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Tamriel Rebuilt:Ulvo Telvor

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Ulvo Telvor (TR_m3_Ulvo Telvor)
Home City Aimrah
Location Lighthouse
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 6 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 74 Magicka 92
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Ulvo Telvor, the lighthouse keeper in Aimrah

"Glub glub"

Ulvo Telvor is the Dunmer lighthouse keeper of Aimrah, encountered during the events of Shadows under Aimrah. While largely insane at the time of the encounter, his nearby journal suggests that he was once a fairly normal individual.

Related Quests[edit]

Ulvo's Diary (TR_AimrahIC6_KeepersLog)[edit]

Entry 1
Well... I've finally arrived! A new job, in a new city, I am glad I could make it. A bit in the middle of nowhere, difficult to travel by road. I really should have taken the Silt Strider! Oh well, I am going to unpack my belongings.

Entry 2
Done! I am all set! Now I can rest a bit... Although, as a Lighthouse Keeper for a lake... It shouldn't be too hard, unlike my old location, the Bitter Coast on Vvardenfell... Always rainy, always cloudy, damp, and filthy! So gloomy and depressing... I will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER go back there! Here I can see the sun during the day, then Masser and Secunda and all the constellations during the night! Here I breathe clean air -- well, not really, to be honest. There is something stale in this building, but since it has been abandoned by the previous keeper, that was to be expected.

Entry 3
Well, I cleaned everything and everywhere, but traces of the foul smell remain... Oh well. The water of the lake must be infiltrating the stone. I just have to make sure that the Lighthouse's brazier is alight, and then I can get out. I have already met a few locals, and they are surprisingly friendly despite their odd look. One of them even proposed to celebrate my arrival. Here, in the Lighthouse. Well, I guess I should buy some liquor...

Entry 4
The party was... alright, I guess? There were seven of us actually, and, Vivec be blessed, I had enough to eat and drink. The only awkward moment was when I excused myself for the smell... They all stared at me with their bulging eyes... From their reaction, it looked like I was accusing them of smelling! But the weird moment passed, and they even explained that the previous keeper left because he couldn't stand the odor. Well, it is not enough to deter me! They were quite relieved to hear me say that.

Entry 5
Well. Visitors again. The six of them. We ate and drank, but, truth be told, I expected some quiet and privacy... Looks like the Lighthouse is their General Quarters or something! I will have to put an end to that...

Entry 6
Couldn't bring myself to get rid of them... It's weird, because it seems to me that they are waiting for something. From me? But what? I don't understand. They keep coming every two or three evenings...

Entry 7
Alright. Now I know what they wanted. I was cleaning the first floor, when I decided that this horrible Dreugh shield displayed there had to go away. I tried to take it down, but it just shifted slightly. I jumped when I heard a loud grinding noise behind me: a part of the wall had just disappeared! Behind this false wall, there was another door, but I had to cover my nose: the stench was overwhelming! It smelled like rotting fish and decaying meat combined! Horrible and disgusting, I nearly threw up... I could NOT open that door! I moved the shield back in place, and the wall took its normal place... But the next evening, when my visitors came again, I noticed their attention was either on the shield, or, sometimes, on the wall, but rarely on me...

Entry 8
I finally told them. That I knew about the secret door. And I told them that I didn't open it, and that I didn't want to know anything about it, and that I wanted them to just go away! Well, they didn't leave... But at least, now I have an explanation. Looks like the smell is indeed rotting fish and meat which is supposed to be some food for the Dreugh... I couldn't believe my ears. They were implying that the Dreugh were living under my Lighthouse! Ludicrous!

Entry 9
There are dreugh under the Lighthouse. A full colony. I forced myself to open that damned door, the faint smell was getting on my nerves, but beyond... the stench was horrendous, it made all my body hair either stand or wither! After a coiling gallery, I arrived at a huge dark cave. The first thing I noticed was the mushrooms... I had never seen them, even at the Bitter Coast! Only after my eyes got accustomed to the darkness, I saw the Dreugh... How many are there?!

Entry 10
At first, I thought it was some kind of nesting cave, but the cocoons were too big to be eggs or whatever form dreugh take at birth. One of my visitors insisted to give me a book about their life cycle, and, according to that book, there is a transition between Land Dreugh and Water Dreugh, called "karvinasim", and another between Water Dreugh and Land Dreugh, called "meff". I think that these huge sacks are the transition cocoon between these two states, probably the "meff".

Entry 11
I must admit, it is fascinating to see these creatures down here. They are quite peaceful -- unless you dive in the water. But apart from that, they just live their life. But... why here? And why the secret door?

Entry 12
One of them tried to attack me! I was so scared! I ran. After I calmed down, I decided to speak to the man who gave me the book about dreugh. We had a good talk. He confirmed that it is indeed a transition nest, and explained that there is a very ancient agreement between the Dunmer of Aimrah and the Dreugh of the Lake. In exchange for help against Argonians and a relatively quiet coexistence, Aimrah had to provide shelter and food for the Dreugh during transition... So, that dreugh was not attacking me, in fact, it was expecting some food.

Entry 13
So, I agreed with the Aimrah fellows to let them bring food to the dreugh. The one that tried to... well, to "speak" to me seemed satisfied... They are scavengers, so rotten flesh is not a problem. Actually, when one of the dreugh fails his transformation, either because of lack of food or because of some disease, the others eat the remains. It can be a long time before they need us to bring food...

Entry 14
I am accustomed to the smell now. It doesn't disturb me anymore. And I am rather satisfied with my studies about the dreugh. Few mer or men have the opportunity to approach them so closely, but... Something is off. Last night, my fellows brought a Guar for the Dreughs. A whole Guar. A whole Guar alive. They said that the Guar was old and useless, but they could have mercifully killed it before throwing it to the Dreugh!

Entry 15
Apart from my visitors, the denizens of Aimrah look at me weirdly... How was I led to believe this situation was normal? Feeding the Dreugh, the famous adversaries of Vivec? Maybe I should speak with the priest of St. Olms shrine.

Entry 16
Why is this door secret? OF COURSE, IT IS SECRET! Of course... I am an idiot. This is not the fulfillment of an ancient and venerable agreement. This is a cult. With... offerings. And... sacrifices. The previous keeper abandoned the Lighthouse, didn't he? But... did he?