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Tamriel Rebuilt:Omaynis Inn

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Construct a drinking den for the residents of Omaynis.
Quest Giver: Ulvys Ules
Location(s): Andas Estate: Foyer, Andothren
Prerequisite Quest: The Missing Merchant
Next Quest: The Reverse Rescue
Reward: 700 gold
Disposition: +10 (Tholer Andas)
Reputation Gain: +2 (general), +5 (House Hlaalu)
ID: TR_m4_HH_AND_OmaynisInn
The construction site in Omaynis


  • You must be of Oathman rank or higher in House Hlaalu to begin this quest.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Ulvys Ules at the Andas Estate in Andothren about a new inn in Omaynis.
  2. Travel to Omaynis and talk to Alvuru Omayn about the inn in Omaynis.
  3. Speak to Cornelius Vulpo about the new publican.
  4. Remove the Redoran workers by either:
    • Paying 400 gold.
    • Persuading them to leave (Debate test - see notes).
    • Persuading them that Ervan Indrano has stolen their pay (Speechcraft +40).
  5. Speak to Milns Lloran in Lloran Manor, Andothren, to negotiate a new contract and either:
    • Pay the 500 gold demanded.
    • Agree to install Nalvos Omayn as publican to get the workers for free.
  6. Recruit a new publican by either:
    • Asking Olvys Omayn.
    • Asking Nalvos Omayn with:
      1. +65 Disposition
      2. The Redoran workers gone.
      3. Rumors about his drinking.
      4. Alvuru's agreement that he can own the inn (needs +55 disposition).
  7. Speak to Alvuru Omayn about the Redoran workers, negotiate a new contract and new publican.
  8. Return to Ulvys Ules for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Talking to Dreynos Helvi about business after the events of The Missing Merchant will (if you have reached the rank of Oathman) result in a summons to the Andas Estate, which looms over the city. You must enter the estate's foyer and speak to Ulvys Ules for further business.

Ulvys has a task for you. It appears that an inn has been put under construction in the small town of Omaynis, but that the governor, Alvuru Omayn, has commissioned Redoran workers to build it. This is a state of affairs considered unacceptable by Ulvys, as Omaynis is a Hlaalu-run town. He'll give you 300 gold for expenses, and task you with convincing the governor to turn away the Redoran workers. He'll also make mention of a contact in Omaynis who you should speak to.

Arriving in Omaynis[edit]

Journey to Omaynis. It's reachable via silt strider from Andothren, or else via a walk west across Roth Roryn. The governor, Alvuru Omayn, can be found inside Omayn Manor in the highest part of town. Ask her about the inn in Omaynis. She'll explain that she was gazumped by the impatience of the townsfolk to have the tavern constructed - and that they went behind her back to hire the workers from House Redoran. Alvuru has called a halt to construction but now has several loose ends to tie up. She needs to get the Redoran workers to leave, and find a new publican, and negotiate a new contract for the inn's construction. Ask her about these topics as you wish, then when ready, proceed downstairs.

As you move to leave the manor, you'll be approached by the Hlaalu contact that Ulvys referenced - Cornelius Vulpo. He wants to talk to you about the new publican, as the governor's choice for the role - her brother - is considered manifestly unsuitable by the Hlaalu. Cornelius suggests recruiting her disgraced cousin, Olvys Omayn, as publican instead - indicating that this is the choice that the Hlaalu's leading light in Andothren, Tholer Andas, would greatly prefer.

Once you've finished talking to Cornelius, it's time to get to work. You can approach your tasks in any order.

Repelling the Redoran[edit]

The Redoran workers can be found around the inn construction site (pictured), wearing red shirts. Killing them carries the risk of sparking a House War and will receive an alarmed reception from Alvuru Omayn - failing the quest. Instead, talk to them on the topic of Redoran workers. Telling them "I think you should leave." will see them name their price - 100 gold per worker to get out of town, 400 in total. This is payable to their leader, Ervan Indrano. You can alternatively attempt to lie to any worker other than Ervan to convince them that he has pocketed their cash. This ploy requires 40+ Speechcraft to work.

Your final option is to speak to any worker, and when they ask for pay, choose "I think I have another idea". This allows you to argue that the workers may be shamed back home for working with House Hlaalu. This is a Debate test - measuring your Speechcraft, Intelligence and Luck, alongside your level of Fatigue and your opponent's Disposition. Success will persuade the workers to leave without payment.

Contractual Negotiations[edit]

Milns Lloran resides in Lloran Manor, in Andothren. It's on the far western side of the city. Milns is on the top floor. Speak to her, and she will note her extreme distrust of Tholer Andas. Milns has secured a new contract with workers out of Andas' control, but requires 500 gold from you to complete the deal. You can accept that offer if willing to pay - there are no negative consequences. However, there are options to get a cheaper deal. Start by asking Milns to negotiate a new contract, and responding "Wait, can't we make another agreement?". She'll offer to send you the workers for free - if you convince Nalvos Omayn to be the publican. Return to her if you achieve this, and she will send out the workers needed.

Choosing a Publican[edit]

Recruiting Nalvos Omayn[edit]

Nalvos Omayn stands outside Omayn Manor, assuming that the events of other quests have not removed him from play. If you wish to honor the governor's wishes and recruit him as the new publican, then talk to him about that topic. He'll express an extreme desire not to run the new tavern. You can ask him what might change his mind, and he'll express a desire for better conditions (and in general, for his sister to listen to him).

You'll need to do two things here. First, speak to Alvuru Omayn about Nalvos Omayn with 55+ disposition. She'll agree to make him the inn's owner if he accepts the position of publican. Then, ask local townsfolk about Nalvos Omayn. They'll mention two separate things - firstly, that Nalvos likes to drink, and secondly, that he despises the Redoran. Act on the Redoran rumor first by persuading the workers to leave, if you haven't already. You can then return to Nalvos and ask him one final time about the new publican, making the following arguments (in any order) as to why he should accept:

  1. "Your sister accepted to make you the owner, provided you invest the profits in the town."
  2. "You would get free drinks."
  3. "The Redoran workers are gone. The inn will be built by Hlaalu contractors."

(Make sure that you have encountered the two rumors from the townsfolk about 'drinking too much' and 'having a problem with the Redoran' or not all of these options will appear.)

Even now, Nalvos needs 65+ disposition to accept the position. Once he has agreed to take the position, speak to Alvuru Omayn, who will be delighted at the news and pay you 200 gold for your trouble.

Recruiting Olvys Omayn[edit]

Olvys Omayn runs Omaynis' current drinking hole, in the town's mine. Talk to him about the new publican. He'll be eager to accept the position, but knows that Alvuru Omayn will react poorly to the news. Assure him that he only needs to give Tholer Andas a share of the inn's profits, and Tholer will force Alvuru to accept him. He'll accept the role.

You can return to Alvuru now to inform her, but she'll reject the news out of hand unless you have completed the other parts of your mission - negotiating the new contract and removing the Redoran workers - in which case she will grumpily accept that an Olvys-run tavern will be a reality.

Wrapping Up[edit]

Once you have removed the Redoran workers, negotiated a new contract with Milns, and recruited a publican, return to Omaynis' governor, Alvuru Omayn, in her manor. Speak to her about Redoran workers, negotiate a new contract and new publican. She'll accept that she has no choice to accept Olvys if he was your chosen mer, and will reward you with 200 gold if you chose Nalvos. Your job is done - return to Ulvys at the Andas Estate in Andothren for your reward.


  • A Debate test measures your Intelligence, Speechcraft, and Luck and is modified by your Fatigue and the target's Disposition.
  • Your various actions are tracked throughout Ulvys Ules' quests, and while a choice of Olvys as innkeeper will meet with his approval, a choice of Nalvos Omayn will not, as Nalvos will ultimately refuse to pay anything to the Hlaalu - making for a black mark against your name.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Omaynis Inn (TR_m4_HH_AND_OmaynisInn)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Ulvys Ules told me that the construction of a well-needed inn in Omaynis is underway. However, he has received information that the contractors are Redoran, which cannot be allowed on Hlaalu territory. He asked me to take action to correct this mistake. I should start by speaking with the governor in Omaynis, Alvuru Omayn.
20 Alvuru Omayn admitted that she had been negotiating a contract with the Hlaalu, but they had been unable to agree on its terms. The residents of Omaynis then grew impatient and hired workers from Kartur to do the job. On top of that, she had intended her brother to run the inn, but he no longer wants the job. I need to get rid of the Redoran workers, go to Milns Lloran in Andothren to negotiate a new contract, and either convince Nalvos Omayn to take the job or find a new publican for the inn.
21 Alvuru Omayn admitted that she had been negotiating a contract with the Hlaalu, but they had been unable to agree on its terms. The residents of Omaynis then grew impatient and hired workers from Kartur to do the job. On top of that, she had intended her brother to run the inn, but he recently died. I need to get rid of the Redoran workers, go to Milns Lloran in Andothren to negotiate a new contract, and find a new publican for the inn.
30 I was approached by Cornelius Vulpo, who is Andas' contact in Omaynis. He recommended Olvys Omayn, who currently runs the pub in the mine, as a publican for the inn. He has a bad standing within the family, so Alvuru Omayn is not likely to willingly accept him, but if I can make him agree to give Andas a share of the profit, Andas will force her to accept. It may take a while, though, so I should focus on my other tasks if she objects.
40 Milns Lloran said she doesn't trust Andas, and will need some extra funds in order to hire a contractor that is out of his reach -- 500 gold should be enough. She would, however, cut the price if I can convince Nalvos Omayn to run the inn.
41 Milns Lloran said she doesn't trust Andas, and will need some extra funds in order to hire a contractor that is out of his reach -- 500 gold should be enough.
50 I decided to pay Milns Lloran to hire a Hlaalu contractor to finish the inn.
60 Since Nalvos Omayn had agreed to be the publican, Milns Lloran promised she will arrange for a Hlaalu contractor to finish the inn, without charging for it.
65 Milns Lloran is dead, so I'm not likely to find someone to hire a contractor for the inn. I should let Ulvys Ules know about this.
70 Alvuru Omayn was furious about learning that I had killed the Redoran workers. She told me that could lead into a House War, so she'll need to focus the next couple of months on negotiating with House Redoran to prevent that. Thus, the inn is not likely to get finished anytime soon. I should let Ulvys Ules know about this.
75 All of the candidates for running the inn are dead. Alvuru Omayn was reluctant to allow anyone else in the neighborhood to take the job, and has thus called off the work on the inn for now.
80 Finishes quest☑ Alvuru Omayn is dead. The inn is not likely to be finished within the foreseeable future without her around to approve it.
85 Finishes quest☑ Ulvys Ules was unhappy that my actions will delay the completion of the inn.
90 With all problems with the preparations for the inn resolved, construction may begin. I should return to Ulvys Ules for my reward.
100 Finishes quest☑ Ulvys Ules was happy that I was both able to get rid of the Redoran workers, and negotiate a good deal with Olvys Omayn to run the inn. He paid me decently.
101 Finishes quest☑ Ulvys Ules was content that I was able to get rid of the Redoran workers, but thought Nalvos Omayn was a poor choice as a publican and was afraid he would bring trouble later on. He paid me decently nonetheless.
110 Finishes quest☑ Ulvys Ules rewarded me with some of gold from Andas' treasury for being able to solve the troubles with the inn.
150 The inn in Omaynis should be finished now. I should return there and have a look whenever I find time for it.
Omaynis Inn (TR_m4_HH_AND_OmaynisInn2)
10 The Redoran workers told me that I will have to pay them 100 gold each in order to buy them out of their contract.
20 I've paid the workers their dues. They will now leave Omaynis.
30 I was able to convince the workers to leave Omaynis.
40 I was able to trick the other workers into believing that the head builder is taking extra pay for himself. They decided to beat him up, and will now leave Omaynis.
50 Alvuru Omayn was happy that I had been able to convince the Redoran workers to leave.
70 I've killed the Redoran workers. I should let Alvuru Omayn know about this.
Omaynis Inn (TR_m4_HH_AND_OmaynisInn3)
10 Nalvos Omayn told me that the idea of having him run the inn was one of his sister's schemes to keep him away from her power, and stubbornly refused my request. He also thought the job as a publican was below his position, but hinted that he could maybe change his mind if I'm able to negotiate a good deal with the governor, provided other conditions were improved. Perhaps the locals have some clues of what could sway him?
20 Alvuru Omayn agreed to make Nalvos Omayn the owner of the inn if he accepts to become its publican, as long as he agrees to invest the profits in the development of the town.
30 Someone told me that Nalvos Omayn doesn't like the Redoran. Therefore, my chances on convincing him to run the inn will likely improve if I manage to get the Redoran workers out of town.
40 A resident of Omaynis told me that Nalvos has a drinking problem. Perhaps I can use this to my advantage?
50 Olvys Omayn would gladly accept to run the new inn. He will have no issue with giving Andas a share of the profits.
60 I was able to convince Nalvos Omayn to accept the offer to run the inn.
70 I've decided to let Olvys run the inn. Alvuru Omayn was not happy with this decision, but realized she had no other choice than to accept.
80 I've decided to let Nalvos run the inn. Alvuru Omayn was happy with this decision, and paid me for my help.

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