Skyrim talk:Hall of the Dead (Windhelm)
Whose Coffin?[edit]
I entered the Hall of the Dead in Windhelm and found a coffin on one of the shelves. Now in Whiterun, when someone dies and is placed in the crypt, the coffin or urn has the name of the deceased attached to it, so you know whose stuff you're looking into. This coffin in the Windhelm crypt had no name on it other than "Coffin", but I noticed that the belongings included a key to the Shatter-Shield house. Is this Friga's coffin, or did Nilsine die when I wasn't looking? This is my goody-two-shoes character who destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, so it's not as though she would have murdered Nilsine. The character does have two murder counts on her crime statistics, but that was Mogrul and Slitter. I've also had a problem with people in Windhelm randomly dying for no discernible reasons. No dragons were attacking, and the character hasn't started Dawnguard yet, so it could only be collision bugs. I didn't notice Captain Lonely-Gale had died until too late, but I've reloaded to save Angrenor at least twice now thanks to the inheritance letter. Of course the coffin should be labelled as such if it's Nilsine's, but one thing you can count on Skyrim to be consistent about is behaving inconsistently. Valeria (talk) 21:56, 27 July 2020 (UTC)
I answered my own question. It's Nilsine Shatter-Shield. The coffin wasn't there in an earlier save, so it's the coffin of someone who died during gameplay. Tova and Torbjorn are still alive, and the clothes in the coffin match what Nilsine wore. And of course she died way too far back for me to redo all that stuff. So I'm down Nilsine Shatter-Shield and Captain Lonely-Gale, and just about every time I try to do anything in Windhelm now, I get a letter of inheritance for Angrenor and have to reload. And those are just the ones I've found out about. Heaven only knows who else is going to turn up dead when I try to finish up the final quests.
The biggest challenge in this game isn't the combat. It isn't maxing out your character's stats. It isn't acquiring the most powerful gear. It isn't buying or earning all the houses in the game. The biggest challenges of this game are keeping the NPCs from randomly dying right and left and keeping the game from glitching out so badly it becomes unplayable. And figuring out where Gregor and Valdimar have gone. If Bethesda had simply implemented the quick and easy fix of cleaning up the links on those two Hearthfire housecarls, that would have done a lot to improve the quality of gameplay for me. Valeria (talk) 03:36, 28 July 2020 (UTC)