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Skyrim talk:Hearthfire/Archive 4

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This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Hearthfire discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Children (Alesan) not accepting gifts?

I have waited a few days to see if this issue has cropped up with anyone else but no luck it seems.

I can't give my son, Alesan, anything as a gift. No wooden swords, clothes, or anything. Every potential gift is greyed out in the gift screen and when I select something it says "this gift is too heavy to carry" or something similar.

Sadly, reloading is not an option, as I didn't notice this was the case until after my third rolling save got overwritten. He asks for money, pets, and to play games like normal, just no gifts.

(Sorry if my formatting is off, I haven't ever posted here before) 13:21, 8 September 2012 (EDT)

I have had the same trouble too with Alesan not accepting gifts, and i haven't found anything else on the topic. I'm wondering if it is because I adopted Alesan before I did the 'Innocince Lost' quest. My other child Sofie is fuctioning as she should. I hope if anyone else has this problem it will eventually fix itself (I apologize for any errors in this, I didn't change the original texts, I'm still figuring out this site I very recently joined) Katiebugg (talk) 21:31, 9 September 2012 (EDT)
As I wrote below in the other category about this issue, I eventually just attacked him out of frustration after saving. He eventually went hostile, dropped a basket, and ran off. He didnt stay away for good after I paid my fine, and it didn't resolve the issue, but I think it might be the start of something. I was shooting him, so I wonder if the arrows I shot him with re-encumbered him. I'm going to test more with blades later. 22:40, 9 September 2012 (EDT)
I tried this not long ago but he didn't drop anything. I did get a 40 bounty in eastmarch, which I thought was peculiar. Katiebugg (talk) 00:01, 10 September 2012 (EDT)
I have the same issue. Sofie is just not accepting anything. I can't read the error message in the top left hand corner appart from the words "heavy to carry" due to poor TV resolution. Anyone with access to the CK know what's going on? It's obviously not a one-off problem. None of my other characters have this problem (about 4 of them have adopted children). I dunno, you buy these things and they don't want them! Ungrateful kids :P AyaHawkeye (talk) 18:54, 25 September 2012 (GMT)
I had this exact same issue on PC. What I did to get around it is open the console, click on Alesan (should work on any child with the issue), and it should show " (#########) at the top indicating he/she is selected. Next, type "showinventory" without quotes and it will display all the items and quantities of each in the console. Go through the list and look for something fishy/extraordinary. In my case, it was Baskets (000ABD30), 536 of them! Once you find the offending item. Type "removeitem ######## $$$" where ######## is the ID of the item (showinventory should have included the ID with the name) and $$$ is the number to remove. In my case, "removeitem 000ABD30 536" did the trick. Two were magically re-added to his inventory but he still had enough free to accept gifts. --14:53, 14 October 2012 (GMT) FordGT90Concept
Unfortunately I'm on Xbox so no access to the console (grrr...) Never had any problems with my other characters. She'll just have to deal with not having any presents! AyaHawkeye (talk) 23:50, 16 October 2012 (GMT)
I had this issue with Sofie (XBOX) and found a solution. I reloaded a save from before I adopted her, bought all of her flowers and flower baskets (who needs 250 flower baskets?!), and then adopted her. I am now able to give her gifts. Hope this helps 20:58, 24 October 2012 (GMT)haphsaph

() Alesan does not accept my gifts. For instance, I say I have something for him and he gets excited and then says "oh, stop teasing me mom" without giving my an option wether, or wether not to give him anything. I'v redownloaded hearthfire and Dawnguard. (I'm on the Xbox 360) not to mention, I have a shoeless daughter, Sophie, and a son wearing nothing but his underpants. And I did not get a 1.8 update (it did not give me an option) not cool at all.

ValkyrieThunder (talk) 18:03, 5 November 2012 (GMT)

The 1.8 patch update is not available for XBox players yet, only PC players. — ABCface 18:53, 5 November 2012 (GMT)

() Same problem with Alesan on the Xbox 360, and no problems with Braith or any other kid I've adopted so far. Unfortunately, he hasn't offered to sell me baskets...and with no way to pickpocket children, it looks like this may only be fixable on Bethesda's end. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:10 on 24 November 2012‎

Is there a possibility to get rid of adopted children?

I regret one of my adoption choises and i am wondering if i could "remove" or "un-adopt" one of my children trough the console. Or even better, get a third child. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:57 on 16 October 2012‎

You can use the "disable" command in the console to hide the kid. Take not of their ID code though, in case you should change your mind and want them back (you can select things by ID using 'prid' I believe). I don't expect this to give you room to adopt someone else though, but if all you want is to make them Go Away this will do the trick. 17:51, 1 November 2012 (GMT)

Wife walking on the spot.

Once married and moved into Lakeview Manor my wife develops strange movement issues after she is kidnapped and rescued from Embershard Mine. She seems to want to walk on the spot while rocking gently from side to side. She is also very reluctant to do anything I ask her, such as sitting in a chair. This has happened to two wives (Lydia and Aela the Huntress). It doesn't seem to affect their combat abilities, but once they start this behaviour they do it more or less constantly. Squallfie66 (talk) 18:12, 16 October 2012 (GMT)

This is discussed a few items above. It's a glitch with the "rescue" quest. ~FiveCentFather (Ken N.) (talk) 23:28, 21 November 2012 (GMT)


If I join the dawnguard and make Bran or Sceolang a hearthfire pet, what will happen if I become a vampire lord later? Will they be hostile or normal or non responsive? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:48 on 30 October 2012‎

No. You aren't able to become a vampire lord if you join the Dawnguard. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:12 on 24 November 2012‎
Actually, that's not true. You can ask Serana to make you a vampire lord before entering the Soul Cairn. — ABCface 04:18, 24 November 2012 (GMT)

Centralized location for common HF bugs

It seems that there are more than a few common bugs with the HF homes. Some that are already documented in the individual pages, and some that are not. For example, the beds seem to be bugged in the sense that sleeping in them does not seem to trigger the Well Rested bonus, only the one for the spouse/children when they exist in the home. But where do I document this? In each of the three individual articles? So I'm thinking, wouldn't it be good if we created a page that contains all the HF home bugs, and link to it from each of the articles? Just a thought. Kretik (talk) 05:01, 31 October 2012 (GMT)

If a bug is not unique to a specific article subject, then it belongs on the main Hearthfire page. Bugs that are only relevant to Heljarchen Hall go on that page, bugs relevant to Adoption go on that page, bugs relevant to Personal Stewards go on that page, etc. If it applies to all three HF homes, then it goes on this page. There's already a Bugs section on this page with such bugs. Also, it's important to remember that if you have any user mods, they may be the cause of those bugs, and that should be checked before they are documented on an article. — ABCface 15:04, 31 October 2012 (GMT)
What I'm saying is that there are bugs that apply to all the houses. For example, the beds are bugged in that they never trigger the "Well rested" bonus. All of them. In all three houses. The bugs related to missing options when using the workbenches (or options that shouldn't be there). And so on. So my point is that there should be a centralized location - .e.g., [[Hearthfire Home bugs]] or something like that. Kretik (talk) 03:39, 9 November 2012 (GMT)
When you say all the houses do you mean all purchaseable homes (the three from Hearthfire, plus the regular homes you can buy), or just all three Hearthfire houses? If it's a bug related to purchaseable homes, it goes on this page, if it's just Heljarchen, Lakeview, and Windstad, then it goes on this main Hearthfire page. The workbench bugs go on this page as well. — ABCface 03:51, 9 November 2012 (GMT)
They apply only to the houses you build with HF. Another one: Containers in them don't show stolen items as stolen... there's a bunch of them that apply to all three houses. Kretik (talk) 19:17, 10 November 2012 (GMT)
Right, if it's for only the three Hearthfire homesteads, then they belong on this page, in this section. — ABCface 21:21, 10 November 2012 (GMT)
OK, it's gonna get big :) Thanks. Kretik (talk) 03:22, 11 November 2012 (GMT)

steward wont add furnishings

help i spent 10000 on furnishing off my steward but there not there — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:38 on 2 November 2012‎

As explained on the Steward page, when you have your steward purchase the furnishing options for your home, it takes a very long time for those furnishing options to appear. They don't add everything all at once, so it's a very slow and gradual process. You just need to wait longer. — ABCface 18:05, 2 November 2012 (GMT)

Can't get dog

why wont it let me get a dog — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:44 on 2 November 2012‎

The kids don't always trigger when they see the dog. Just keep doing quests and visiting your kids from time to time, or just repeatedly Fast Travel to and from your house. Eventually they'll realize you have a gigantic wolfhound or an armor-clad husky following you around and ask to keep it. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:01 on 2 November 2012

Pet availability

Does anyone know of any limitations to the children keeping pets? For example, can a child 'find' a pet in Breezehome, or only in the Homesteads? It seems that all of the creature followers that you can keep as a pet (Meeko, Bran etc) can be kept anywhere, but is that true to all pets? — Unsigned comment by MadAndyD96 (talkcontribs) at 13:45 on 4 November 2012‎

In two different games, Sofie found a fox in Breezehome and Lucia found one in Lakeview Manor. This happened before I let them adopt my stray dog. --Ludovician (talk) 15:09, 5 November 2012 (GMT)

Why cant i add anymore rooms?

I have not built all the the rooms for my house yet, so far i have managed to build the Kitchen,Storage room, bedroom. Now i cant find the other extenstions that are suppose to be on the draft board. Need help! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:56 on 4 November 2012‎

As explained on the Construction page, you must first build the Main Hall before you can build additional wings. After building the Main Hall, you can choose one option for each of the three wing additions.
If you have already chosen the Kitchen, Storage Room, and Bedrooms then you cannot add any additional wings. You can, however, still add exterior amenities or the Cellar if you haven't yet. If you want all nine wing additions, you must build all three homes in order to have them. They cannot all be added to the same home. — ABCface 19:12, 4 November 2012 (GMT)

Protection(?) - hm, please help me out

I have a question.

On this page is says:


/end quote

I do not understand this. (blushing) The first time, I bought Lakeview Manor and then Windstad Manor

Every time I went to Lakeview Manor, bandits attacked, so I moved the family to Windstad Manor, where it was peace and quite - every single time I went there.

The second time around, I felt I didn't want my property to get attacked all the time, so I started off with Windstad Manor directly.

I built the whole house, with everything in it btw, and the 2nd time, I chose Lydia as a steward (so she and Valdimar both helped out.

And - wow! LOL I have only been there 5 times, and at those 5 times there has been

  • 1st time: 2 Draugrs
  • 2nd: 2 Wolfes
  • 3d: 5 Skeevers in the basement
  • 4th: A giant
  • 5th: A Dragon

Can someone, please help/elaborate what "Requirement to protect your house from various enemies" means?

Maybe it means that my housecarl will help out - or?

Thank you very much in advance. :-) Tockenen (talk) 22:41, 5 November 2012 (GMT)

It just means that you are expected to have to defend your homestead, because enemies will attack. It sounds like you got really lucky when you went to Windstad Manor the first time and never had any enemy encounters. The enemy spawns at the homesteads are random, and can happen at all three. Your housecarl and/or steward will help out if they happen to be there, but you'll get the attacks regardless. — ABCface 23:05, 5 November 2012 (GMT)
Aaah, heehee, feeling silly. Thank you so much for the very quick answer, ABCface. :-) (edit, sorry for my edits...forgot my signature) Tockenen (talk) 02:42, 8 November 2012 (GMT)

Alesan problem xbox360

My son is only wearing his underwear, and won't accept gifts.Please help. ValkyrieThunder (talk) 23:15, 5 November 2012 (GMT)

Are you playing on Xbox or PC? — ABCface 00:08, 6 November 2012 (GMT)
(I play on the Xbox) ValkyrieThunder (talk) 03:58, 6 November 2012‎
Hmm, do you have another adopted child, or is he your only one? — ABCface 04:04, 6 November 2012 (GMT)
I have Agiley as well who isin't wearing shoes -ValkyrieThunder (talk) 19:13, 6 November 2012‎
Agilely? Do you mean Agni? Either way, have you tried giving your second child a gift? — ABCface 19:21, 6 November 2012 (GMT)
I have a daughter, Sophie, she doesn't have shoes. But I don't care about a shoeless girl. - ValkyrieThunderl(talk) 23:26, 6 November 2012
Oops Sophie, sorry. I tried and it does nothing accept give her different clothes- ValkyrieThunderl(talk) 23:30, 6 November 2012 (GMT)

() Okay, I was thinking that if you have a second child (Sofie in this case), then you may be able to do this to fix the problem with Alesan. Give Sofie an item of clothing as a gift, wait for her outfit to update, and then go find Alesan. Updating Sofie's clothing may fix his issue of not wearing clothes. Also, you might be able to give him a gift after successfully giving Sofie one. If you haven't done these specific things all in a row (in this order), try it and see if that works. Other users have reported that when multiple children in the game have 'the naked bug', giving one of their adopted children clothing as a gift works to fix all the other children's clothing in the game. It's worth a try at least. — ABCface 03:13, 7 November 2012 (GMT)

Thanks, I'll try it in the morning! ValkyrieThunder (talk)

Xbox downloadable content problem

I just got a new xbox360 and I put Skyrim in. And try to load a save and it says "This save relies on content that is no longer present. Some objects may no longer be available. Continue loading?" I say yes and everything (dawnguard and hearthfire) is gone. Please help. ValkyrieThunder (talk) 19:23, 6 November 2012 (GMT)

It's likely a licensing issue. Part of license is tied with the console, the other with the account. If you try playing offline without the licensing being associated with the console, it won't work. The problem and solution is explained here. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 00:02, 7 November 2012 (GMT)

Wraparound patio bug.

Does anyone know what causes little pieces of fence to appear when making the 3 patios into a wraparound patio in a home, obstructing one from walking from one patio to an adjoining one (gotta hop over it)? I guess some ppl get the bug, some do not. I wonder if it's something in the order of making wings, etc. Dunno — Unsigned comment by Mhr74 (talkcontribs) at 03:26 on 8 November 2012‎

I was able to get it to work by building all three wings in one go without going inside and building anything in there. Nor did I save, quit, or travel inbetween building wings either. I just completely built West, North, then East and ended with the open porches. But it's not just the order. Because one time I built them in that order, but I went inside to finish up one wing, then came back out to build another wing and ended up with a fence.--RumblePen (talk) 11:45, 13 November 2012 (GMT)

children's room

I can't get A children's room for my homes not in whiterun or in riften instead of a cos it says [...] and nothing happens except losing gold. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:17 on 10 November 2012‎

Same happened to me. I applied the latest (1.8) patch and the Unofficial Hearthfire Patch, then it worked. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:14 on 12 November 2012‎
Yeah, using the Unofficial Hearthfire Patch from nexus fixed it for me too. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:32 on 15 November 2012‎

Hostile Entryway Door

(Lakeview, fully stocked (G.H./Arm./Trophy) with 3 followers hanging out inside)

I've seen this addressed before but incorrectly diagnosed. Looking for a fix (of course). My house had just reset it's contents after a long outing, all the doors were closed and I came in the front with a follower. Did a bunch of stuff...

Later the same day tried to leave, and after some troubleshooting noticed that whenever my follower crossed into the entry room, the game would crash. Well after further testing I found it wasn't her, it was the door's 'wrong'.

The simplest test was trying to close it...crash. So I tried to "disable" it...won't go away. Tried to "delete" it, wouldn't update the [D] properly. Finally after using every command I could think of I finally tried to close the door again and did. But now it was impossible to open. I clipped through and turned TCL off and eventually my follower ported her way in, no problem with the room then, just the door. Going to try a delete again and see if it sticks...don't really need that door anyway....but the fact that it is the 'link' between two houses as oppossed to an add-on room may have made it's creation 'different'. All other doors disable just fine (which I might keep).

So any ideas, might take a little modding to fix, but more curious on the possible 001010001 cause than "laod a defrent save"Dctrjons (talk) 08:40, 12 November 2012 (GMT)

edit- somewhat entertaining finding the triggers. Punching the door kills the world, shooting does not, but shooting a vae through the door does, while the projectile itself does not. Guess there are no 'physics' calculations on a projectile in flight. — Unsigned comment by Dctrjons (talkcontribs) at 08:47 on 12 November 2012
Looks like markfordelete and leaving out the back is the best fix so far...  : / — Unsigned comment by Dctrjons (talkcontribs) at 08:53 on 12 November 2012
FIXED - on a whim, I went and closed all of the other doors. Then I closed the entrance door last. Not sure if related but one of my followers opened a door in the process. Lost the broken save now so I can't replicate if it was the changing of the other door states by me or the follower that 'reset' things to normal. I think the door incorrectly thought it was already closed...a guess. — Unsigned comment by Dctrjons (talkcontribs) at 09:56 on 12 November 2012
Broke it again. - From my new save of a 'fixed' door. If I open and close the door it's fine. If I reload then go and open all the other doors and then try to close entrance door, it crashes again. If I reload and play with the entrance door and then open the other doors and come back to the seems also safe. It only takes about 20 sec to load the game and test...but I'll be darned if I can nail down the pattern reliably. — Unsigned comment by Dctrjons (talkcontribs) at 10:06 on 12 November 2012

() From your mention of using TCL, I assume you're playing on PC. Lots of mods have been reported to cause issues with Hearthfire, so you may want to try disabling them and playing for a while to see if the problem still occurs. Here are some mods which have caused issues for PC players:

The above list is only from users on this wiki, so there's probably others out there that cause issues with Hearthfire as well. Even if you don't think it would affect something, it could. — ABCface 15:02, 12 November 2012 (GMT)

Chlidren Clothes!

All the kids around skyrim has no clothes. they appear in just their underwear? Do anyone know how to fix it? It seems not even a problem but still ennoying.. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:03 on 13 November 2012

I'll direct you here for possible solutions. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 17:09, 13 November 2012 (GMT)

[Contains Main Story Spoilers] Adding an "odd" steward

Some Main Story spoilers here

Warning! Do not read further if you don't want to know about the near ending of the Main Story. ;-)

Since I refuse to kill Paarthurnax, and I can't do anything with the Blades = I have no use for them at all, I tested and added one of the Blades (Iona) as my steward (she asked when I went to Heljarchen Hall with her)

I went away for 3 days and came back - and to my surprise, she was still around. :-)

I don't want to edit that on the page, since it may give spoilers (well, my spoiler was really about Paarthurnax, but anyway...) ;-) Tockenen (talk) 01:41, 16 November 2012 (GMT)

Whole Family Disappearing?

Don't know if anyone else has encountered this, but my entire family has disappeared - right down to the adopted pet fox.

I've had too much grief with the large amount of glitches when it comes to the Hearthfire buildable houses - so I kept everyone in Solitude. Went through the rest of the war missions (was on the Empire's side - so no war in Solitude) and adopted Samuel from the orphanage. When I came back home, my husband, daughter, husky and the pet fox were all gone. Samuel wasn't there either - but I'm not as concerned about that yet, as I know that takes some time. But the rest of the family? No where in the city, no where in the house... I didn't move them.

So... um... what's the deal? Any suggestions? I'm on xbox 360 - so of course, I can't really play with any coding (All you PC kids are so lucky for that! I'd love to have mods!) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:37 on 21 November 2012

*** Edit *** I have found my family - although I did not choose to move them, they apparently decided to move themselves to Markarth. So if anyone else encounters this weird little glitch, check your other homes. Truly bizarre. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:52 on 21 November 2012

What are the houses specialties and or things different about them?

Im deciding whether I should get this or not and was wondering what each house has special about it in terms of features. Please no spoilers if possible! Thanks Skylar1146 (talk) 02:42, 22 November 2012 (GMT)

The house in Morthal is the only one that comes with a fishery. The Dawnstar house and Falkreath house both have the same options, and the Falkreath house is the only one not in a snowy area. The Morthal house is near a frozen lake, the Falkreath house is near a few bandit bases and a hostile mage, and the Dawnstar house is near a giant camp and the Loreius farm. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:21 on 24 November 2012
Not correct the Falkreath house has an Apiary (Beekeeper Hive) and the Pale house has a grain mill to turn wheat into flour. Lord Eydvar Talk|Contribs 05:39, 24 November 2012 (GMT)
Also, if you're choosing a location solely based on the unique feature, keep in mind that there are seven other locations in the game where you can use a grain mill so even though it's unique to that player home you can access them elsewhere repeatedly at any time. — ABCface 14:55, 24 November 2012 (GMT)

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