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Skyrim talk:The Caller

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this page has some seriously inaccuracies as the race of the called is supposed to be high elf not a fox and the class is that of a mage not a dremora. 17:51, 1 December 2011 (UTC)

According to the in-game data, the Caller is male, the race is a fox, and the class is Dremora. Is that right? If so, should it be changed back? Kitkat TalkContribE-mail 13:35, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

Possible Bug?[edit]

So when I dropped her health just below half she teleported to the center of the room and just stood there, but was still considered an enemy. I was still able to kill her, but when her health was all the way down she teleported again and was on her knees. One last hit killed her. I've only fought her once so I don't know how the battle is actually supposed to be, but I doubt the end involves her standing there doing nothing. Anybody else experience this (this was on 360 by the way)? XSevSpreeX 16:58, 17 January 2012 (UTC)

I would think you had stunned her. I opened the fight by hitting her with a lightning staff and a fireball staff at the same time, and she either teleported or was blown back against the exit door behind her, where she just cowered until I hit her again and she died. Same thing I think. She was past being able to react. 02:12, 19 January 2012 (UTC)

Ket for dor behind[edit]

She hold the key for the room behind her and you can take it if you kill her. But the key is not available if you try to pickpocket. Posible bug or intended behaviour? LukeH 22:22, 21 February 2012 (UTC)

Dialogue wont change[edit]

I thought that it wouldnt even if I tried to sneak all the way through the Keep without being detected (Used 10 Invisibility potions, and didnt touch anything)

so, as expected she tells me I messed things up, killed her underlings and more?

She deserved the backstab -- 20:08, 13 August 2013 (GMT)

Speech checks?[edit]

I've never succeed in any of the checks to get the alternate dialogue or options. Are these based on Intimidate or Persuasion? Are they based on Speech at all? 17:30, 14 June 2015 (UTC)

They are average Speech checks, a skill of 50 should be enough. It is possible to pass the checks. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:04, 14 June 2015 (UTC)

Random Appearance[edit]

Added a note to the article. Her face-gen data appears to be randomly generated when you first encounter her, though her hair color, skin color, eye color, and weight will always be the same. Tested this multiple times on PC and PS3, and can also say that her appearance does not change when she teleports. However, if I'm just being ignorant and this happens with other named NPCs, please edit the article accordingly. Tingz0r (talk) 13:42, 19 November 2015 (UTC)

Well, most named enemies have a fixed appearance, but some (such as Movarth Piquine or Krev the Skinner) have a random appearance. It is mentioned on Krev's page but not on Movarth's. I'm not sure if it is needed or not -- SarthesArai Talk 20:57, 19 November 2015 (UTC)

As a Dead Thrall eventual frustration[edit]

Playing on Xbox 360 as level 63 high elf... If she is made a dead thrall, in various situations after a while of playing, she teleports elsewhere like underneath the current map, but still "exists" as far as the Magic, Active Effects display is concerned. I had to reload a prior game to "get her back." This teleportation happened repeatedly in various map situations: once while my posse was heading toward a quest cave traveling in the open in a mountainous wooded area after defeating a dragon--reloaded prior to the dragon fight and defeat twice plus the original time and it kept happening--teleportation right in front of me, then in Hobbs Fall Cave where she would not keep up following the rest of the group of Serana and myself so I went back and cast two familiars (b/c of twin souls perk) to kill her, gave her a shield and good knife and two destruction staves, then re-animated her where upon she followed for a while more then did the teleport thing right in front of me when I hadn't hit her with any collateral damage at all.

I have had experience with thralls that I've loaded them up with really good loot and then they go missing and I have artificial heart break of loss of all that stuff and time collecting it all.

I tried in Hobbs Fall Cave to walk through the entire area with the Aetherial Crown having the ritual stone power to reanimate nearby dead and using the power every 50+ feet, but I accumulated only a large following of reanimated Master Necromages and not the Caller. When functioning correctly, she was using all kinds of destruction magic cloaks, fire balls, frost, bow and arrows, shields and swords, etc. Trouble was that after a while ... teleportation to places unknown, etc, where you could not find her even by exiting and re-entering a cave, or fast traveling to where you already were, etc. 21:28, 14 December 2019 (GMT)