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Skyrim talk:Vivienne Onis

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Voice Actor[edit]

There is no "voiced by" section, but this character is voiced by Claudia Christian. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:40 on 18 December 2011 (GMT)

Generally, this sort of information can go on the Voice Actors page. Robin Hoodtalk 00:15, 14 January 2012 (UTC)
She is voiced by Susan Eisenberg, not Claudia Christian.

Combat dialogue[edit]

I think the note on her combat dialogue ('and you thought I was just a pretty face') might be redundant. Don't all Breton females say this, or is it unique to Vivienne?--Admos 18:11, 20 January 2012 (UTC)

This dialogue is present in all NPCs who share her voice file (FemaleSultry voicetype). This dialogue is not unique to Bretons either. --Blackpete (talk) 06:32, 8 May 2013 (GMT)

Random Dialogues[edit]

Feel free to delete this, but while I was idle in their store, the old owner asked her to "check our stock on the mandrake roots". Vivienne asked, "Which one is that?". The old lady responded, "It's the one that looks like an ugly little man", to which Vivienne replied, "Well in that case I'm pretty sure it tried to buy me a drink last night". The dialogues those writers come up with... 04:45, 12 April 2012 (UTC)

VIvienne doesn't know how to run a store?[edit]

To get round the bug that prevents you from investing in the shop, I decided it would be a great idea to run a sword through Angelina Morrard. Sadly, her replacement Vivienne Onis is never in there. She still says: "thank you for helping my aunt earlier", which is nice but to get her to do any work I have to talk to her outside, then as she talking go in the shop (to get her inside); then keep on trying to initiate conversation with her until eventually the "What do you have for sale?" dialogue option appears. I imagine something in the console would sort it out? — Unsigned comment by ‎ (talk) at 12:49 on 6 December 2013

If she never enters the store, then that would definitely be a bug. Let's see if we can get some confirmation before we add anything to the article. I'll test it myself when I get a chance. --Xyzzy Talk 14:33, 6 December 2013 (GMT)
I went and sniped Angeline, and Vivienne was immediately available as a merchant. I then left, fast-traveled away and returned to the store. Vivienne as inside and working normally as the store's merchant. Maybe you experienced a one-off glitch where she got temporarily stuck outside. This happens fairly frequently in Skyrim. --Xyzzy Talk 15:33, 6 December 2013 (GMT)


When I was at Vittoria Vici's wedding she was in her underwear — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:22 on 16 February 2017

That's a known bug of Bound Until Death. It means that she died at some point before the wedding. Robin Hood  (talk) 05:51, 16 February 2017 (UTC)