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Tamriel Rebuilt:Absolon

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Absolon (TR_m1_Absolon)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Firewatch
Location College of Firewatch, Library Tower
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 25 Class Sorcerer
Training Conjuration (95)
Destruction (85)
Mysticism (80)
Other Information
Health 141 Magicka 162
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Mages Guild 6(Warlock)

Absolon is a Redguard sorcerer who teaches Innovations in Magecraft at Firewatch's College. While it costs 1000 gold to enroll in the course, doing so allows you access to his high level training in Conjuration, Destruction and Mysticism.

The professor appears during Firewatch's Mages Guild questline, as a more cautious expert on the Daedra than fellow enthusiast, the archmage Gindaman. Although Absolon does not know it, he has attracted the attention of a powerful Daedra, Xivilai Tatho, who during the events of the Yamandalkal quest will promise you a reward unseen in centuries if you lure Absolon to it. You may honor the bargain in Deal with a Devil to see Absolon killed, or choose to assist the Odylic Mage in the Xivilai's entrapment within a soul gem, where it can do no further harm.

He wears an expensive robe, with matching shoes, belt, and amulet. He carries 22 gold, and two keys: one for the College Library, and one for the Library Restricted Section. Like all Redguards, he has a natural resistance to poison and disease, and can boost his health, strength, agility and endurance for a short period of time. In addition, he also knows the following spells: Absorb Speed, Absorb Strength, Absorb Willpower, Blood Despair, Blood Gift, Burden of Sin, Deadly Poison, Dire Weakness to Fire, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Shock, Feet of Notorgo, Great Feather, Masterful Golden Wisdom, Masterful Green Wisdom, Masterful Red Wisdom, Masterful Silver Wisdom, Masterful Unseen Wisdom, Medusa's Gaze, Poet's Whim, Restore Constitution, Restore Finesse, Restore Fortitude, Restore Sorcery, Sleep, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Shock Shield, Vivec's Mercy, and Wild Spelldrinker.

Related Quests[edit]


College of Firewatch: Enrollment: Enroll at a prestigious institution.

Mages Guild[edit]


  • Greeting:
"I can speak for a moment, if you like. Do you have questions on the arcane mysteries?"
  • Absolon:
"Yes, that's me."
  • College:
"The College is technically an independent institution, but the Mages Guild, the Imperial Archaeological Society, and the Duchess all sponsor it jointly. It suits everyone to support a repository of knowledge where scholars can collaborate across disciplines."
  • House Telvanni:
"The Telvanni have no respect for education as we know it in the West. To the Telvanni, knowledge is power... and power is best hoarded."
  • Library Tower:
"The Mages Guild has donated several works to its collections."

Mages Guild: Yamandalkal[edit]

  • Yamandalkal:
"So, you are to be the courier to Yamandalkal? I fear that the Arch-Mage may be acting rashly. No offense to you, of course. No doubt the Arch-Mage fears to send me to Yamandalkal, so he must of course send you instead. No matter. I am subject to Gindaman's authority, and will comply."
  • Why would Gindaman not want you to return to Yamandalkal?: "The Arch-Mage suspects -- correctly -- that I believe our arrangement with Yamandalkal's... resident... to be unwise. Our contact has provided us with valuable information in the past, yes, but he is a powerful being with alien motivations we cannot fathom. We must never delude ourselves into believing that we control the denizens of Oblivion, %PCName. They may be bargained with, or even summoned. But never, ever made loyal, and never, ever made trustworthy. Are you ready to receive the message?"
  • I am not ready.: "Then let us speak once more when you are ready."
  • I am ready.: "I came across this text during a sojourn in the Deadlands some years ago. I do not know its meaning. It has never been written down, nor should it be. Do not speak the words of Oblivion lightly, %PCName. Commit the following to memory, deliver it, and then forget. I shall begin."
  • Continue: "Na degagu gizzal
Dagea amaru ugu kab duga bat ur
Numun namlu-ulu alam ede nambi batar
Ditil la inim puru umma-ka su giganugal
Inim duga an denila-ka su bat nuzu
Nam-lugal bibalbi bur ene sag kusud"
  • Continue: "Will you remember it?"
  • I will.: "It burns in your memory, does it not? As though written in flame across your mind. It is curious that we may experience such effects even when we do not know the language. Deliver the message to Yamandalkal. You are likely to face resistance -- our contact likes to gather cultists and lesser Daedra around him, to test the strength of those who would be his supplicants. Whatever you do, do not engage the Daedra in further conversation. You must leave immediately once your task is done."
"Take the utmost care in Yamandalkal, %PCName. The Daedra are fickle, and cruel beyond words."
"You have been to Yamandalkal and returned alive. That is more than most can say."

Mages Guild: Deal with a Devil[edit]

If you decided to hear Xivilai Tatho's offer, you unlock choices with the previous line of dialogue when you return from Yamandalkal:

  • Yamandalkal:
"You have been to Yamandalkal and returned alive. That is more than most can say."
  • You did it too.: "It is not an experience I would care to repeat."
  • Xivilai Tatho asked me to bring you to him.: "Fool! I told you not to speak with Tatho beyond the initial exchange! Tell me you didn't. Tell me this is some kind of wrongheaded attempt at humour."
  • I did.: "Then you are already his pawn, and must die." Goodbye (Attacks)
  • I'm just kidding.: "Do not make such statements lightly, %PCName. You are trifling with powers beyond your comprehension, mine, or even, respectfully, Archmagister Ashlen's."
  • I need you to come with me to Yamandalkal.: "Why?"
  • Xivilai Tatho is too dangerous to be left alive.: "That is true. But I must be frank with you, %PCRank -- you are not strong enough to withstand Tatho's power. He would swat you like an insect, and not the enormous kinds they have here in Morrowind. Put this notion out of your head. We will continue to deal with Tatho as we have: very carefully."
(If you have Reputation 50 or higher) "Indeed! Well, your accomplishments precede you, %PCName. What is one more? There is a problem, though: a Xivilai cannot truly die. His destruction on this plane only sends him back to his own. Even if we were to defeat him, we would only make of him a more potent foe."
(If you are level 25 or higher) "That is a compelling proposition. And a dangerous one. But together we might be strong enough to challenge him and survive. There is a problem, though: a Xivilai cannot truly die. His destruction on this plane only sends him back to his own. Even if we were to defeat him, we would only make of him a more potent foe.'"
(If you are Arch-Mage) "If that is your command, %PCRank. There is a problem, though: a Xivilai cannot truly die. His destruction on this plane only sends him back to his own. Even if we were to defeat him, we would only make of him a more potent foe."
  • We could trap his soul. : "We... we could. We could indeed. Very well, you have convinced me. Tatho's soul is powerful: we will need a Grand Soul Gem to contain it. Bring one of those. I will make my own preparations and meet you inside Yamandalkal."
"Prepare yourself well, %PCname. We have a fight ahead of us."
  • Xivilai Tatho asked me to bring you to him.: "Fool! I told you not to speak with Tatho beyond the initial exchange! Tell me you didn't. Tell me this is some kind of wrongheaded attempt at humour."
  • I did.: "Then you are already his pawn, and must die." Goodbye (Attacks)
  • I'm just kidding.: "Do not make such statements lightly, %PCName. You are trifling with powers beyond your comprehension, mine, or even, respectfully, Archmagister Ashlen's."
  • Never mind: "Do not make such statements lightly, %PCName. You are trifling with powers beyond your comprehension, mine, or even, respectfully, Archmagister Ashlen's."

Mages Guild: The Pawns of the Outer Planes[edit]

  • Drekva Yashaz
"So, you are the one Gindaman has chosen to put an end to Yashaz. Know this, then: the Lords of the Dremora rarely show themselves to their followers. Existence on this plane is... tedious to them, it seems. But they are capricious and emotional beings. If you can enrage a Dremora Lord, he will come to you, if only to destroy you. And there is little that enrages them more than disturbing the offerings made to them, or to their master."


  • In the 22.11 release, although you can enroll in Absolon's class while at the lowest ranks of the Mages Guild, he will only actually teach you if your rank is Evoker or higher.
  • Although he teaches Conjuration, he doesn't actually know any Conjuration spells.