Tamriel Rebuilt talk:Dunveri Rodran

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Dialog Conflict[edit]

When you talk to him he does not offer a travel option. (Version 20.1) His greeting includes: "Care to see the sights? Where can I take you?" His trade response is: "I'm a ship master. I can transport you by ship to various destinations for a fee." His destinations response is: "I transport wares from Tel Ouada to many places on board my ship, 'Wave Rendar'. No personal transportation, not even for a %PC's_Class%." All of this was with 100% disposition.

The article says he provides transport to Firewatch and Bal Oyra, he has the ship, he has the dock slip, but no travel option. Something seems very wrong. Is this a bug or a change in the mod design?

Kalevala (talk) 20:30, 12 July 2021 (UTC)