Tamriel Rebuilt:Sevroth Teles

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Sevroth Teles (TR_m1_q67_Va1_Priest)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 1 Class Priest
Other Information
Health 25 Magicka 80
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 0(Layman)
Sevroth Teles

Sevroth Teles is a Dark Elf priest and Layman of the Tribunal Temple who is spreading propaganda in Port Telvannis for the Temple. Unfortunately, his activities have brought him to the attention of the fiercely-xenophobic Master Vaerin and his life is in jeopardy.

He wears a common robe with matching belt and shoes. He carries a copy of 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 36 and 27 gold.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Absorb Health, Absorb Health (Ranged), Almalexia's Grace, Almsivi Intervention, Balyna's Soothing Balm, Divine Intervention, Temple Song, Telekinesis, and Tevral's Hawkshaw.

Related Quests[edit]

Great House Telvanni[edit]


House Telvanni: Fools that Meddle[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Hello, child? Have you come to hear about the glory of Almsivi from an old mer?"

If you have convinced him to leave Port Telvannis:

"I'll be on my way shortly, %PCName." Goodbye

If you failed to convince him to leave Port Telvannis:

"I don't think we really have anything to talk about." Goodbye
  • leave town:
"I am old, %PCRace. Why would House Telvanni show such ingratitude to a faithful follower of our ways?"
  • You have been deemed an insurgent. This is your only chance to move along, priest.: "I don't care for the insolent tongue of today's youth. I will not go. I have as much right to this space as anybody. If you wish to strike down an unarmed old mer then let us see your steel." Goodbye (Disposition down to 15)
  • You may leave peacefully now or prepared to be martyred. Which is it?: (See above "I don't care..." response)
  • I don't know why they want you gone, I just know they do. If you flee now, you may live. If you stay, your death is certain.: "They wouldn't dare strike me down. I'm old, and such a move would create an uprising the likes of which has never been seen in this city."
  • And when Lord Dral descends from his tower, what will happen to the mer involved in this uprising?: "They will all die... You are right. I must go, if only to spare their lives." Goodbye
  • I grow impatient, fool. The Telvanni have spoken, and my sword will enforce their will.: (See above "I don't care..." response)
  • I don't really care what happens after you die, my only concern is to ensure that you are no longer here bothering us.: (See above "I don't care..." response)
  • Sevroth Teles:
"I am Sevroth Teles. Do you want to ask me something about the wonders of Almsivi?"


  • He only appears once you have started the quest 'Fools that Meddle'.