Skyrim talk:An enemy's gratitude

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Do we have any examples of whose death can trigger this? Or does it happen completely randomly? - 18:19, 24 June 2012 (UTC)

This is a work in progress. One example would be Sven and Faelion in Riverwood. The Silencer speaksTalk 18:25, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
I found another example with Lisette at the Winking Skeever in Solitude. For giggles I killed her only to recieve a letter of gratitude from Aia Arria (I think thats how her name was spelled) from the Bards' College. Wondering if it was a random letter I went back on a previous save and did it again and got the same letter. I'm sure the list of gratitudes from NPCs is ever flowing but here is my little ditty. R'idley 22:40, 16 July 2012 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure it's any pair who are set as "rivals" in game-data. Example: Sven has Faendal set as a rival, and Aia Arria has Lisette set as a rival. ABCface 22:45, 16 July 2012 (UTC)
Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up. R'idley 22:53, 16 July 2012 (UTC)

Yes, the enemy bit is true. The event is triggered through the "SM Event Node" "Kill Actor Event"/WIKillEventsBranchNode/WIKillEventsRandomChance/WIKill04 . WIKillEventsRandomChance has a random 30% condition, the enemy quest alias of WIKill04 has a condition of relationshiprank<0 to the victim . --Alfwyn (talk) 20:42, 26 September 2012 (GMT)


I still had "Read the letter from Faendal" in Quest Log even after reading the letter. Is it possible to actually complete the misc quest to make it go away? Or is it just stuck in the journal forever? I noticed that none of the quest stages listed on this page have the "Finishes Quest" box marked... --Rycr (talk) 07:59, 30 April 2013 (GMT)