User:Alpha Kenny Buddy/Sandbox7
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project. The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Details
Quests: not written
Schedule: not written Services: written by Corevette789 N/A (In-Game) Personal Inventory: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS, Already written), checked by mxk101 (in-game) House Contents: written by GK (N/A - lives in the Palace of Sheogorath), checked by Emoboy64 (In-Game) Unique Dialogue: not written Rumors: not written Faction: not written |
Sandbox7 (RefID: 000133D4) |
Home City | New Sheoth | ||
House | Palace of Sheogorath | ||
Race | Breton | Gender | Male |
Level | PC+20 | Class | Savant |
RefID | 000133D4 | BaseID | 000133C0 |
Other Information | |||
Health | 35 + (4+1.4)x(PC+19), PC=1-23 | ||
Magicka | 188 + 3.5x(PC+19) (max=300) | ||
Respons. | 50 | Aggress. | 5 |
Essential | Always | ||
Faction(s) | Faction for all NPCs in Sheogorath's palace |

Haskill is a Breton who is the Chamberlain of Sheogorath. He is the first to greet you when you travel to the Shivering Isles. It is possible to summon him with a lesser power acquired after speaking to Sheogorath for the second time. He generally has some useful information regarding quests during the main quest line. He is also un-attackable - weapons and spells pass straight through him. He wears a unique suit called "Haskill's Suit", which can never be acquired by the player since Haskill is invincible and the clothing is not playable anyway.
Quest Related Events[edit]
You will first meet Haskill after entering A Door in Niben Bay. When you pass through the door you will enter "The Butterfly Room", where Haskill will greet you with the line: "Another mortal. Quaint." Speaking to Haskill will have him request that you sit down. "Let's be civil, shall we? Please, have a seat." Once you sit down he will ask you why you are here, and assume it has to be about The Strange Door opened in Niben Bay. "Yes. What can I do for you? I imagine you're here about the door?" Asking him about the previously mentioned door will have him reply; "Yes. You have entered and now you are here. Amazing. Truly." After this you will converse with Haskill about who he is, where you are, the fate of those who have gone insane, and what you are to do next.
"Who are you?"
"I am Haskill, Chamberlain to the Lord Sheogorath."
"What is this place?"
"You approach the Shivering Isles. Through the door behind me lies the realm of Sheogorath, Prince of Madness, Lord of the Never-There."
"Why did that door appear in Cyrodiil?"
"Because my Lord wills it to be so. It poses no danger to Mundus; no compact has been violated. It is a doorway, an invitation. Perhaps you will accept it for what it is."
"What do you want with me?"
"For you? I do not know. My Lord seeks a mortal to act as His Champion. As for His intent... to attempt to fathom it is a foolish endeavor. His will is His own; His reality follows suit. You are here because you chose to enter; you were not summoned."
"And the people outside?"
"They entered this Realm, and were ill prepared. Their minds are now the property of my Lord."
"How can they be cured?"
"Cured? You speak as if they are diseased. They live now in another state of being. Perhaps it is you who needs a cure."
"What happens now?"
"You do as you will. You may leave the way you entered. Your life will be none the worse for your time spent here. Or, you may continue onward, through the door behind me. If you can pass the Gates of Madness, perhaps the Lord Sheogorath will find a use for you."
"And if I go through the door?"
"Who is to say? There are always choices to be made. The Realm of Madness is no different in that regard. Your choices are your own. Enter or do not, but make your decision. I've other duties to which I must attend. Speak with me again when you have made up your mind. The anticipation is almost too much to bear."
At which point he will end the conversation to give you some time to collect your thoughts. When you speak to him again he will reply: "Well? Have you made up your mind? The tension is almost palpable."
To which you may reply: "I'll do it." Or "No, thanks."
If you chose the former he will reply by saying; "Fine. I'm sure my Lord will be most pleased, assuming you ever manage to see Him. You'll want to pass through the Gates of Madness. Oh, and mind the Gatekeeper. He dislikes strangers to the Realm. Enjoy your stay." He will then disappear, returning for now to his other duties. As he disappears the room evaporates into butterflies, leaving you out in the open in the Fringe of Madness. Or if you decided against entering the Isles he will leave the option for entering them open for a later date. "Hmmm. Not surprising. Well, if you change your mind, and the position is still available, come speak with me again. I'd so enjoy that...."
Through the Fringe of Madness[edit]
You will next meet Haskill after you kill the Gatekeeper and taking the keys from his corpse. He will teleport at the base of the Gates of Madness to greet you. "So, you've managed to kill the Gatekeeper. Pity. Well, you'll now be able to enter the Realm proper. You'll notice there are two doors. One leads to the lands of Mania. The other to Dementia. Enter through either one. The lands are quite distinct, but both are Sheogorath's domain. You'll want to seek out Lord Sheogorath. I believe He has plans for you. Try not to disappoint Him." At this point you may ask him about Mania, Dementia, or the Gates of Madness themselves. If you choose a more thorough explanation of Mania he will reply: "The lands of Mania are bright, vibrant, and full of color. You'll find its inhabitants reflect the land itself. If you wish to meet the residents of Mania, you'll find them in the settlements of Hale and Highcross. Take care, though. Though the citizens and creatures of Mania are colorful, they can often be quite deadly. I'm sure you can handle it, though." Asking him about Dementia will have him further explain the land. "The lands of Dementia reflect the darker side of its residents. It is easy to get lost among the tangle of roots growing out of the ground. If you wish to meet Dementia's citizens, seek them out in Deepwallow or Fellmoor. I'm sure they'll welcome one such as you with open arms." Asking him about the Gates of Madness will have him reply: "The doorways into the Realm proper. You may enter through either one. Really, it depends on which aspect of the Realm more suits your disposition. As I've said, all choices have consequences, but don't trouble yourself too much with your decision. All those that enter the Realm are forever changed, but some believe it is for the better. A good portion of them, at least." Once you end this conversation with him he will disappear once again, you will next encounter him at the Palace in New Sheoth.
A better Mousetrap[edit]
Once you travel to the palace in New Sheoth you will once again encounter Haskill. If you speak to him before Lord Sheogorath he will request that you instead speak with his lord. "'re here. Joy. You'll want to speak to the Lord Sheogorath." Once you speak to the Mad God, and are given his task to reactivate Xedilian, speaking to Haskill will have him grudgingly help you with this task if you assist on him assisting you. "The Madgod has given you a task. Surely, someone of your copious talent should be able to handle it." Asking him about Xedilian will have him reply: "Yes, quite an amazing place really. Wonderful for relieving one's tension as you watch those troublesome adventurers suffer... no offence. I'd say your next move is to head to Xedilian and get it reactivated." Asking him about this topic again will have him request that you proceed with the task. "I'd suggest you make haste and get to Xedilian. My Lord Sheogorath does not like those who lollygag. Or maybe He does? Bah! Just get going." Asking him about reactivating Xedilian will have him explain the process, with the assumption that you didn't read the manual you were given. "Yes? Ah... silly me. The book has no pictures. Can't really expect you to read that, now can I? To reactivate Xedilian for my Lord's pleasure, you'll need to find three Focus Crystals and return them to their resting place. Each crystal has a matching receptacle called a Judgment Nexus. Even you can't miss them. Without the crystals in place, the Resonator of Judgment, Xedilian's power source, cannot be restored." Asking him again will have him end the conversation, after claiming that he can't help you any further. "You have the Attenuator, the Manual, and a map. I'm certainly not going to carry you there, so I'd suggest you get to it. Place one foot in front of the other... you know how it goes."
Understanding Madness[edit]
Once you return from Xedilian, having successfully reactivated the Attenuator of Judgement, speaking to Haskill will have him recommend that you inform Lord Sheogorath of your exploits at Xedilian in his service. "I am sure Lord Sheogorath will be thrilled to hear whatever pressing matter you have to discuss with Him. I believe you have some news for Lord Sheogorath. Perhaps you should be speaking with Him instead of illuminating me with your presence."
Once you complete Haskill's request and speak to Lord Sheogorath, you will be granted the ability to summon Haskill, and are tasked with show casing this new power.
Once you successfully summon Haskill he will inform you on how he may assist you when you use this power. "Ah... our Lord has granted you the power to summon me. How wonderful for me. When summoned, I can offer advice on your current endeavor. I imagine it's up to you what to do with my wisdom. Do try to use your power sparingly. I have duties to which I must attend. Rather more important than shepherding you around, I'm sure." Continuing to summon him will earn you multiple comments expressing Haskill's constantly increased annoyance at you summoning him: "Ah, summoned again. My lord does so enjoy that, as is His prerogative. I'll assume you're done for now." "Yes, you've gotten rather proficient with your new ability. As I said, try not to abuse your power." "Have we not covered this? I believe you've mastered your new skill." "I was right there. You could have just walked over to me." "I assume you're having fun?" "Might we stop this now?" "Surely, you have something better to do." "Well done. Summoned again. I applaud you." "What a surprise. I'm summoned. Your skill in repetition is truly astounding." "Clever, You've summoned me again. My Lord has made quite a choice for his champion."
After this, summoning Haskill again before speaking to Sheogorath to learn your next duty will have him claim that there is no reason to summon him again for the time being. "That's enough. Really." Any further summonings before speaking to Lord Sheogorath will have Haskill repeat this line.
Once you have pleased Sheogorath by successfully summoning Haskill several times, you will be tasked to meet the Duke of Mania, and the Duchess of Dementia. Speaking to Haskill at this point will have him ask if you need help. "Yes? Do you require assistance?" Asking Haskill about the Greymarch will have him go over what his lord told you. "As my Lord told you, it happens at the end of every era, and Jyggalag walks the Realm. Few of the citizens can remember the last Greymarch. Or they choose not to." Questioning him about the obelisks that are encountered in the Isles will have him give you advice on how to shut the down. "Yes, you'll find them throughout the Isles. Jyggalag's forces use them as conduits into the Isles. Sheogorath has tried to remove them, but they always return. While they cannot be destroyed, they can be rendered inert. The Hearts of Order found on Jyggalag's Knights can be placed in the obelisks. Adding enough can cause the obelisk to become overloaded with power." Asking him about Jyggalag will have him reply by saying; "The Daedric Prince of Order, and the leader of the Greymarch. As I'm sure my Lord told you, Jyggalag has always been a threat to this Realm."
Having been tasked to meet with the Duke of Mania, Thadon, Haskill will advise that you meet with the Duke immediately; "He is aware you are here, and should be waiting for you. See him at once." Speaking with Thadon will have him ask in a somewhat incoherent manner that you recover the Chalice of Reversal. Unfortunately he will not give you its location. Asking Haskill about Thadon after being given Thadon's task will have him point you in the right direction for assistance. "Thadon has told you what he wants. Consider speaking with the others in his court, particularly his steward."Speaking to either Kithlan, or Wide Eye as Haskill suggested will have them point you towards Dunroot Burrow and explain what you must do to get inside. To get inside you must ingest Felldew, a drug extracted from Elytra. Notably the Chalice of Reversal cures the effects of Felldew. Asking Haskill about Dunroot Burrow will have him reiterate what you've already been told; "I believe you've already been instructed as to how to proceed. You'll need to ingest Felldew to enter the Burrow. You've already been warned that this will weaken you, so do take the necessary precautions." Asking Haskill about Felldew before reaching The Sanctum in which the Chalice is held will have him advise you on how to survive the drug's effect; "Do keep in mind that some Elytra will not consider you a threat while you are feeling the effects of Felldew Euphoria. You need to strike a balance with how often you ingest Felldew, and how willing you are to live with the side-effects." After reaching The Sanctum, speaking to Haskill about the Chalice of Reversal will have him claim that you don't need his help at the moment; "Do you really require help in finding it at this point? I suspect you can manage on your own from here." Asking him about the Chalice of Reversal after recovering it will have him explain how the Chalice has effected you; "The Chalice has altered the effects that Felldew has on you. You'll find that it now provides minor benefits, without any of the withdrawal."
The Lady of Paranoia[edit]
To complete the other half of the task given to you by Sheogorath, you must meet with Thadon's counterpart, Syl. Asking Haskill for his opinion on the Duchess of Dementia will have him offer you a piece of advice in dealing with her: "Her Ladyship is rather suspicious of all around her. Best for you to not question it, and merely do what she requires of you." Speaking to Syl will have her claim that their is a conspiracy against her that she requires you to deal with. As her "Grand Inquisitor" she grants you the service of her torturer, Herdir. Asking Haskill for his advice on your course of action in dealing with the conspiracy will have him suggest you make use of Herdir's abilities: "You have been asked to work with Herdir, I understand. Herdir has a great affinity for his work, and can be a very useful ally to you. Do not hesitate to make use of his talents." If you ask Haskill for his advice on the conspiracy after getting Herdir to follow you to assist in the interrogations will have Haskill inform you as to how best use your new resource: "You may find the enormity of your task daunting at first. Use Herdir's talents to aid you with those who are unresponsive to questioning." Interrogating either Kithlan or Ushnar gro-Shadborgob will have you pointed towards one of Syl's servants, Anya Herrick. Haskill will suggest that Anya may be uncooperative without proper motivation to speak: "Keep in mind that Anya is cowardly, and may require persuasion to tell you what she knows." If you try to convince Anya to talk without making use of the services granted to you by Herdir, you will discover that Haskill was correct as Anya will not talk. Going to Haskill for advice will have him tell you that you must torture Anya if you wish to learn more: "Torture may be a necessary evil to accomplish Syl's goals. Make sure Herdir accompanies you to talk to Anya." Anya will finally reveal what she knows under duress. Anya will reveal that Ma'zaddha has been trying to convince her to help him in a conspiracy to remove Syl.
- While Haskill cannot be attacked or take damage he will however flee if danger is nearby. The only thing Haskill can be harmed by seems to be damage coming from the environment; i.e, if he is summoned underneath a falling rocks trap he will be hurt by the falling rocks.
- He is voiced by Jeff Baker, who voiced the male Dunmer in Morrowind.
- It seems that the default dialogue for when you are vampire overwrites any unique dialogue from Haskill. Instead you will hear the various default comments in the generic Breton voice (instead of Jeff Baker's voice).
- His personality is unique amongst the Shivering Isles. He carries none of the typical personality traits of Mania nor Dementia. He has a rather melancholy, subtly annoyed, and usually sarcastic attitude towards his position.
Related Quests[edit]
All the Shivering Isles Main Quests. Haskill is also involved in Sheogorath's Daedric Shrine Quest if you complete Shivering Isles before doing the quest.
- A Door in Niben Bay: Cross the threshold of Madness.
- Through the Fringe of Madness: Get past the Gates of Madness.
- A Better Mousetrap: Activate the Resonator of Judgment.
- Baiting the Trap: Decide the fate of some greedy new adventurers in the Isles.
- Understanding Madness: Meet the Duke of Mania and the Duchess of Dementia and join their courts.
- Addiction: Return the Chalice of Reversal to Thadon, the Duke of Mania.
- The Lady of Paranoia: Investigate who wants Lady Syl, the Duchess of Dementia, assassinated.
- The Cold Flame of Agnon: Choose sides in the battle at Cylarne to relight the hope of New Sheoth.
- Ritual of Accession: Become a Duke/Duchess in the Court of Madness.
You choose one (and only one) of these two quests to complete the Ritual of Accession:- Ritual of Mania: Kill the Duke of Mania and take his place.
- Ritual of Dementia: Kill the Duchess of Dementia and take her place.
- Retaking The Fringe: Defend The Fringe and stop the attackers.
- Rebuilding the Gatekeeper: Find all of the parts of the Gatekeeper and rebuild it.
- The Helpless Army: Save the Mazken/Aureal from the Knights of Order.
- Symbols of Office: Procure the two items needed to craft the Staff of Sheogorath.
- The Roots of Madness: Cleanse the Pools of Madness.
- The End of Order: Fight the last battle against the forces of order and Jyggalag.
- The Prince of Madness: End the Greymarch; get your rewards.
- Occasionally, Haskill will not talk or respond in any way. To fix him, simply use Summon Haskill, which will reset him back to normal.
- If the player is 100% Vampire, Haskill will at times refuse to talk to the player. This cannot be circumvented, because the Charm spell will not work on Haskill, as he is set to Ghost state.
- If he is summoned in front of a wall, Haskill will occasionally be "stuck" inside the wall until the duration of the spell expires.
- When the Summon Haskill spell duration is finishing, it is possible to speak with him when he is vanishing. With precise timing, you can talk with him when he is about to fade away and it will look like you are talking to "nothing".