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User:Enodoc/ESO Datamining

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ZOS_GinaBruno: Datamining information isn't illegal or against the TOS, but please understand that anything datamined isn't final and is subject to change.

Not that this is an endorsement to actually do it, but since we do it anyway for our information, I thought I'd add here some things I found while digging in the data files that aren't used yet, but may reasonably appear in the future. Only things that look "finished" are here, no partially-created stuff.


Type Description Name
ON-icon-mount-Green Narsis Guar.png Green Narsis Guar The robust Green Narsis is the standard mount and dray-beast of central Morrowind. Nipper
ON-icon-mount-Skeletal Bear.png Skeletal Bear A re-animated Skeletal Bear makes a fearsome mount, and is a favorite of northern Tamriel's necromancers. Barebones
ON-icon-mount-Skeletal Guar.png Skeletal Guar The naked, grisly smile on the broad skull of the Skeletal Guar mount may be enough to send lesser opponents fleeting in terror when you ride into battle on its creaking, bony frame. The Worm Cult, of course, will just be jealous. Grinly
ON-icon-mount-Skeletal Horse.png Skeletal Horse Behold the Skeletal Horse! Mortal races are not the only creatures that can be re-animated by necromancers. The best part: no need to muck out the stable. Calamity
ON-icon-mount-Skeletal Senche.png Skeletal Senche The Skeletal Senche may be the most fearsome of all feline mounts. Expertly re-animated, even in undead form it retains all the lithe strength it possessed in life. Kittybones


Type Description Name
ON-icon-pet-Blackwood Monkey.png Blackwood Monkey This busy little buddy is sometimes mistaken for an imgakin monkey. Flinger
ON-icon-pet-Frisky Scrib.png Frisky Scrib This lambent little larva loves crawling alongside valorous adventurers! Larvie
ON-icon-pet-Grey Dog.png (Unnamed grey hound-dog)
Freckled Guar Known in Deshaan as loyal pals, the Freckled is the most intelligent breed of guar. S'wit
ON-icon-pet-Purple Daggerback.png Purple Daggerback The glowing purple daggerback boar is found only in Craglorn in the vicinity of the Spellscar, from which it seems to have absorbed some sort of magical aura. Pricklypear
ON-icon-pet-Senchal Striped Cat.png Senchal Striped Cat The Senchal Striped is a cat that is as cunning as it is elegant. It's both cursed at and admired for its ability to get into places it doesn't belong. Sangiin
ON-icon-pet-Necrom Ghostgazer Cat.png Necrom Ghostgazer Cat The Necrom Ghostgazer is the favored feline companion of Telvanni wizards. They not only keep the skeevers down, but they can "see" intruding demons and spirits. Phantom
ON-icon-pet-Bal Foyen Nix-Hound.png Bal Foyen Nix-Hound Who says a giant, aggressive, blood-sucking insect can't make a loveable pet? Not the Dark Elves of Bal Foyen, who breed them as trackers, watch-hounds, and netch-deflaters. Skeeter
ON-icon-pet-Ninendava Sacred Goat.png Ninendava Sacred Goat The goats that come from the ruin of Ninendava in Cyrodiil are no mere domestic livestock. They have long been used in certain forbidden Daedric rituals—and have even been known to lead mortals through those arcane rites. Hircine
ON-icon-mount-Pale Velothi Guar.png Pale Velothi Guar Should probably be a mount
This stalwart mount comes from the ashlands downwind of the volcanoes of the Velothi Mountains, and is well adapted to surviving under the harshest of conditions.



Future Content[edit]

In connection with Molemir's Estate in Grahtwood:

  • The one in Deshaan may be called Sysa's Estate
  • The one in Alik'r may be called Zibadan's Estate
    • This one has been removed from the Alik'r Desert map in 2.1
  • There are related notes, diaries and journals referring to the "Twilight Lodge" and the "Violet Lodge", as well as "The Whispered Ball"
  • This particular group of Nocturnal cultists we're looking for call themselves the Violet Lodge.
  • And finally, you'll be inducted into the Violet Lodge at the great altar of Nocturnal herself.
  • Yes, it's the big recruitment party for the Violet Lodge. It's held at Headman Cosh's manor in Abah's Landing. We'll need each one of our members to contribute their talents on that mission. But first, I have a special mission just for you.

Implications: Molemir's Estate is connected to the "Lodge", an organization of Nocturnal worshippers. Nocturnal is also patron of the Thieves Guild. Lodge recruitment takes place at Abah's Landing. Therefore Abah's Landing is part of the Thieves Guild questline, and the Lodge is the primary antagonist of that line.

Update: Keeping solely for posterity. Thieves Guild on PTS makes no mention of the Violet Lodge; seems that it was scrapped, much like the original Imperial City design. A casualty of B2P?