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Tamriel Rebuilt:Ratagos

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Ratagos (TR_m1_Ratagos)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Ranyon-ruhn
Location Temple
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 25 Class Priest
Training Restoration (80)
Blunt Weapon (68)
Mysticism (76)
Other Information
Health 140 Magicka 148
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 8(Master)

Ratagos is a Dark Elf priest and Master of the Tribunal Temple in Ranyon-ruhn and indeed the whole Telvannis District. He is one of the people on the mainland who can induct you into the Temple.

He faces a tough task, as House Telvanni is notoriously opposed to the Temple, although the common people may be more open to the message. He also has his suspicions about some mysterious events recently.

Ratagos is a trainer, and can improve your skills in Restoration, Mysticism and Blunt Weapon if you are of Curate rank or above in the Tribunal Temple.

He wears a common robe, a pair of common pants, a pair of common shoes, and a unique right gauntlet called Ratagos' Guard. He wields a silver staff, and carries a copy of The Gospel of Saint Roris and 34 gold.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Absorb Strength, Blood Despair, Blood Gift, Cruel Weary, Deadly Poison, Dire Weakness to Fire, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Shock, Feet of Notorgo, Fire Shield, Frost Shield, Great Levitate, Levitate, Lightning Shield, Masterful Fluid Evasion, Masterful Golden Wisdom, Masterful Green Wisdom, Masterful Unseen Wisdom, Poet's Whim, Sleep, Slowfall, Summon Greater Bonewalker, and Summon Skeletal Minion.

Related Quests[edit]

Tribunal Temple[edit]

House Telvanni[edit]


  • Greetings:
"Tread with faith, my child."

After completing all of his quests:

"What do you seek from me, my child?"
  • Background:
"I am merely a servant of Almsivi by the name of %Name."

If Disposition is at least 50:

"I am %Name, Master of the Temple here in Ranyon-ruhn. Although I am the most recently appointed Master, I am not inexperienced in the affairs of Telvannis District. Nevertheless, I still cannot truly reconcile myself to the annoyances of the Telvanni and Imperial Cult. But I would not have been appointed to be the voice of the Temple in Telvannis District if the Patriarch did not deem me able to overcome the difficulties I was sure to face here, and I must take some comfort in his confidence."
  • duties:

After completing all of his quests:

"I have no further duties for you. Speak with Lloris Dalan in Almas Thirr, Nalvs Andolin in Andothren, or Nivis Serethran in Hlan Oek."
  • Indoril:
"Ah, you speak of Teris. He's the armored Dunmer, over there by the wall. The kindest soldier I've ever seen, and a very faithful one. His only disadvantage is that he'll talk your ear off about House Indoril if you let him. Other than that, he represents everything a faithful Dunmer should."

If you are a member of the Tribunal Temple, but have not started 'Seht's Ward':

"An interesting weapon to be sure. It appears Chimeri in its design. A truly unique relic, to be sure. Take good care of it, %PCName. It might come in useful in the future."
"Sadas Plantation can be found on the western tip of the island on which Port Telvannis resides. It is a netch and silt strider farming colony. To get there, take the strider from here in Ranyon-ruhn to Tel Ouada, and from there catch riverstriders to Port Telvannis and on to Sadas Plantation."

Tribunal Temple: Chores in Port Telvannis[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Have you taken my message to Port Telvannis?"
  • duties:

If you have completed 3 mainland pilgrimages:

"You have completed your pilgrimages and proved your faith. Now, %PCRank, the real work begins. Your first task is simple. I would have you deliver a message to Port Telvannis."

If you have completed the pilgrimages of the Seven Graces:

"I would have you deliver a message to Port Telvannis."

If you were asked to complete 3 mainland pilgrimages, but have since then completed the Seven Graces:

"You have completed the pilgrimages of the Seven Graces and proved your faith. Now, %PCRank, your first task is simple. I would have you deliver a message to Port Telvannis."

If you are Patriarch rank in the Tribunal Temple:

"It is a privilege to receive the %PCRank of Vvardenfell. Should you wish to personally take charge of our duties, we need to deliver a message to Port Telvannis. Or perhaps you would prefer to learn about our pilgrimages on the mainland?"
"Have you delivered my message to Port Telvannis?"
  • message to Port Telvannis:
"I want you to take a message to the Telvanni Council in Port Telvannis, my child. You will need to deliver the message to Vero Renim, the 'public face' of the Council. While in Port Telvannis I want you to talk to some of the commoners there, to try and encourage support for the Tribunal Temple among the Telvanni populace, if such a feat is possible. Finally, I want you to go to the slave market and show compassion by healing any slaves there who have contracted diseases on their voyages to Port Telvannis." (You receive the Message to House Telvanni)
"Have you delivered that message, or done any of those other chores I asked of you?"
"You have delivered my message? What was Vero's response? Ah, he speaks as a true Telvanni. Straight to the point, and highly insulting. Well, at least I know Vero for his truthfulness. Here, take these scrolls of silence. I'm sure that's fitting compensation. What of the other chores I gave you, my child? How many slaves did you cure?" (Disposition up by 5, removed Official Reply from the Council, and you receive 2 Scrolls of Nerusi's Lockjaw)
  • Tell him about how many slaves you cured.:
If you cured 0 slaves:
"So, you cured no slaves? I am disappointed that you did not show more compassion. Well, child, what of your other task?" (See 'commoners' responses below)
If you cured 1 to 3 slaves:
"So, you cured only a few slaves? I am pleased that you did so, but slightly disappointed that you did not show more compassion. Here, take these drakes as a reward. Well, child, what of your other task? How many of Port Telvannis' commoners where you able to convince?" (Disposition up by 3, and you receive 50 gold) (See 'commoners' responses below)
If you cured 4 slaves:
"You have cured four slaves? I am impressed by your compassion, child. Here, take these coins as a reward. And what of your other task? How many of Port Telvannis' commoners where you able to convince?" (Disposition up by 5, and you receive 100 gold)
  • Tell him about how many commoners you convinced.:
If you convinced no commoners:
"You were unable to convince any commoners? Hmm, it is unsurprising, seeing as Port Telvannis is the Telvanni capital, but I am still disappointed by your apparent lack of effort. Very well, %PCName. I thank you for delivering my message, either way."
If you convinced 1 commoner:
"You were able to convince only very few commoners? Hmm, it is unsurprising, seeing as Port Telvannis is the Telvanni capital, but I am still disappointed by your apparent lack of effort. I do congratulate you for what you have achieved though. Here, you may take some gold as a reward. I thank you for delivering my message." (Disposition up by 2, and you receive 20 gold)
If you convinced 2 to 4 commoners:
"You were able to convince a few commoners? Seeing as Port Telvannis is the Telvanni capital, I am unsurprised you were not able to convince many. I congratulate you for what you have achieved though, it can't have been too easy. Here, you may take some gold as a reward. I thank you for delivering my message, either way, child." (Disposition up by 2, and you receive 30 gold)
If you convinced 5 to 9 commoners:
"You were able to convince quite a few commoners. I am impressed by what you have achieved, it can't have been too easy. Here, you may take some gold and this ring as a reward. You have done well in Port Telvannis, my child. I thank you for all you did." (Disposition up by 4, and you receive 75 gold and a St. Felm's Fire ring)
If you convinced 10 or more commoners:
"You were able to convince more than ten commoners? I am extremely impressed by what you have achieved, it can't have been easy. Here, take this gold, and this robe as a reward. I thank you for performing so well in this matter, and for delivering my message, child." (Disposition up by 5, and you receive 200 gold and a Robe of Llothis' Piety)
"You dealt with that issue, my child."

After completing all of his quests:

"Ah, yes. So you wish to know what the question I asked was? I asked the Telvanni whether they had had dealings with Molag Bal. They said they had not, and I believe them: for all his arrogance, I do trust Vero Renim for his truthfulness. After all, if the Telvanni had been dealing with Bal, I'm sure Renim would have wished to flaunt his Master's breach of Temple conduct to spite me, not hide it. Either way, you dealt with that issue, my child."
  • Vero Renim:
"A more impudent Dunmer I have never met. He exemplifies the Telvanni's poor attitude toward the Temple. Be wary around him, my child. He will most likely be inhospitable, and make your work as uncomfortable as possible."

Tribunal Temple: Support in Llothanis[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Have you been able to increase support for the Temple in Llothanis?"
  • duties:
"This time, my child, I need you to go to the town of Llothanis and increase support for the Temple."
"Were you able to increase support for the Temple in Llothanis?"
  • increase support for the Temple:
"Yes, as you did in Port Telvannis. It should be marginally easier this time, as although we are still in Telvanni territory, anti-Temple feelings are not as strong in Llothanis as in Port Telvannis."
"Have you been to Llothanis yet, %PCName?"
"So someone from Llothanis has gone missing? You should help them in this matter, my child."
"You discovered a dead vampire? This is worrying. If only the Telvanni would allow us more priests in their district, then no vampire could escape the fires of justice. But it is not right to speak of such things before you, my child. You are new to this area, and I should not trouble you with the issues I must face in my role of Master. So, were you able to get any support for the Temple?" (Disposition up by 3)
  • Tell him how many commoners you spoke to.:
If you convinced 1 commoner:
"Only the one commoner? I am disappointed in you, %PCRank. I expected better. I will not reward such a lax attitude to your duties." (Disposition down by 4)
If you convinced 2 or 3 commoners:
"Only a few commoners? I am disappointed in you, %PCRank. I expected better. I will reward you for your efforts, but I would hope you will be more attentive in the future." (You receive 20 gold)
If you convinced 4 or 5 commoners:
"So you convinced quite a few commoners? I am pleased, and will reward you for your efforts." (Disposition up by 2, and you receive 75 gold and an Amulet of Almsivi Intervention)
If you convinced 6 or more commoners:
"You managed to convince more than six commoners? I am very impressed, my child. You have surpassed what I expected, and I will reward you for your efforts." (Disposition up by 3, and you receive 100 gold and an Amulet of Almsivi Intervention)
"You did that, my child."

Tribunal Temple: The Gathering Storm[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Have you been able to escort those two pilgrims to Dadrunibi?"
  • duties:
"I need you to escort two pilgrims to Dadrunibi, the pilgrimage site."
"Have you taken the two pilgrims to Dadrunibi?"
  • two pilgrims:
"Yes, those two over by the door, in the robes. I need you to escort them safely to Dadrunibi, my child."
"Were you able to escort them safely to Dadrunibi?"
"You were attacked on the way to Dadrunibi? This is bad news. But you still need to finish escorting the pilgrims there."
"You were attacked on the way to Dadrunibi? This is bad news... At least you got the pilgrims to Dadrunibi. But was there perhaps something on the assailant's body that could help us identify him?"
"You were attacked on the way to Dadrunibi? This is bad news... At least you got the pilgrims to Dadrunibi. But... let me see that amulet the assailant was carrying. [Ratagos takes the Amulet from you, and looks shocked.]" (Removed Mysterious Sigil from your inventory)
  • What is the problem?: "No, this is not good at all... It would not do for you to worry yourself about this, my child. For now, this is a problem that I must deal with. But, should it become necessary, I will explain everything to you. Regardless, do you wish to continue your duties with me?" (Disposition up by 5, and you receive 200 gold)

If one of the pilgrims was killed:

"What? One of the pilgrims was killed? I am not impressed, %PCName, you should know better. However you still need to finish escorting the other pilgrim there."
"What? One of the pilgrims was killed? And you were attacked on the way to Dadrunibi? This is bad news. However you still need to finish escorting the other pilgrim there."
"What? One of the pilgrims was killed? And you were attacked on the way to Dadrunibi? This is bad news. At least you got the other pilgrim to Dadrunibi. But was there perhaps something on the assailant's body that could help us identify him?"
"What? One of the pilgrims was killed? And you were attacked on the way to Dadrunibi? This is bad news... At least you got the other pilgrim to Dadrunibi. But... let me see that amulet the assailant was carrying. [Ratagos takes the Amulet from you, and looks shocked.]"
  • What is the problem?: "No, this is not good at all... It would not do for you to worry yourself about this, my child. For now, this is a problem that I must deal with. But, should it become necessary, I will explain everything to you. Regardless, do you wish to continue your duties with me?" (Disposition up by 5, and you receive 200 gold)

If both pilgrims were killed:

"What? Both of the pilgrims were killed? I am not impressed, %PCName, you should know better. This is not good. Worse still, one of my inititates who takes messages to Sarvanni for me said he was attacked by a man carrying an amulet, one that I recognized."
  • What is the problem?: "It would not do for you to worry yourself about this, my child. No, this is not good at all... For now, this is a problem that I must deal with. But, should it become necessary, I will explain everything to you. Regardless, do you wish to continue your duties with me?" (Disposition down by 3, and you receive 50 gold)
"What? Both of the pilgrims were killed? I am not impressed, %PCName, you should know better. You say you were attacked on the way to Dadrunibi? This is bad news. Was there perhaps something on the assailant's body that could help us identify him?"
"What? Both of the pilgrims were killed? I am not impressed, %PCName, you should know better. You say you were attacked on the way to Dadrunibi? This is bad news. But... let me see that amulet the assailant was carrying. [Ratagos takes the Amulet from you, and looks shocked.]"
  • What is the problem?: "It would not do for you to worry yourself about this, my child. No, this is not good at all... For now, this is a problem that I must deal with. But, should it become necessary, I will explain everything to you. Regardless, do you wish to continue your duties with me?" (Disposition down by 3, and you receive 50 gold)
"That issue has been resolved, my child."

Tribunal Temple: Seht's Ward[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Were you able to recover the Amulet of Seht's Warding?"
  • Amulet of Seht's Warding:
"This ancient artifact from eras past was created by our Lord Sotha Sil in his youth. While he did not know it then, our Lord had created an amulet with protective power great enough to stave off even the most powerful spells. Unfortunately, the Amulet had long been considered lost, until recently when it fell in to the hands of the thrice-cursed Telvanni."
  • Where is it now?: "It now resides in Tel Darys, the tower of Telvanni Mistress Eldale, well known for her love of items from the Chimeri period of Morrowind's history. Go there, my child, and acquire it from her by whatever means necessary. I will give you this gold in advance, both to bargain for the amulet, and for the levitation potions you will likely need." (You receive 1200 gold)
"Have you been able to retrieve the Amulet?"
"So, this is the Amulet? There is no need to tell me what you went through to get it, my child. Perhaps that is best left unspoken. Either way, I congratulate you for bringing it to me, it may prove vital in the future. Keep whatever gold you have left over from what I gave you as your reward." (Disposition up by 5, and removed Amulet of Seht's Warding from your inventory)
"You brought the Amulet to me, %PCName."
  • duties:
"I must warn you, child, that events have taken a serious turn, and are moving faster than I had foreseen. Are you still willing to continue your duties with me, despite the possible risks we now face?"
  • Yes, Master.: "It is good to know I have a stalwart ally in you. This next task is of vital importance to me. I need you to recover the Amulet of Seht's Warding from the Telvanni Mistress Eldale."
  • No, but I may return to aid you later.: "Very well. Perhaps it is for the best. When you are ready, you may return here and finish your duties with me."
"Have you retrieved the Amulet of Seht's Warding?"
  • Kana-revis:
"An interesting weapon to be sure. It appears Chimeri in its design. A truly unique relic, to be sure. Due to its Chimeri nature, it is possible you would be able to trade that with Eldale for the Amulet of Seht's Warding. Certainly a possibility worth considering."
  • Mistress Eldale:
"I'm sure you need no further explanation as to my feelings towards the Telvanni. Suffice it to say that she resides in the tower of Tel Darys, in Gah Sadrith."
  • Tel Darys:
"It is the Telvanni tower at the center of Gah Sadrith. Gah Sadrith lies across the bay from Port Telvannis, on the Hlavan Isle. To get there, the fastest route would probably be by taking a riverstrider from Port Telvannis, Llothanis or Tel Ouada."

Tribunal Temple: A Friendly Warning[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Were you able to send my warning to the Imperial Cult, child?"
  • duties:
"I now need you to send a warning to the Imperial Cult."
"Did you send my warning to the Imperial Cult?"
"He's the head of the Imperial Cult in Telvannis District. Before my predecessor was dismissed, he had been trying to work with Tarom to engender better relations between the Temple and the Cult. It is partly due to this relationship that my predecessor was dismissed. I am determined not to make the same mistake, even if the advantages would be beneficial for us both."
  • warning to the Imperial Cult:
"Indeed. As I am trying to concentrate on the important issues that I am facing, I have of late been distracted by the emissaries of the Imperial Cult. I want you to go to Firewatch, and tell Tarom, head of the Imperial Cult there, that I will not tolerate further interference in my affairs."
"Have you sent my warning yet?"
"You sent my warning? Good work, my child. Hopefully my work shall be able to proceed more efficiently now, without their meddling. Here, take these potions as a reward." (Disposition up by 5, and you receive 3 Exclusive Restore Health potions)
"You were able to do that, %PCName."

Tribunal Temple: Epidemic in Ranyon-ruhn[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Have you been able to halt the spreading epidemic?"
  • duties:
"There is an extremely important matter to which I would have you attend. There is a spreading epidemic here in Ranyon-ruhn."
"Have you been able to halt the spreading epidemic?"
  • spreading epidemic:
"Three villagers have all requested healing from the Temple, they are Verana and Arthal Eindari, and Dilnar Llenim. I want you to go to them, heal them, and establish a list of their symptoms. Go quickly, my child, before the disease is able to spread any further."
"Have you established anything yet, %PCName?"
"You should deal with all three cases of the disease before we speak further."

If you cured the villagers in time:

"You were able to cure all three villagers? Excellent work, my child. What were their symptoms? [You describe the symptoms to Ratagos.] Oh dear, this is not good at all. My child, you have just described the symptoms associated with the vampire's disease: porphyric hemophilia. Perhaps it is time I told you about what I truly face here in the Telvannis District." (Disposition up by 5)
  • Continue: "You see, for some time now, I have suspected that a cult of the daedric prince Molag Bal, a prince associated with vampires, has been operating in this region. Recently, many events have evidenced this further: the dead vampire at Llothanis; the amulet found on the man who attacked the pilgrims at Dadrunibi, which held the sigil of Molag Bal; and now this atrocity: an attack on the very people I am sworn to safeguard, has convinced me that I am correct."
  • What should I do now?: "You have done all that you can for now. I shall send warning to Necrom, the Holy City of the Dead, and report that a cult of Molag Bal has been discovered. But first, I should reward you: please, take this staff, my child." (Disposition up by 2, and you receive a Staff of Meris' Grace)

If you didn't cure the villagers in time and haven't killed all the vampires:

"They were vampires?! The disease must have been porphyric hemophilia. Why were you not able to reach them fast enough, my child? I am extremely disappointed. And you say you have not yet killed all the vampires? Well do so, and quickly before something terrible happens!" (Disposition down by 5)

If you didn't cure the villagers in time and have killed the vampires:

"They were vampires? The disease must have been porphyric hemophilia. Why were you not able to reach them fast enough, my child? I am extremely disappointed. At least you have killed all the vampires, and ended their suffering. Perhaps it is time I told you about what I truly face here in the Telvannis District." (Disposition down by 5)
  • Continue: "You see, for some time now, I have suspected that a cult of the daedric prince Molag Bal, a prince associated with vampires, has been operating in this region. Recently, many events have evidenced this further: the dead vampire at Llothanis; the amulet found on the man who attacked the pilgrims at Dadrunibi, which held the sigil of Molag Bal; and now this atrocity: an attack on the very people I am sworn to safeguard, has convinced me that I am correct."
  • What should I do now?: "You have done all that you can for now. I shall send warning to Necrom, the Holy City of the Dead, and report that a cult of Molag Bal has been discovered. But first, I should reward you: please, take these scrolls, my child." (Disposition up by 1, and you receive a Scroll of Tevil's Peace and a Scroll of Insight)
"You were able to deal with that, my child."

House Telvanni: Peacemaker[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Ah, I was wondering when one of Mithras's pawns would show up. I suppose you are here to apologize for this offense to the Temple?"
"So, will you apologize for this offense to the Temple?"
  • offense to the Temple:
"I do not trust you to handle the situation, %PCName. [He smiles wryly] You are, after all, Telvanni."

If Disposition is at least 80:

"Very well, serjo. You appear to have good intentions, so I will tell you who it was who caused this offense to me. As I walked through the street yesterday, Dilnar Llenim blocked my path. Before I could ask him to move, he spat at me, and demanded that I leave Ranyon-ruhn, in less polite terms. Frankly, this was of little surprise to me. As the old saying goes, "better to preach to the deaf than to the Telvanni"."
"Have you spoken with Dilnar?"
"Have you spoken with Dilnar?"
  • Yes, and he gave me this letter of apology, and 100 gold for you.: "Thank you, serjo. It is good to see that Mithras holds some respect for me, even if his citizens do not. I shall maintain my work here, regardless of this offense." (Removed Letter of Apology and 100 gold from your inventory)
  • [Lie] Yes, and he gave me this letter of apology, and 25 gold for you.: "Thank you, serjo. It is good to see that Mithras holds some respect for me, even if his citizens do not. I shall maintain my work here, regardless of this offense." (Removed Letter of Apology and 25 gold from your inventory)
  • Yes. He refused to apologize, so I will give you 100 gold myself as compensation.: "That is most kind of you, serjo. It is good to see that you hold some respect for me, even if the citizens here do not. I shall maintain my work in Ranyon-ruhn, regardless of this offense. Thanks to you, serjo, I have renewed faith in the character of the Telvanni." (Removed 100 gold from your inventory)
If you don't have the gold for any options:
"That would be acceptable, were you not lying. I do not see those drakes on your person."
If you don't have the letter for the first two options:
"That would be acceptable, were you not lying. I do not see such a letter on your person."