Tamriel Rebuilt:General Casik
General Casik (TR_m3_Casik) | |||
Added by | Tamriel Rebuilt | ||
Home City | Old Ebonheart | ||
Location | Ebon Tower, Legion: Cell | ||
Race | Imperial | Gender | Male |
Level | 1 | Class | Knight |
Other Information | |||
Health | 45 | Magicka | 80 |
Alarm | 0 | Fight | 30 |
General Casik is an Imperial knight and a disgraced officer of the Imperial Legion, accused of treason after he allegedly plotted to lead Imperial Legion troops directly into an Argonian ambush, presumably during the Arnesian War. He has languished in the cells of the Ebon Tower's Legion Headquarters for thirty years, being found in the first one on the left after entry into the dungeons.
Years of neglect have left him apparently weak and an easy target of murder, with only few repercussions, should you decide to do this during the course of his associated quest, Belated Justice. He is determined to prove his innocence however, and has sent persistent missives to Belisatha Mede at the Ministry of Justice. Both she and Olfvur Steel-Skin have tired of the situation, and will send you to persuade him to stop.
Casik claims that a Daedric doppelganger performed the crimes of which he is accused, perhaps referencing the events of the Imperial Simulacrum, where Imperial Battlemage, Jagar Tharn, impersonated Emperor Uriel Septim VII, and was said to have placed dopplegangers in positions of influence - most notably, the heirs of the emperor themselves. Uncovering the truth of Casik's claims forms a major part of his quest.
Before his imprisonment, there were two important people in Casik's life - his wife Nerasa Veran, a priest of the Tribunal Temple, and his former aide, Caecalia Victrix, who has since gone on to become Lord General, the commander of all Imperial Legion troops in Morrowind. However, his relationship with his wife had become strained, and he came to avoid her, even maintaining an Argonian lover on the side known as Deesh-Ja.
He wears a pair of common pants, an Imperial belt, and a pair of slave's bracers.
Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells.
Related Quests[edit]
- Belated Justice: General Casik has been languishing in a dungeon for three decades. He still insists that he is innocent.
Belated Justice[edit]
- Greetings:
- "I can't believe it! A visitor, after so long. Has the Minister of Justice finally listened? Has she agreed to hear my case?"
- She has sent me to ask you to drop your plea.:
- "I'm not guilty! You must tell the Minister that I am innocent! I was framed, impersonated by a Daedric doppelganger! They claim that I was going to lead my army into a Black Marsh ambush, but it was the Daedra, not me! Tell me, %PCRace, do you have the gift of persuasive speech? If you could help me present my case, I could seek redress for these false accusations. Will you help me? Will you prove my innocence?"
- I am not interested in helping you.:
- "I suspected as much. For thirty years, I have sunk deeper and deeper into despair. I still hold out hope that one day I will be vindicated, but that hope grows fainter every year that passes."
- I will help you, but I need more information.:
- "Yes, I thought as -- Wait! You said you'd help me? Praise the Nine! I'd come to think that no one would be willing to bend an ear and help me find redemption. I'll gladly tell you everything that happened, %PCRace, and then you can go convince the Minister of Justice to release me. Tell me, what is the name of my savior?"
- [Tell him your name.]:
- "Well, %PCName, I'll tell you everything I know. Perhaps the Minister will listen to your intercession on my behalf. Thirty years ago, I was not the man you see here in this prison cell. I was then commander of the Imperial Legion here in Old Ebonheart, loved by my men, happily married, with bright hope for the future. But then I was undone."
- Continue:
- "I was impersonated by a Daedric doppelganger. In my guise, he drafted plans to sow chaos between Morrowind and Black Marsh. He intended to lead my men into an ambush of Argonians, spark a border war, and inflame eastern Tamriel in war."
- How did you uncover the deception?:
- "My duties at headquarters kept me busy at all hours of the day, and it was my custom to return home late. One evening, as my work was done and I had no excuse to linger, I returned home and went to my study. What I saw there chilled me to my core. A man who appeared to be my double was sitting at my desk, writing. As I stepped forward, he calmly capped his inkwell, then looked up at me and gave an echoing laugh. It was a Daedra, I'm sure of it." (Disposition +20)
- What did you do then?:
- "I called out in challenge, and the figure vanished as if made of smoke. I searched the grounds of my home and questioned my servants, but no one had seen anything out of the ordinary." (See 'Why was it your habit...', 'How did you know...', and 'no further questions' choices below)
- Why was it your habit to return home so late?:
- "That's not really relevant. Do you have any other questions?" (See 'What did you do...', 'How did you know...', and 'no further questions' choices below)
- (If Disposition ≥ 50 or your Speechcraft ≥ 50)
- "Well, I don't see the harm of telling you. My wife and I were not on the best of terms. I had developed a habit of staying late at my quarters at the garrison. We were civil to each other, but we had grown apart."
- I see. That must have been painful for you.:
- "That's all in the past. Now, I need you to prove my innocence so that I can win my freedom from this prison!" (See 'What did you do...', 'How did you know...', and 'no further questions' choices)
- You probably deserved it.:
- "And have you never committed a misstep? What choices have you made in your life that you've regretted? Anyway, all that is in the past. Now, please, I beg you, prove my innocence so that I can win my freedom from this prison!" (Disposition -5) (See 'What did you do...', 'How did you know...', and 'no further questions' choices)
- How did you know it was a Daedra?:
- "When it spoke to me, I swear I could see its eyes flash red. I suppose it could have been a spirit of some kind, or a mage who disguised himself as me. Perhaps in a manner akin to Jagar Tharn's deception? Perhaps you can uncover the truth, %PCName." (See 'What did you do...', 'Why was it your habit...', and 'no further questions' choices)
- I have no further questions now, but perhaps I will have more later.:
- "Thank you, my deliverer! Perhaps you can speak to my wife, Nerasa Veran, or my former aide, Caecalia Victrix, now Lord General of the Imperial Legion. I'm sure they can tell you more to prove my innocence. My wife should be in the castle somewhere, and as for Caecalia, she is upstairs in the Legion headquarters. When you have gathered your evidence, please plead my case to Belisatha Mede."
- Surely you don't expect me to believe this story.:
- "I swear to you by all that is holy that it is true! Please, you must believe me! I've been falsely imprisoned here for thirty years! If you're going to mock me, then get out of here and leave me to my torment!" Goodbye (Disposition -10)
- (If you haven't already started the quest):
- The Minister? What are you talking about? You're clearly guilty of something, or you wouldn't be locked up here.:
- "Yes, the Minister of Justice, Belisatha Mede. I've sent her countless appeals to get my case heard, and thought she might have sent you.
- Wait! Tell me, %PCRace, do you have the gift of persuasive speech? If you could help me finally present my case, I know she will listen to you, and then I could be free of this prison. Will you help me? Will you prove my innocence?"
- Forget it. I'm not interested in helping you.: (See 'I'm not guilty!' response above)
- Wait! Tell me, %PCRace, do you have the gift of persuasive speech? If you could help me finally present my case, I know she will listen to you, and then I could be free of this prison. Will you help me? Will you prove my innocence?"
- Let me see what I can do, but I need to know more about your situation.: (See 'Yes, I thought as...' response above)
- I'd rather not listen to the ravings of a madman.: (See 'I suspected as much...' response above)
- "Have you changed your mind, or are you here to insult my honor further? If you're not here to help me, then get out of my cell and leave me to my writing. I'm drafting another letter to Belisatha Mede. Surely she will listen to this one."
- OK, I'm ready to listen.: (See 'My duties at headquarters...' response above)
- Are you sure you're not making this story up?: (See 'I swear to you...' response above)
- "What news do you bring, %PCName? Have you been able to secure my release?"
- Can you tell me your story again?: (See 'My duties at headquarters...' response above)
- I haven't got any news yet.:
- "Alright then. When you have gathered your evidence, please plead my case to Belisatha Mede."
- (2/3 chance of appearing):
- "Do you have news, %PCName? Will the Minister of Justice hear my case now?" (See 'Can you tell me your story again?' and 'I haven't got any news yet.' choices)
- (1/3 chance of appearing):
- "Hello, again, %PCName. You know, yours is the only face that I have looked forward to seeing in quite some time. What news do you bring?" (See 'Can you tell me your story again?' and 'I haven't got any news yet.' choices)
- Background:
- "%Name is my name. Once, I was a highly regarded officer and devoted husband. Now, I have lost everything. I have languished here for what seems an eternity. I'm nearly at my wits' end."
- Caecalia Victrix:
- "Yes, my former aide. I trusted her, %PCName. Perhaps too much, it seems."
- (If Disposition ≥ 30):
- "Caecalia was my aide back when I held her current post. I trusted her implicitly and was bewildered when she accused me of treason. I don't bear her malice for her accusations, and there's no one better suited for her position, but if only she had listened to me! If only she had been less unyielding! She knew me better than anyone else, even my wife, and she still chose to believe that I was capable of treachery."
- (If you have found out about the bribery attempt):
- "I never had that conversation with Caecalia. It was the Daedra, I tell you, not I!"
- Deesh-Ja:
- "We met at the Argonian Mission in Ebonheart. Her eyes were her best feature, %PCName. They were like great crystal lakes in summer, first emerald, then sapphire. I will never forget her."
- little secret:
- "I have no secrets. Except... no. Any that I might have once had have shriveled up and blown away in the wind."
- (If Disposition ≥ 75):
- "I trust you, %PCRace, I do, but not that much. Not yet."
- (If you know about Deesh-Ja):
- "Yes, you know about Deesh-Ja now. She was a great comfort to me in the brief time that I knew her. I wonder where she is now, and if she would recognize me. I would dearly love to see her again one day."
- Nerasa Veran:
- "Through my arrest and incarceration, I have brought shame and dishonor to Nerasa. She does not deserve the fate she has suffered."
- (If Disposition ≥ 50):
- "Although the affection Nerasa and I once shared is all but dead now, my conscience still wracks me over how her reputation has been damaged. Being the wife of a disgraced former general isn't easy to live down. She is a good woman, and she does not deserve what has happened to her."
- property in Nibenay:
- "What's this about land in Nibenay? %PCName, there must be some mistake. I've never owned land in the Imperial Province."
- (If you know about the Nibenay Basin land deed):
- "My wife found what? I can't believe it! And you say it has my signature on the land deed? I -- I don't understand how this can be. May I see it?"
- Here, is this your signature?:
- "Why, yes, it is, but this is impossible. The signature is mine, but I've never seen this deed before in my life. The Daedra must have left it amongst my papers, or someone planted it there. I know this looks damning, but I've never seen this document in my life."
- (If you don't have the Nibenay land deed):
- "You don't seem to have the land deed, %PCName."
- I actually don't have it.:
- "I see. Curious. I'd dearly love to see that document, but it must be a forgery. I've never owned any land, in the Niben or anywhere else."
- "I do not know why Stannicus corroborated Caecalia's story. He was an able officer when he served under me."
- woman on the side:
- "I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about, %PCName."
- (If Disposition ≥ 50):
- "So, Caecalia told you about Deesh-Ja, did she? I haven't seen Deesh-Ja or heard her name in three decades. You say she left the city not long after I was incarcerated? I would dearly love to see her again."
- Do you have any correspondence you saved from her? If you have a letter you can give me, perhaps I can track her down.:
- "I do, but I'm not turning it over to you. You don't need it to prove my innocence. It's the only memento I have left of Deesh-Ja. I couldn't bear to lose it."
- (If Disposition ≥ 70):
- "Oh, %PCName, would you do this for me? Here, this is a letter she once wrote me. I believe she had a sister in Stormhold, right across the border in Black Marsh. If you do find Deesh-Ja, please tell her that I miss her very much. Don't tell her the state you found me in, though. I couldn't bear to have her see me like this." (Disposition +10, and you receive the Letter From Deesh-Ja)
- What's in the past is best forgotten. You're better off never seeing her again.:
- "I'll never forget her, %PCName. I know I'll never see her again, but for a short time, she brought me so much joy."
- Perhaps she was involved in some sort of plot against you.:
- "Never! Deesh-Ja was pure as the driven snow, %PCName. She would have never been part of some plot to bring dishonor down upon me."
- "Yes, Deesh-Ja. It has been so long. I don't even know if she's alive anymore, but I will never forget her."
- Casik's true story and purpose has been left purposefully ambiguous by the developers, with no definite link to the Simulacrum drawn other than Bravilo Julianian's accusations that Casik has plagiarized his story from those events.