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Tamriel Rebuilt:Hlavora Gilnith

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Hlavora Gilnith (TR_m2_Hlavora_Gilnith)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Location Alt Bosara, [36,-4]
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 4 Class Shipmaster
Llothanis and Necrom
Other Information
Health 49 Magicka 106
Alarm 85 Fight 30
Hlavora Gilnith

Hlavora Gilnith is a Dark Elf shipmaster who can be found docked outside Alt Bosara. She offers passage on her ship from Alt Bosara to Llothanis and Necrom for a fee. She has an ongoing rivalry with the local therionaut, Masalmalu Mendas.

She wears a common shirt with matching skirt, shoes, and belt. She carries a fishing pole.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.


  • Greetings:
"Greetings, %PCRace, and welcome to Alt Bosara. I am %Name. I offer the best and most reliable transportation services around. Travel by ship, and you can be assured of a safe and swift trip. Certainly safer and swifter than traveling via river strider. I'm quite sure you'll make the right choice."
"Welcome back, %PCName. Have you come to me for my reliable transportation services? I can take you to any destination reachable by ship, always for a fair and unchanging price."
  • Background:
"I'm %Name, just a humble shipmaster providing my quality services to the public for a fair and unchanging price. That's all you need to know, %PCName."
  • destination:
"My ship can take you from Alt Bosara to Necrom and Llothanis to the north."
"I've heard lots of varying stories about the place, but Masalmalu's story is completely unbelievable. She claims that her family actually built the place as a landmark to guide Riverstriders. I do not wish to discredit her, but I know arrogance when I see it."
  • latest rumors:
"I heard this awful rumor that Masalmalu Mendas would be overcharging her customers. Apparently she changes the costs of her services depending on the wealth of her customers. I just hope for her that this isn't true. All I can say is that I always charge the same fair price for my services, each and every time."
  • little advice:
"If you need to travel by sea, travel by ship. I've heard countless stories of horrible accidents regarding riverstriders, and I myself wouldn't want to take any such risk. Besides, ships are universally used and are far more efficient and reliable than magically mutated insects. Of course, the choice is yours."
  • little secret:
"The other day I heard something startling from a local. Apparently Masalmalu Mendas has been stealing from her customers. The local told me that Masalmalu is heavily indebted and as a result goes out stealing her customers wares and then calls it an 'accident'. I don't know what to believe, but I sure do pity her."
"He's doubtlessly a fine Master, although a little impractical. He could make a lot more money if he'd allow people to trade with Necrom. Not that he doesn't allow it of course. It's only discouraged. And I have no need to start acting courageous."
  • my trade:
"I'm a shipmaster. I transport people and goods to other locations via the sea. I can take you up Lake Boethiah or down towards Necrom. The most reliable way to transport goods is via me. Really, I am the best you can get in town. Lots of people tell me they don't understand why we even have a Riverstrider in Alt Bosara. I'm not going to slander my competitor, but I do think the locals have a point, don't they?"