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UESPWiki:Podcast/3 07

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Prev: Episode 06 Season 3, Episode 07.
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Where did all these cultists come from?

In this episode of the UESPodcast, your hosts Pylawn and Doc are joined by baratron, guild master of the UESP PC-NA guild and bear aficionado, to go over the Elder Scrolls news of the week and dive deeper into the dungeons of the the Flames of Ambition update.

Twitch: VOD • Youtube: VOD • Anchor: Audio

Show Notes







  • Flames of Ambition Live on Consoles!
    • Tell us all about it Doc!
      • CP Changes! It seems like everyone’s DPS has gone down(around 6-10k seems to be the average).
      • LOVE the new quality of life addition of travelling inside or outside of your almost seems to good to be true! LOL
      • Seems to be ridiculous delay time for everyone when adding or removing anything from the bank(crafting bag it’s even worse) and when equipping items(A bit annoying). It’s not a time of day thing or a internet connection problem either...seems to be the game itself.
      • Many people have reported a mail bug going on, where they are not receiving mail when making transactions with players. Some guilds have lost quite a bit of gold--or people aren't receiving what they’re purchasing for HOURS after purchasing during auctions or through guild traders. Other guilds are cancelling their auctions in order to avoid the headache. I haven’t personally experienced the bug, but I know several people who have.
      • New Dungeons!
  • Jester’s Festival March 26th - April 1st
    • Three new quests!
    • Three (3) Event Tickets for your first completion of a Jester’s Festival daily quest each day. Which is quite generous.
    • This is your last chance to get the Deadlands Scorcher skin, next event has a different reward.
  • Ayleid Crown Crates!
    • Radiant Apex mounts are now available for purchase with Crown gems. A LOT of Crown gems.
      • 1200 for the Wolf, 1600 for the Horse and 2500 for the Senche.
      • Remember, you get 4-5 Crown gems per Ouroboros free crate from Twitch drops!
  • Don’t forget the Heroes Reforged is still going on so you can fix all your builds! Until Monday 22nd at 10am EDT / 2pm GMT for PC/Mac, Tuesday 30th at 10am EDT / 2pm GMT for Xbox One and PlayStation®4.
    • Don’t forget to claim your free Ambersheen Vale Fawn pet from the Crown Store!
  • How are you guys doing with all the CP changes?
    • Been Playing around with the CP changes and taking advantage of the Heroes Reforged event...I’m gonna be sad when I actually have to pay gold to respec!
      • So far I really love the new CP system...though it’s funny, all this time I felt special cuz I had 1160points, when max was 810...and now I feel like I have no points. LOL!
      • I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Craft constellation passives. 4 slottables is not enough!
      • I really just enjoy the versatility of what this new system gives us. You could be a DPS, but with a quick switch of slottable passives you could take on a more healer or even tanky role--or vice versa. I love that for people who maybe aren’t interested in running a bunch of toons, this gives them a feel of the other classes.
    • Respeced SOME characters for the new system - 3/4 on EU and 4/11 on NA.
    • Dynamic CP addon helps a lot.
      • Lets you rapidly change between Tank, Damage Dealer & Healer roles even though it involves moving CP between trees. (Sorry console people).
    • There is a 30 second cooldown timer on changing slottables but the UI doesn’t tell you anywhere.


  • Micro Mirror Gauntlet, featuring the Hall of Mirrors lane, decreased deck sizes, and another chance to earn copies of the alt-art Doppelganger!


Call to Arms:[edit]

  • New Dungeon Generator Rules!




  • Alec Gunn


  • DeandraB
  • Sfirniety


  • The Best TES podcast
    • ☆☆☆☆☆
    • Pylawn and company are always friendly and welcoming. Love being part of the UESP family and hearing their updates every week.
  • My Favorite Podcast ... Period
    • ☆☆☆☆☆
    • I am an ESO junkie and am absolutely obsessed with the Lore! This podcast has it all! Lore, news, and fun all the way through! Doc is my spirit animal! Pylawn is pure energy! And the guests each podcast are engaging and keep it fresh!


Scholarly Pursuits[edit]

I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.

  • Pylawn
    • Where did this week go?
    • Lots of randoms for CP
      • CP 820 now! What what!
    • Still playing around with my CP and Builds a bit
      • No luck on Medusa gear yet
    • Oblivion stream and killed more people! Also got a sweet house!
  • Doc
    • Been parsing A LOT with my Magcro(finally bought my own trial parsing dummy, so that I didn’t have to crash other people’s homes haha)and changed him from and Altmer to a Khajiit and I’m enjoying HER very much! Finally got 86k last night...but my goal is 90k!
    • Only ran nBDV briefly with two get a glimpse of it. We didn’t complete it(ran out of time), but got to see a few of the secrets and can’t wait to get back in there and see the rest!
    • Guess who’s back on PC?! (Me. It’s me. I’m back on PC) <.<
      • (No I’m not leaving console)
  • baratron
    • Had covid shot and as a result was too ill to play ESO (!!) for several days.
    • Have found a DPS rotation for Magicka Sorcerer and for Magicka Templar which DON’T HURT MY HANDS.
    • So now I need to farm Cloudrest until I get Siroria Daggers.
    • Played the new dungeons a whole bunch of times.

Topic: Dungeon dives![edit]

  • Black Drake Villa
    • Overview
    • Black Drake Villa is in the northern hills of Gold Coast.
    • 3 bosses, each with its own Hard Mode…
    • Except there are also 4 SECRET bosses!
    • Enemies include a tribe of goblins, minotaurs, and salamanders.
    • The 3 bosses are:
      • Kinras Ironeye - huge minotaur
      • Captain Geminus - archer with an evil twin
      • Pyroturge Encratis - sets things on fire
    • There is a new type of enemy called Fire Behemoth.
    • You can (but do not HAVE to) jump on geysers to progress through the dungeon. This teaches you a mechanic for the final boss.
    • Lore
    • Eveli Sharp-Arrow from Wrothgar will be in Black Drake Villa.
      • She’s a Bosmer archer, very young (24) and rather naive, having only left Valenwood for the first time just prior to her arrival in Wrothgar.
    • The cult there is called the True-Sworn. We have no idea who they are truly sworn TO.
    • It's named after Durcorach the Black Drake, a Reachman conqueror and first of the Longhouse Emperors.
    • The villa has been long-abandoned and all of the entrances sealed, for unknown reasons.
    • EXCELLENT Lorebook in this dungeon detailing members of the Elder Council and what happened to them upon Durcorach’s coronation - including promotion, demotion, and messy execution.
    • Durcorach ruled from 2E 534 to 2E 541.
    • In an effort to solidify his tenuous claim to the throne, Durcorach married Veraxia Tharn. (Not sure of her relationship to Abnur).
    • Durcorach died while leading an army of Reachmen in an invasion of High Rock in 2E 541; he was killed by 20 year old Emeric of Cumberland who later became High King Emeric.
    • Other Longhouse Emperors include Durcorach's son, Moricar the Middling, whose forces attempted to invade Western Skyrim, but were humiliatingly routed in a single battle by the army of High King Svargrim.
    • And Durcorach's grandson Leovic, who married Abnur Tharn’s 16th daughter Clivia. He was slain by Duke Varen Aquilarios of Chorrol in 2E 577 and can be found haunting the Imperial City Sewers.
    • All things considered, we could GUESS that the Black Drake Villa was sealed up sometime after the building of Varen’s Wall which separates the Gold Coast from the Colovian Highlands - but we have no proof of this -- baratron.
    • Thoughts?
    • The difficulty is somewhat lower than other DLC dungeons. We went straight to Veteran without doing Normal first. Some of our dungeon-diving expert guildies completed Veteran Hard Modes on the first or second day.
      • I suspect that ZOS have decided to lower the difficulty to ensure that all players get the opportunity to finish the story, regardless of their ability -- baratron.
      • I believe they did this because of the new CP system. There’s already so much people have to re-learn with their builds and setup, it would probably be extremely difficult to even complete them on normal if they were at the same difficulty level like the past DLC dungeons. I appreciate that ZOS took that into consideration...but I wonder if they will raise the difficulty level after some time? What do yall think? (Doc)
      • I have NEVER seen ZOS raise the difficulty level of dungeons, only ever nerf them. Otherwise, people would hold invalid Achievements -- baratron.
    • ZOS have also introduced mechanics which require 4 players in order to progress through the dungeon.
      • Though likely when Gates of Ambition is released with its Companion system, it will be possible to use NPCs to stand on pressure plates, and thus 2 or 3-manning will become possible -- baratron.
    • Salamander mechanic is super fun -- baratron.
    • It’s rather amusing - you get to ask Eveli why she’s accepted a mission from a person she’s never met before, but that is what YOU do all the time as the player character!
    • It really seems like Eveli is being set up for something… bit of a mystery.
    • She finds a strange journal during the quest with words that she can’t read. Is this the book she’s holding in the Gates of Ambition trailer?
    • UESP are very distressed by all the books on fire in the library!
    • New v v popular “meta” armor set for Stamina Damage Dealers found within: Kinras’s Wrath, a medium gear set that grants Major Berserk (greatly boosting your damage) to you AND Minor Berserk to your nearby allies.
    • Encratis’ Behemoth, the monster helm set, is a must-have for Dragonknight Trial Tanks in combination with their Engulfing Flames ability. Boosts Flame Damage from the entire group with a very high uptime (12 seconds every 15 seconds).
  • The Cauldron
    • Overview
    • The Cauldron is in the western part of Deshaan, west of Narsis.
    • 5 bosses with a Hard Mode at the end.
    • The 5 bosses are:
    • Oxblood the Depraved - a giant poisonous Ogrim
    • Taskmaster Viccia - a Xivilai wielding a maul
    • Molten Guardian - a kind of huge fire/rock atronach
    • Free Lyranth from prison - a boss encounter but not technically a boss in the normal sense? Waves of enemies plus an oil and fire mechanic.
    • Baron Zaudrus - a large humanoid Daedra who summons mini-Watchers and Daedroths. Big and red like Mehrunes Dagon himself.
  • Other enemies include clannfear, clannfear matrons, shalk, and Waking Flame Invokers which are firey Watchers!
  • Three regions: Prisons, Lava Caves, Temple.
    • Lore
    • Lyranth, the Dremora, is the quest giver.
    • We’ve met her several times already in ESO - in Ten-Maur-Wolk in Shadowfen, throughout the Coldharbour quest line, and in the Imperial City Prison.
    • She is accompanying a Dunmer, Drathas, who is trying to find his uncle, Avron (not OUR Avron) and father, Nevrasa.
      • "Not long ago we started hearing chanting and strange lights coming from this abandoned mine. We discovered this cult had moved in. Then, people began to vanish. They'd go on hunts or out to trade, and never return. Soon half the village was gone."
    • Lyranth has hired Drathas to access an important lockbox that she cannot touch.
      • "The lockbox's creator enchanted it with a ward that blocks access by Daedra such as I. In his hubris, he didn't think to ward against mortals. Assuming, I guess, they would never live to approach it."
    • The cult in The Cauldron is called the Waking Flame. This is the same cult featured in the Blackwood Prologue.
    • They’ve used the captives to excavate an old Mehrunes Dagon shrine and are planning to sacrifice them to re-sanctify it.
    • The lockbox contains a map. We have no other details about it.
    • Thoughts?
      • A simpler/quicker dungeon than Black Drake Villa.
      • Though according to the preview article, “We have thrown a couple wrinkles into this dungeon that players haven’t seen before,” says Finnigan. “There are some new ways to accomplish goals that also incorporate levers that allow players to increase the challenge, hard mode aside.” I have absolutely no idea what he means! -- baratron
      • Unleashed Ritualist is a possibly interesting set for Magicka characters running Pets (Sorcerers, Wardens, Necromancers). It also applies to pets summoned by other sets.

Dagon’s Dominion adds a ton of Weapon Damage to AoE attacks AND Stamina Heals.