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Tamriel Rebuilt:Passur-Sur Lookout

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Passur-Sur Lookout
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Almsivi Intervention Almas Thirr
Divine Intervention Old Ebonheart
Console Location Code(s)
"Passur-Sur Lookout"
Aanthirin, [4,-27]
Passur-Sur Lookout

Passur-Sur Lookout is a small Hlaalu tower found southeast of Oran Plantation, meant to watch the Thirr River and surrounds for escaped slaves.

It is the southernmost of the four[verification needed — Are there four or five towers?] lookout towers that guard the western bank of the Thirr River. While the stated purpose of the tower is to maintain control over the vast Hlaalu plantations on the western bank of the Thirr, other military applications seem likely. The river is a source of tension for both Great House Hlaalu and Great House Indoril, as much of the lands that these towers now guard was once governed by Indoril Llathsa from their seat in nearby Tur Julan.

Related Quests[edit]


Imperial Legion[edit]

  • An Old Grudge: Ensure an ex-thug's past comes back to haunt him.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location
Ammu Silathran Female Dark Elf Guard Great House Hlaalu Lawman(Lawman) 17 181 116 100 30
Ralam Hlaan Male Dark Elf Guard Great House Hlaalu Lawman(Lawman) 11 135 102 100 30
Tullo Verotus Male Imperial Imperial Census and Excise Office Taxman(Taxman) 5 69 118 90 30