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Tamriel Rebuilt:Ancestral Tombs

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For the Morrowind article, see here.

Indosi Ancestral Tomb


"Guard your Ancestors from beasts, from thieves, from profane priest and sorcerers. Let no creature steal your spirits, for the plundered hearth is diminished, and the plundered tomb is shamed." - The Doors of the Spirit

The Dark Elves of Morrowind have long interred their dead in family tombs as part of a tradition of ancestor worship, and these tombs are scattered across mainland Morrowind just as they are on Vvardenfell. Some are in a poor state of repair, perhaps due to remoteness or a dying out of the family line. Yet many are still visited by living members of the family, for Dunmer faith commends keeping a close bond to those who came before:

"Pay reverence through gift and prayer. Acquaint the Ancestors with your affairs, with your comings and goings, with your blessings and trials." - The Doors of the Spirit

Almost all ancestral tombs are of a single archeological style, consisting of an underground series of corridors and chambers. Pitfalls and locked doors guard against thieves, as does the occasional secret passage and patroling undead. The treasures buried with the deceased often prove alluring to bandits - particularly outlanders who lack the veneration for these sites that natives possess.

One exception exists to the Velothi architectural style in which almost all tombs are moulded. This is the Raathim Ancestral Tomb, which plays host to a royal bloodline, and is constructed in the style of Old Mournhold and the architecture of the Indoril.

Mainland Tombs[edit]

For all pages in the Ancestral Tombs category, see here.