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Favourite Quote

"Dragonborn, huh? Was it your ma or your pa who was the dragon?"

Hadvar of the Imperial Legion

A Brief Summary About Myself[edit]

I am a 26-year-old male from Canada. I work in the field of Psychology as a Theoretical Psychologist whose primary focus is aimed at determining the causes of certain neurological discrepancies. I am an avid editor, and have intentions of applying that ability onto this site in an effort to improve it. Thus far, I have corrected several pages, and intend to continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Currently, my 'job' consists of simply editing pages, whether by improving their legibility, (grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.) ensuring their complete conformity to the rules outlined, and maintaining their relevancy to the topic in which content is written. Additionally, it is a personal goal to improve certain articles, particularly guides, by expanding them to make complete sentences, which I feel will aid in allowing the reader to conceive a better idea of what is being written.

Applicable Userboxes[edit]

Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 13 years and 3 months.
Flag Canada.png This user is from Canada.
User-userbox-WikiGnome.png This user is a WikiGnome.
LO-race-Breton.png This User is a Breton
User-userbox-Not Patroller.jpg This user regularly watches the recent changes page, sometimes for hours each day, but is not a recent changes Patroller.
User-userbox-Oghma Icon.png This user is a loremaster.
User-userbox-M'aiq the Liar.jpg This user knows much, tells some.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
User-userbox-Shivering Isles.png This user is knowledgeable about Shivering Isles.
OB-icon-Knights of the Nine.png This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine.
SR-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.
SR-icon-construction-Shrine of Stendarr.png This user worships Stendarr.


As a Theoretical Psychologist, my job primarily consists of establishing connections between behaviours of the mind and their causes relating to various aspects of the interdisciplinary field, among them are: cognitive, neurological, social, and political. In addition, for many a year I have worked as an Editor and freelance Writer for a local newspaper in which I wrote Editorials concerning my thoughts and discoveries in the field of Psychology.

Skyrim Gameplay[edit]

A consistent pattern has begun to emerge relating to my armour and weapon preferences in every Elder Scrolls game I have played. In Oblivion, I employed a long sword and a Heavy Armor shield relative to my level at the time. I always favoured the use of one-handed weapons on account of their ability to strike fast, and therefore do a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Upon learning the option to dual wield in Skyrim would be accessible, I was absolutely ecstatic. In the numerous hours I have put into Skyrim, I have established the speed at which the character attacks is key in more effectively subduing enemies, particularly when fighting creatures who deal large amounts of damage, regardless of how low the difficulty is, such as giants.

Furthermore, I utilise magic for only a few purposes, none of which include the infliction of damage to enemies. In Skyrim, unlike melee weapons, offensive spells can only be used when the player as the sufficient amount of Magicka to cast them, whereas melee attacks can always be used, and are therefore more reliable in a melee context. However, the use of offensive magic has become increasingly more useful in Skyrim, as it allows the player to, as it has always, fight enemies from afar (and thereby take less damage), but also strike down dragons that are otherwise impossible to defeat using melee methods when they are in the air. I use magic primarily for healing purposes, quickly and simply switching out my weapons to restore my health. Additionally, I employ magic to boost some of my melee skills (Heavy Armor, etc.), and light up areas wherein visibility is low.

A new implementation added to Skyrim allows the player to use various Shouts in addition to magic, these vary in praticality and usefulness. Due to my melee nature, and use of two one-handed weapons, I am most fond of the Elemental Fury shout, as it substantially increases my attack speed, effectively allowing me to kill any opponent, provided they are in melee range, within seconds. This effect is much greater when coupled with the speed bonus perk for One-handed, and the use of swords, the fastest type of one-handed weapon (other than daggers). However, while the use of the power attack is very limited, even if the player chooses to increase Stamina each time they level, the Elemental Fury shout is still very effective, and undoubtedly the best choice for a warrior. For pratical reasons, I choose to use Whirlwind Sprint, which allows me to instantaneously travel a long distance, increasing the ease of wilderness travel.

In conclusion, when it comes to combating enemies, I always favour one-handed weapons for their speed, as it is that which entails a great chance of survival. As the guards say, "The best offense is a good defense, am I right?"

However, in light of recent circumstances, this information has been rendered inaccurate, as a friend of mine has written over my Skyrim saved file that I had neglected to backup. Oopsie.