Today is Tirdas, 25th of First Seed.
My name is Adrian, I'm 26 years old Pole living in the United States Australia. To be truthful, I've discovered this site not long time ago but it provided me with great information on so many things (mainly lore oriented). In real life I'm a Caucasian male, college student graduate and I love The Elder Scrolls series. Seriously, once I bought TES III: Morrowind the day it came out (05.05.2002!), I became addicted to the whole TES world. Morrowind (with expansions) is easily my favorite of the series. Oblivion didn't do it for me (even though I bought it when it came out)... Skyrim was better than Oblivion but nowhere near Morrowind. Mainly I tend to spend my time at work and University, but when I have some of it for myself I divide it between my friends, my girlfriend wife, and the TES world.
I am very happy that they've continued to allow single-player play in TES series, as if I wanted to play MMO, I would interact with real people, not play a computer game!.. I do not consider The Elder Scrolls Online, in any form or shape, a part of the TES franchise, therefore I don't believe that the content from this game should be used at all for the lore purposes. I, as many orthodox and die-hard TES fans, feel betrayed by Bethesda. In the past (for example in 2011), Todd Howard stated that the TES genre won't ever be developed into an MMO, he lied..
As for the username, it's a name of my very first TES character - Redguard from Morrowind game. I carefully made up the name so that it could fit to the game world and its lore. My another first character, this time in Oblivion, was also a Redguard with the name of Arkhon. I stick to this name and Redguard race. Regarding my gameplays, I would usually play a character who has great moral values and is always "on the good side" (mainly Redguard warrior with Long live the Emperor as his standard battle cry). I'm a lore buff, I will never install any unofficial modes which drastically alter the game world (only ones such as 'fixing errors' modes or realistic 'better environment' and similar, nothing "unreal" so to say). That's basically my whole story... but wait, there's something more... "Wake up, we are here! Why are you shaking? Are you okay? Wake up!"...
A map showing Yokuda, the ancient home of the Redguards.
The most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel, the dark-skinned, wiry-haired Redguards of Hammerfell seem born to battle, though their pride and fierce independence of spirit makes them more suitable as scouts or skirmishers, or as free-ranging heroes and adventurers, than as rank-and-file soldiers. In addition to their cultural affinities for many weapon and armor styles, Redguards are also physically blessed with hardy constitutions, resistance to poison, and quickness of foot. Redguards do not share the same blood as the other human races, and they have no connection with the ancestral human homeland of Atmora...
(For more information on Redguard culture, see the Lore article on Redguards.)