Citadel.jpg

Hel Ra Citadel

Hel Ra Citadel
When the warriors of the Ra Gada came to the shores of Hammerfell, some of the fiercest cohorts marched far inland in search of domains to claim. Hel Ra was one of the easternmost of these domains, but its gates were sealed long ago.
ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png
Base Game
ON-load-Aetherian Archive.jpg

Aetherian Archive

Aetherian Archive
For untold ages this tower has loomed over Elinhir, its portals mystically sealed, all entry forbidden. Someone exerted immense effort to place impenetrable wards on this place—but now those wards are sundered.
ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png
Base Game
ON-load-Sanctum Ophidia.jpg

Sanctum Ophidia

Sanctum Ophidia
The Sanctum caverns are works of art, carved masterpieces sealed long ago. Unfortunately for Craglorn, the Ophidians were always the most … fervent of the Celestial sects.
ON-icon-Thieves Guild.png
Thieves Guild Crown Store
ON-load-Den of Lorkhaj.jpg

Maw of Lorkhaj

Maw of Lorkhaj
(Reaper's March)
An ancient Khajiiti shrine called the "Temple of Seven Riddles" has been overrun by the Khajiit's eternal enemy, the dro-m'Athra. With each passing hour, more Lost Cats pour into Nirn through a gaping rift between worlds. If Tamriel is to be saved, this Maw of Lorkhaj must be closed.
Morrowind Crown Store
ON-load-Halls of Fabrication.jpg

Halls of Fabrication

Halls of Fabrication
It is said that Sotha Sil's Fabrication Chambers can analyze anything in the Mundus, organic or inorganic, and reproduce it in clockwork form.
ON-icon-Clockwork City.png
Clockwork City Crown Store
ON-load-Asylum Sanctorium.jpg

Asylum Sanctorium

Asylum Sanctorium
(Clockwork City)
"Sotha Sil is rumored to have been the one to reverse engineer the Soul Gems in order to create Black Soul Gems. When he began this process, he used three Dunmer Saints for experiments to see if he could grant everlasting life. Three mechanical creations were made to house the souls of these saints.
Summerset Crown Store


The Aerie of the Altmer, the city of Cloudrest clings to the highest slopes of the peak of Eton Nir, tallest mountain on Summerset Isle. Somehow, its thin air is as heady and bracing as chilled nirnroot wine.
Elsweyr Crown Store


(Northern Elsweyr)
Before Rawl'kha Temple rose to prominence after the Riddle'Thar Epiphany, Sunspire was the preeminent house of worship in Anequina. If the rumors of Alkosh's return are true, it may be so again.
Greymoor Crown Store
ON-load-Kyne's Aegis.png

Kyne's Aegis

Kyne's Aegis
(Western Skyrim)
While many Nords attribute the founding of Kyne's Aegis to Fuldimar Hookhand in 1E 244, Dragon Cult ruins tell a far older—and darker—story.
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