Tamriel Rebuilt:Hvederik

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Hvederik (TR_m3_Hvederik)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Guild of Fighters
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 8 Class Barbarian
Training Axe (56)
Blunt Weapon (56)
Medium Armor (56)
Other Information
Health 106 Magicka 72
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Fighters Guild 2(Journeyman)

Hvederik is a Nord barbarian and a Journeyman of the Fighters Guild. He can be found on the ground level of the guild hall in the Imperial city of Old Ebonheart, on the mouth of the Thirr River, and offers training in Axe, Blunt Weapon and Medium Armor to a middling level.

He wears an extravagant shirt, a pair of extravagant pants, and a pair of Nordic fur boots. He wields a Nordic battle axe and carries a silver candlestick.

Aside from his natural resistance to shock, immunity to frost, ability to shield himself, and a natural frost damage spell, he knows no spells.