Tamriel Rebuilt:Gerardus Tilianus

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Gerardus Tilianus (TR_m3_q_Gerardus)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Curia: Offices West
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 8 Class Scribe
Other Information
Health 87 Magicka 130
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Gerardus Tilianus

Gerardus Tilianus is an out-of-work Imperial scribe found within the Offices West area of the Ebon Tower's Curia. After applying for numerous positions within Old Ebonheart, he has come to the Minister of Hlaalu Affairs, Glaucia Rumariil, who has promised him employment in Andothren. Glaucia proposed that Gerardus replace Nalvyna Balen at Andothren's Port Authority - a proposition that Nalvyna will send you to protest against during the events of A New Employment.

A new role can instead be found for Gerardus within the Fighters Guild, satisfying Glaucia and allowing Nalvyna to keep her position.

He wears an expensive shirt, with matching pants, shoes, belt, and ring. He carries a quill, 5 random gold, and a random paper.

Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows the following spells: Cure Poison, Great Heal Companion, Resist Fire, Rest of St. Merris, and Seryn's Gift.

Related Quests[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]

A New Employment: Search for vacancies for a jobless scribe.


  • Greeting:
"No, I don't work here. I've just turned to the Minister for Hlaalu Affairs to get help with finding a job."

House Hlaalu: A New Employment[edit]

  • Greetings:
"So you're the one who's going to find me a job?"
"Glaucia told me I will start working at the Fighters Guild. I hope I won't have to do any fighting."
"Greetings, %PCName. This job suits me perfectly. I couldn't imagine the Fighters Guild would have such need for a scribe!"
  • job for a scribe:
"I thought I was going to get a job in Andothren, but now you're saying that you'll look for one here in the city? I've been asking everywhere I thought might have need for my trade, but I might have overlooked something. But I'd advise against asking the Burgrave, the Briricca Bank, the East Empire Company, the Customs or Harbor Offices, as well as any of the private manors, because I already asked and they all turned me down."
"Thanks for finding me a new job."