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Skyrim talk:Xbox

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Interacting With Item Without Picking It Up[edit]

Holding A on an item will allow you to interact with an item without picking it up meaning you can still decorate your home on the 360 I am not sure if you can still interact with bodys in this way I will check this out soon.----Candc4, Also known as the Man Inside the Sexy Leather Pants CT 01:26, 14 November 2011 (UTC)

I can confirm for sure that on the XBox "A" lets you interact with bodies. I'm sure there's a way to interact with bodies on every platform, as Recipe for Disaster requires it. Dfjdejulio 18:33, 15 December 2011 (UTC)
I took can confirm this as well but all objects that have physics but can not be picked up can not be interacted with in this way----Candc4, Also known as the Man Inside the Sexy Leather Pants CT 18:35, 15 December 2011 (UTC)

Using Xbox Guide while waiting/sleeping[edit]

When waiting or sleeping on the xbox 360 version of Skyrim, you can make the hours go by faster by pressing the guide button as soon as you have pressed A to start waiting or sleeping. You can see when the waiting/sleeping is over by looking at the top of the screen to see the compass appear again just outside the border of the guide menu — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:40 on December 3, 2011

Construction Set VS Creation Kit[edit]

It mentions the construction set under "Missing PC Features", should "construction set" be changed to "creation kit" since it has already been confirmed that Creation Kit is the official name? Jarzek Arevol 03:11, 18 December 2011 (UTC)

Sure. That's just a relic from when I copied sections of the Oblivion page to create this one. Could be more things like that which I overlooked, so feel free to change anything that looks wrong to you. Minor Edits 03:21, 18 December 2011 (UTC)
Done. Robin Hoodtalk 02:14, 14 January 2012 (UTC)

unofficial mods for 360[edit]

I'm sure that during the wait for skyrim Todd mentioned that they were trying to make it so they can get unofficial mods onto Xbox (obviously through a deal with microsoft) does anyone know how this went? Are they still working on it? (Eddie The Head 07:38, 18 December 2011 (UTC))

I talked to Gamestop about this back in Dec of 2011. They said that they are working on a tool to allow these mods be transported. Gamestop told me that the tool will only work on certain games (Skyrim, Oblivion, and some Fallouts were confirmed, from what I've heard) The tool will allow certain mods in though. The security system of the tool wont allow mods that can crash the game or that have edited something important in the game. So my guess is that it prolly wont add those mods that allow you to take control of animals, be a dragon, turn dragons into flying ponies, etc that I've been hearing about but it should allow mods that adds new gear/areas/enemies to the game. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:10 on February 1, 2012

Clearing the Cache or 'pressing A' while Skyrim loads[edit]

In Oblivion, there was a suggested maintenance procedure: to hold down the A button while the game first loaded, until the Bethesda logo appeared. This cleared some sort of cache that could begin causing problems (freezes, etc) when reaching several hundred hours of gameplay. (Cache may not be the correct term) On the Skyrim page about patches, a person reported similar problems, where their game actually became unplayable due to crashing, freezing, and incompletely-rendering about every NPC and door. They were saying the 1.4 patch fixed it, even-though it's not listed as a fix in the patch. However, I wondered if perhaps any patch upload perhaps clears the cache completely. My question is: Is this still a problem on the X-box? Will holding down the A-button still help prevent problems? I've noticed that lags and crashes are happening more often, and it's definitely noticeable that there is some sort of hidden memory over-riding the official save files. (You save with a sword in your hand, then die with a spell in your hand. When it re-loads, the spell is in your hand instead. If you take items from a house and then re-load an earlier save, the items are gone, even though you haven't taken them yet.) Any advice or info about game 'maintenance' would be helpful.--Amsuko 22:13, 8 February 2012 (UTC)

Well, there's another way to clear your cache -- go to the Xbox dashboard and go to system settings, move down to storage and select it, when it asks you which storage device you want to view, select the one you want to view (but don't press A) and press Y. Then you just select clear system cache, though after this you will need to reinstall any patches or DLC you had (you don't have to re-purchase it again). Hope that helps. (Eddie The Head 14:38, 9 February 2012 (UTC))
According to a discussion on the Xbox forums, holding RB+LB+X before the game start-up clears the cache. — Unsigned comment by BlackhawkXIII (talkcontribs) at 22:36 on 19 December 2012
Clearing the system cache does not force you to reinstall DLC; DLC is stored separately on your hard drive or removable storage, and will still be there the next time you boot. The Skyrim patch is stored in the system cache though, and you will have to redownload it when you restart with a cleared cache, assuming your XBox has a Live connection. --Morrolan (talk) 15:04, 21 August 2013 (GMT)

Xbox 360 Max Resolution[edit]

Although the box mentions 1080P, I've heard reports of this being only an upscaled resolution, so it wouldn't make a difference to get a FULL HD tv. Can anyone confirm that? I only have an HD tv so that's why I'm asking. Also about that topic, PS3 only shows 1080i in the box. - virotti 16:35, 16 February 2012 (UTC))

My Full HD TV says 1080p though that might also depend on the hardware version of the XBOX 360 (I own the XBOX 360 S) --Romulus (talk) 10:16, 9 January 2013 (GMT)
My 360 gives full 1080p on all games, not just Skyrim. It does not appear to be an upscaled display. I have an XBox 360 Elite, 120 GB. --Morrolan (talk) 15:07, 21 August 2013 (GMT)

DLC Section[edit]

Why do we have full descriptions of the two DLC here? This page should be reserved for the differences between the 360 version and the other platforms. Other than noting the exclusivity period, there's no need to have detailed paragraphs on the plug-in's content. If no one disagrees, I'll mark the section for cleanup. —Legoless 13:32, 30 August 2012 (UTC)

Honestly, the only reason I added the Hearthfire description was because the Dawnguard summary was already in place. Looking back at the history for the page, it seems that The Silencer added it just after doing the same for the PS3 page, for consistency I guess. I'm not opposed to removing the summaries and leaving just the exclusivity period info. ABCface 13:48, 30 August 2012 (UTC)
I've removed the two offending sections, which were both outdated. —Legoless (talk) 22:41, 24 September 2012 (GMT)

Transfering Saves between the PC and Xbox360[edit]

I believe it should be noted that you can transfer saves between the PC and 360 the same way you can in the article Oblivion:Xbox_360 Ckntem (talk) 19:34, 1 August 2013 (GMT)