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Tamriel Rebuilt:A Troublesome Orc

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A shrine has acquired an unwelcome guardian.
Quest Giver: Nalvs Andolin in Andothren, Temple
Location(s): Andothren
Prerequisite Quest: Kitchen Supplies
Next Quest: Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Forgiveness
Reward: None
Reputation Gain: +5 (Temple)
ID: TR_m4_TT_TroublesomeOrc
Garash's facepaint has been perplexing the pilgrims.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Nalvs Andolin in the Andothren temple.
  2. Travel to Bodrum and speak to Golvyn Saryon.
  3. Defeat Garash gro-Vivec at the Shrine to the Battle of Bodrum.
  4. Either kill Garash gro-Vivec, or:
  5. Convince him of the strength of your faith. Either:
  6. Once Garash is convinced, either:
    • Send Garash on a pilgrimage to Vivec.
    • Send Garash to learn of Almalexia in Andothren.
    • Send Garash to prove himself in battle against Dagoth Ur.
    • Send Garash to renounce Malacath at one of his shrines.
    • Send Garash back to the service of Malacath.
  7. Return to Nalvs Andolin to complete the quest.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Nalvs Andolin has new duties for you at Andothren's temple. As he puts it, he "cannot spare anyone else". He instructs you to go to Bodrum, and deter an orc there who has been reported to wear the face of Vivec.

"Golvyn Saryon, the local priest, sent word about some trouble with some Orc. Apparently it has painted its face in mockery of Vivec, and it is said to accost the pilgrims on the roads around Bodrum. Go there, find Golvyn, and deal with his Orc. Convince it to go back to the mountains and to return to its worship of Malacath as its nature demands. Or get rid of it entirely. It's all the same to me."

On your way out of the temple, you can optionally speak to Ravur Othravel about the troublesome Orc for her own perspective, and a copy of the valuable book, How to Treat Heretics. Then travel to Bodrum - you can walk, or take the silt strider from Andothren via Omaynis.

Once in Bodrum, asking around town about the troublesome Orc reveals that he has taken to guarding the Shrine to the Battle of Bodrum, on the high bridge near town. You can either head straight up there, or speak to the prist, Golvyn Saryon, for context. He is standing outside of Ramaren Manor, in town, and will advocate a gentle approach:

"Master Andolin sent you, then? Good. We do indeed have some Orc-related troubles, but perhaps not in the way that you would expect. Garash has been nothing but helpful since he first showed up here. He has been patrolling the roads, and seeing to the safety of pilgrims and travelers alike, without asking for anything in return. No, it is not his presence here that is troubling me. It's his rather... eccentric expression of devotion to Vivec that's cause for concern.

Pilgrims have been asking questions about Garash' strange way of showing his devotion. He insists on going around bare-chested and painting his face, presumably in an effort to better emulate Lord Vivec. He even calls himself Garash gro-Vivec, or son of Vivec in the tongue of his people. Some have called his conduct blasphemous, but I think he is genuine in his faith, though he is in desperate need for guidance.

No matter what I say, Garash dismisses my arguments. Lord Vivec is the greatest hero of the Temple, he says, and we should all strive to be more like Vivec. He does not understand how anyone could take offense to that. And frankly, I find it very difficult to explain. Misguided as he is, he clearly means no offense. Perhaps you will have better luck, %PCRank. I last saw Garash on the bridge across the Pryai west of town."

Access the bridge by proceeding up the road running southwest out of Bodrum. The orc, Garash gro-Vivec, will greet you as you approach the shrine in the middle of that bridge. Regardless of how you respond to his greeting, he will attack, requiring you to fight back. After a few hits however, he will sheathe his blade, and seek to talk. You can either pursue a conversation, or tell him that he is mocking the Temple and should die, in which case combat will resume and you must fight Garash to the death.

(If you are having trouble with the initial fight, attempt to end combat by leaving it - a levitation potion can come in handy here. This is likely a bug. Once Garash has ended the first combat - regardless of whether you hit him or not, he will become amenable to talking.)

If you do not wish to kill Garash, on speaking to him after the first fight, choose "I hear you. Let's talk." He will tell you his story, and you may then choose to offer him guidance, which he refuses to accept as wise or good-intentioned until you prove the strength of your faith. There are several ways to do this. You can offer to defeat him in battle once more, or succeed on a Sway or Debate test. Sway tests are based on your character's Personality, Speechcraft and Luck, and are most likely to be successful if you have full fatigue, and high disposition with Garash. Debate tests rely on Intelligence, Speechcraft and Luck, and also benefit from fatigue and disposition.

Your final option is providing him with a copy of Saryoni's Sermons, and a means of reading them - in this case, a copy of ABCs for Barbarians. Both are reasonably common titles, but obtaining them will likely involve travelling to cities with bookstores. Once you have brought Garash copies of these, you will need to return in a day to allow him enough hours to read them.

Regardless of your method, once you have convinced Garash to take your words seriously, he will ask for your suggestions on what he should do.

You need to make a pilgrimage.

This option will allow you to direct Garash towards either the city of Vivec itself, to reenact the Pilgrimage of the Seven Graces, or else to Andothren, to learn of the goddess Almalexia.

You have yet to prove yourself.

This line of conversation allows you to direct Garash against the foes of the Tribunal - You may choose to send him to a shrine of Malacath to renounce that entity, or through the Ghostgate to attempt the defeat of the Sharmat, Dagoth Ur. If he is sent to a shrine of Malacath, he will appear later on in the questline, in Armun Ashlands Avenger.

You should not worship Vivec.

Following this line of conversation will ultimately persuade Garash to return to the worship of Malacath.

Once you have given your advice to Garash gro-Vivec, or killed him, return to Nalvs Andolin at the Andothren Temple. Nalvs will be pleased if Garash was killed, or renounced his faith, but displeased if otherwise. In either case, his next duty is for you to seek the Shrine of Forgiveness.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

A Troublesome Orc (TR_m4_TT_TroublesomeOrc)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Nalvs Andolin sent me to Bodrum to deal with a troublesome Orc. Apparently the Orc has been harassing pilgrims on the roads, and for some reason the local guards refused to interfere.
15 Apparently there has been a misunderstanding. The troublesome Orc is, in fact, not a brigand, but an eccentric follower of Vivec.
20 I should talk to Garash gro-Vivec, the troublesome Orc of Bodrum, myself. Golvyn Saryon mentioned he was last seen on the bridge across the Pryai, west of Bodrum.
30 After an initial confrontation, Garash gro-Vivec agreed to talk to me.
31 Garash told me of his travels through Malahk-Bazul and his encounter with a knight in glass.
32 Garash has devoted himself to emulating Vivec after a devotee of Vivec saved his life.
33 Garash insists that I prove the strength of my own devotion to Vivec to him, before he is willing to accept my counsel.
34 I convinced Garash of the strength of my devotion to Vivec. Hopefully he will now let me talk to him about his desperate need for guidance.
35 Our battle convinced Garash of the strength of my faith, and he seems open to the idea that he is in desperate need for guidance in Temple doctrine.
50 I invited Garash gro-Vivec to come to the Andothren Temple.
60 I sent Garash gro-Vivec on a pilgrimage to Vivec city.
70 I encouraged Garash gro-Vivec to formally renounce Malacath at one of his shrines.
80 I convinced Garash gro-Vivec to worship Malacath instead.
90 I sent Garash gro-Vivec on an impossible mission. I doubt we will hear from him again.
100 Finishes quest☑ Nalvs Andolin strongly disagreed with me inviting the troublesome Orc of Bodrum to Andothren.
110 Finishes quest☑ Nalvs Andolin was not pleased that I tried to guide Garash gro-Vivec to be a proper member of the Temple.
120 Finishes quest☑ Nalvs Andolin was not thrilled with the idea of Garash gro-Vivec renouncing Malacath, though he seems to hope that we will not see the Orc again.
130 Finishes quest☑ Nalvs Andolin thanked me for sending the troublesome Orc of Bodrum away.
140 Finishes quest☑ Nalvs Andolin seemed to appreciate me sending the Orc to die at Red Mountain.
200 Garash gro-Vivec, the troublesome Orc of Bodrum, is dead.
210 Finishes quest☑ Nalvs Andolin thanked me for killing the troublesome Orc of Bodrum.
A Troublesome Orc (TR_m4_TT_TroublesomeOrc_b)
100 Ravur Othravel gave me a book on how to treat heretics.
A Troublesome Orc (TR_m4_TT_TroublesomeOrc_c)
10 Garash told me he cannot read very well, so if he is to learn about Vivec from a book, I will have to find some sort of reading aid for the barbarian.
20 I have brought Garash both Saryoni's Sermons and ABCs for Barbarians, and he has asked me to give him some time to read. I should come back tomorrow and see whether he has made any progress.
30 It has been a day. I wonder if Garash has made any progress on reading Saryoni's Sermons.

Prev: Kitchen Supplies Up: Temple Quests Next: Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Forgiveness