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Skyrim talk:Followers/Archive 4

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This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Followers discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Dog glitches

The section about the glitched dogs seems doubtful to me (apart from being sub-par in writing, seems like someone holds a grudge). Especially since it does not follow my experience (I seem to be able to jump over Meeko just fine), except for the "follower pushing you forward" thing, which is annoying but not a glitch and especially nothing special to dogs. So I will tone it down somewhat. --Ulkomaalainen 13:41, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

I married Marcurio and asked him to become my follower but he kept killing one of our dogs Meeko (he would hit him in crossfire, then Meeko would turn on him and he'd kill him, a known problem with Marcurio). Anyway, call me crazy but I couldn't send Meeko back home to keep a dead man company, it's just too miserable even for just a game so I told him to wait in my kitchen. Well, he's definately not a house dog cos he disappeared! I had never told anyone to wait before so I'm preety clueless, are they suposed to just disappear?
Ah! and Barbas IS a pain pushing you around all the time and it's very hard to jump over them yes. I've played countless similar games and whomever is in front of you will always step aside when you try to walk past them, should be easy enough to program no? 14:00, 5 March 2012 (UTC) Belbe

Healing Potions

Are there any reports of followers actually USING healing potions you give them? I've personally given my follower (on 3 separate games) healing potions, and then watch them fall to the ground several times, near death. Upon returning to town and looking at their inventory (obviously not letting them die so i could do so), they never even touched the potions. Is this a bug, or are followers just designed NOT to use stuff they consider yours? — Unsigned comment by VycDarkshadow (talkcontribs) at 01:30 on 11 February 2012

I've played through 4 times and never had a follower use food/potions. However there are other things like torches and arrows where the the follower doesn't use up the supply, so I'm not sure if not using the potion up is the same thing as not using it at all. My subjective experience is that followers with potions recover from being knocked down faster than ones without. I can't prove that though. -- Neondrmr 04:18, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
While I haven't kept track of her potion count (since I tend to stash all of my excess potions in her inventory), I've seen the "used a potion" graphical effect around Aela when she was at very low health or had just been knocked down, whereupon she was healed and/or got right back up. This doesn't seem to happen every time though. Is it possible that they only use certain types of health potions (default ones rather than player-made)? - ND — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:12 on 11 February 2012
As far as I can tell, Followers NEVER use potions when they've been reduced to the "kneeling" stage: the article is quite badly worded in that section. What they will do is use them to avoid getting to that stage; and potentially once they recover from it (though that seems extremely rare, but it might just be that it takes so long for them to recover that the fight's usually over by then, at which point there's no threat to prompt them to heal, and their out-of-combat regen rate tends to make it a waste). The "big" problem is simply a matter of "when should I use a potion?", which will be at either X% of health or an absolute HP value. If that number is too low for the rate at which they're taking damage, then no, they won't use potions at all, because they never "got the chance". They may also not be "allowed to" use them if they're Staggered. If you're using something beastly (i.e. a Housecarl that you're working around the leveling bug with) as a Follower, with hundreds of HP and good equipment, they'll definitely use potions, and if they're good potions (100+) the Follower will pretty much be unstoppable no matter how tough the fight is.
The "custom" potions idea seems very likely: I haven't had a chance to look into the AI at all, but think about it: say you've got a custom potion that heals 50 points but also has Weakness to Magic, or Stamina Damage, etc - even if the AI is "smart enough" to look at every potion they've got hunting for one with a Restore Health effect, what "should" it do with problem ones like that? Much easier to just put the stock healing potions in a list and say "this is "all" of them" and be done with it. Aliana 08:40, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
Lydia used the potion I gave her in Potema's cave. I saw a yellow vortex around her. It did not help much. I gave her another and she did not use it. She remained on her knee and tried to crawl forward. I went ahead. She appeared healed just before the boss fight. I think this behaviour is scripted in that quest. -- 06:18, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
Tested this with Patch 1.4 on Xbox 360. Gave Lydia a potion (no other potions in her inventory) then attacked her until her health was low enough that she used it (yellow glow each time) and left my service. Worked with the following potions:
- a found Potion of Healing
- a created Potion of Restore Health
- a created Potion of Fortify Health with the Restore Health and Fortify Health effects.
- a created Potion of Fortify One-handed with Restore Health and Fortify One-Handed (34%) effects.
I have 100 health and took all my armor off for zero armor rating. Attacking Lydia after she leaves my service makes her attack me. Without the Potion of Fortify One-handed, it take her 4 hits to kill me. With the potion I still die in 4 hits, so the Fortify One-handed alchemy effect doesn't seem to work on followers, just like with enchanted gear.-- 11:11, 10 March 2012 (UTC)

Fallen Rocks Trigger Follower Hostility/Leaving

In among the most amusing bugs I've seen in this game so far, my follower left my service and went hostile after running into fallen rocks enough times to drop him down to one knee. This occurred in the rock fall trap to the east of Falkreath, but I suspect it can happen elsewhere. I'm not sure why this happens, but it may have to do with the fact that the player character triggered the rock falls, so the rock damage counts as you attacking them personally. I healed my follower up and yielded to them, after which time they became non-hostile. I was then able to rehire them without apparent drawbacks without paying the usual fee. I was playing on the XBOX 360, but I do not know if the bug is specific to this system alone. I added it to the bugs list at the bottom of the page. Confirmation of this occurring on other systems would be appreciated! 05:53, 25 February 2012 (UTC)

Yeah. I suppose you are right about that, saying "it may have to do with the fact that the player character triggered the rock falls, so the rock damage counts as you attacking them personally." Once your character triggered the fallen rocks trap, any damage from rocks will be considered as from you. I triggered a fallen rocks tarp once, and my follower got hit, saying "Hey, I'm on your side!", the same as when I draw a bow and shoot her. — Unsigned comment by Owlker (talkcontribs) at 09:56 on 5 March 2012

100% resistance: no dragon landing

I can confirm the fact that if your follower does have a gear with 100% resistance to some element (in my case it was Onmund with two 50% Resistance to electricity items in his inventory) then an attacking dragon never lands and flying out of reach indefinitely. In this case you cannot remove these items since your follower in war mod so you have to load a previous save to continue play. Be careful: it seems that dragons don't like to attack completely immune foes-- 16:52, 2 March 2012 (UTC)

Cleanup: followers trained in...

I put the cleanup tag on this article a while ago, because I thought the 'Recruitment' sections of many of the tables on this page were cluttered, and that the skills each follower is trained in was information which belonged on their respective NPC pages rather than here. However, I'm now kind of torn on that, and I can understand why it may be appropriate for the skills to be listed here... but only if they are accurate. Can anyone do a check of the skills for followers, and make sure the tables are correct?

At the very least, there are three entries in this section which should definitely be checked and/or edited:

  • Annekke- Seems to be trained in Light Armor, Archery, Block, and One-handed weapons.
  • Mjoll - She specializes in Two-handed weapons, Heavy Armor, Archery, and Block. She is also proficient in One-handed weapons, though her Two-handed skill is higher.
  • Kharjo- He specializes in One-handed weapons, Heavy Armor, Archery, and Block, and has a decent skill level in Sneak.

There are also many entries which list nothing at all. If we're going to fill out any of these, we should fill them all out, right? I'm just a little bothered by the inconsistency of the information listed regarding training on this page. So, can anyone fish out this info? Alphabetface 04:32, 3 March 2012 (UTC)

The NPC class directly dictates which skills they're best in, so I'm not sure that keeping a redundant summary of skills information on this page is even necessary.
In any case, each NPC page already provides both the class and a complete list of the skills associated with that class. That information was auto-generated based on the CK data (and directly tested against in-game data in several cases). In other words, as far as I know the NPC infoboxes were all filled in with accurate information. --NepheleTalk 05:24, 3 March 2012 (UTC)
Come to think of it, though, while someone is trying to do some systematic improvements to the page, I should perhaps mention some other statistics that I think readers might want to see summarized on this page: each follower's maximum level and morality. Presumably the reason for maximum level is obvious. Morality is useful because it determines what commands your follower is willing to do. That info has also been auto-filled on all the NPC pages. Paradoxically, for me it's easier to fill in this type of information on all 1000+ NPC pages than it is to update the tables on a single page ;) --NepheleTalk 05:31, 3 March 2012 (UTC)
I started writing out a nice, long response to your post a while ago, but was interrupted several times, so I'll just keep it short. Thanks for your feedback. I will be checking on the accuracy of information which is already posted (now that I know how to start), and I will also go through and add the maximum levels (if it isn't posted already) and morality information. Thanks for the info and input. :) —Alphabetface 03:47, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

() Okay, Nephele, I added the maximum level and morality value information as you suggested, but there are some entries which need to be checked or which are missing completely. Can you check these for me?

These are missing information

The rest of these have information listed on their respective pages which I entered into the tables, but I was wondering if you could double-check to make sure they're accurate, as I'm unsure since their level info is a lot lower (or higher, in one case) than most others on the page.

I think everything else should be good. Alphabetface 22:13, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

Verulus certainly goes way above 6: I left his quest until well into the 30s (maybe even 40s) once and had to SA him twice (x6 with an at-least-Epic Ebony Sword) to kill him. Aliana 04:54, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, some of these seemed a little bit off, but the information was taken straight from the individual NPC pages. And most of the information that's been added to the NPC Summary tables on those pages was added by Nephele's bot (including this one adding the level information for Verelus). I'm pretty sure her bot takes that info straight from the CK / game files, but maybe there's some other variable which the bot doesn't see? I really wouldn't know about these things, myself. ABCface 04:59, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
oops, I'm confusing him with the one from Vaermina's quest. Verulus may very well have an extremely low level cap, because he's Essential until it's time for him to die, and then he should die "quickly", rather than the player having to hack their way through 500+ Health. So yeah, it's probably right. The good news is, my current char is 40 and I still haven't bothered doing this quest, so I'll be able to confirm it in-game tonight or tomorrow. Aliana 05:19, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
Sweet, that would be awesome if you could! I assumed most of it was right due to the bot adding the information in most cases, but this last list were ones that seemed to vary a lot from the others, so I wasn't completely sure. As for Brother Verelus, your point about his essential status and his role in the quest makes a lot of sense, though, so the info probably is right for him. Still, it's nice to have a little more verification on these things. :) ABCface 05:24, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
oh lol - my current save was in Understone Keep, about 30 seconds away from him. Yes, he's capped at 6 (confirmed with a race change), with 90-something Health. And guess what? I haven't done any of the quests involving the remaining NPCs either, so I can check all of them (except for Avulstein's 100 cap, obviously) with this char, assuming I remember. Aliana 05:46, 11 April 2012 (UTC)


1. I cannot "activate" anything. (npc's, objects, doors, etc)

2. AT ANY DISTANCE I can talk to Lydia. (usually the cursor goes away when you point n' click at her)

3. Fast Travelling doesn't work. Dismissing her doesn't work. Killing her doesn't work. (I tried the last one alot).

The only solution I can find is to go to an earlier save.

It's a pretty nasty glitch. It began when I tried to have Lydia unlock the chest underneath the sucken barge at the bottom of Neugrad Lake...the one next to Fort Neugrad. — Unsigned comment by Theindividual (talkcontribs) at 12:31 on 7 March 2012

Gleda the Goat

Does she really require a mention on this page? Yes, she literally follows you during the related quest, but since she does not fight, and this page is about NPCs who will fight for you, it seems pointless to include her. 20:42, 10 March 2012 (UTC)

I just moved the entry about Gleda the Goat from the 'Permanent Followers' section into the 'Quest Followers' section, since it's a more appropriate location for the information. ABCface 03:15, 11 March 2012 (UTC)

J'zargo needs corrections

On this section it lists J'zargo as a marriageable NPC, which is not the case, as you can't marry a Khajiit. I would correct it myself, but I am not an expert at tables, and I have no clue what out of that string of stuff would have to be modified, so I fofund it easier to just bring attention to it elsewhere. ESQuestion?EmailContribs 03:55, 14 March 2012 (UTC)

Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out. I'm guessing the problem came from me accidentally moving the check mark out of the Blades section and into the Marriage section. I made a bunch of edits to the page to completely change how the tables used to be, and I probably moved the information during those many edits. Anyway, it should be right now, thanks to you and User:Eleima. :) ABCface 04:15, 14 March 2012 (UTC)
Yep, it was my fault. I moved the entry from the Blades cell into the Marry cell when I added the Primary Skill and Prerequisite Quest columns in [this] edit. Sorry! I'm gonna go through all the tables now to make sure I didn't do that anywhere else. ABCface 04:20, 14 March 2012 (UTC)

Possible werewolf follower???

Ok so there two possibilities I can think of for getting werewolf followers...

1) During the quest, "Ill met by moonlight" when you choose wether to kill him or help him kill the other hunters, if you choose to help him he follows you untill all the hunters are dead. I didn't try this but I will on my next playthrough but, is it possible to leave the grotto with him still folowing you and keep him as an invincible werewolf follower? IF YOU CAN DO THIS, do people become hostile towards him???

2) This involves doing a few glitches before trying but - Get the cursed ring of Hercine, remove the quest item status by doing escape jail glitch where you get put in jail, break out, go to prisoners personal belongings box. leave box without taking any items (the quest items will be added automatically) go to a different hold get arrested again and look in box again, the go back to where you were arrested in the first place and break out 1 last time. THIS TIME taking out your equipment... ... after this first glitch is complete any quest items you had will no longer be flagged as quest items enableing them to be removed. Now go to a mannequin, Honeyside in Riften for eg. and do the apparel duplication glitch.(Many tutorials on the net) After getting the second cursed ring give one to a follower, he/she should then transform into a werewolf at random. (UNKNOWN if people are hostile towards them). — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 19 March 2012

Tested #2 Does not remove quest status as of 1.4 don't waste time on this. Plus if it were a legit glitch it would have been posted somewhere else on the net. This is the ONLY place I've seen removing quest status even suggested for consoles. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 19 March 2012


Not sure if the Sinding bit is right or not as he followed me when I left the grove before fighting the hunters. So are you sure he's not usable on other quests? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 19 March 2012

Dual Wield

All followers can dual wield if you give them either a pickaxe, or more usefully, forsworn sword. I'm not sure why they will use these weapons in their offhand in preference to others.

This works with a shiv as well, and it is the best weapon to dual with since it has the lowest weight, making their main weapon swing faster.--RumblePen 13:12, 28 March 2012 (UTC)

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