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Skyrim talk:Alik'r Warrior

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When killed, the warriors' bodies at the whiterun gate are not removed until competion of the quest. Hence, they are suitable long-term storage, without purchasing a house. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:49 on 8 January 2013‎

Fall of Taneth and the Resistance[edit]

The article states that the resistance fell apart after the fall of Taneth. This is never stated by any of the Alik'r. In point of fact Kematu asserts the opposite (notwithstanding that the resistance ended with the Second Treaty of Stros M'kai). Historically this is also inaccurate because the resistance didn't exist until after the Taneth was overrun as it would have been among the first cities to fall as described in book The Great War, which states that much of the southern coastline was quickly overrun at the commencement of the war. I'm going to make a simple redaction of the last part of the sentence. --DagmarH (talk) 02:48, 11 July 2013 (GMT)

"She sold the city out to the Aldmeri Dominion. Were it not for her betrayal, Taneth could have held its ground in the war." A resistance is not an underground resistance, it was a resistance in not falling to superior forces. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 02:53, 11 July 2013 (GMT)
When using the term "the" in the context of war or conflict a resistance refers to a resistance to an occupying force or ruling government. I defy you to find a single historical use of the term that is otherwise. This is reinforced by Kematu's use of the term, and his assertion that it's alive and well contradicts any other possible interpretation. If the concept that is trying to be conveyed is that Taneth fell to the Aldmeri Dominion as a result of her actions the article should simply state 7that rather than using language that is contradicted by the source of the information, is confusing, and relies on convoluted semantic interpretations to comprehend. --DagmarH (talk) 04:04, 11 July 2013 (GMT)
The word was used with a valid and correct meaning. Sticking to the facts rather than conjecture, Hammerfell is free from Aldmeri forces as the Redguards forced "the withdrawal of Aldmeri forces from Hammerfell." As such a resistance would not be an underground movement as it would be utterly pointless. The Dominion wanted control of Hammerfell, and the Redguards resisted this to such an extent that they seceded from the Empire to avoid it. The book also uses the term "scattered resistance" in reference to the Redguards defence against the invasion. There is no given date for when the city fell, and your claim it is historically inaccurate on that count is based purely on assumptions. Moving to the conjecture as to what Kematu means by "The resistance against the Dominion is alive and well in Hammerfell...". This could be anything from a continued resistance to diplomatic overtures by the Dominion, to a simple term in reference to those forces that held out against the Dominions forces during the war. Any interpretation of the meaning of his words does not belong on an article. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 04:28, 11 July 2013 (GMT)

Whiterun Alik'r still alive after quest[edit]

The two Alik'r inside Whiterun are still alive and well in my game after completing the quest. I'm not sure if this is a glitch or what, but I did the quest where I sided with Saadia and killed them at the Den. I should note that I teleported from inside Whiterun to the closest place to the Den and then when finished teleported back out so I never was outside the gate if that's where they were. Also and maybe this is where the glitch came in, I died fighting the first time getting the speech from the leader for the double cross. On the second playthrough, I shot upstairs with an arrow and initiated the combat while avoiding the speech from the leader. Also, they don't seem to be hostile. -- 10:58, 9 August 2013 (GMT)

Yeah, the bug with the two in Whiterun appearing there after the quest and remaining permanently is already noted on the page. It's normal for many players. — ABCface 15:48, 9 August 2013 (GMT)
There's a way to remove the warriors if playing on the consoles. I found if you shoot them while hidden, it doesn't incur an assault bounty, so all you have to do is lead them to a remote location in Whiterun such as the northwestern corner near the House of Clan Battle-Born and fight them there, killing both of them with no other witnesses. It's best to do this sometime at night, when there are fewer people wandering around.--TheePaladin (talk) 07:39, 24 July 2015 (UTC)

A time of need, indeed[edit]

Looks like Hammerfell isn't paying their soldiers enough so they're taking up temp jobs for some extra income. On the PS3 version I got the "two warriors accost a random woman" encounter near Steamcrag Camp (the one with dead khajiit traders) and followed them to Kynesgrove nearby. They entered the inn and eventually posed themselves on the counter as if they were both barkeepers, though obviously no trade dialogue comes up. I didn't know this was a generic NPC animation, never saw this happen before.-- 16:13, 21 July 2015 (UTC)

Alik'r warriors show up in Skyrim BEFORE Dragon Rising[edit]

I started a new game a few days ago, did not complete or even start "Dragon Rising" (I still have to complete "Before the Storm", by talking to Gerdur and then Balgruuf - I did visit Riverwood and Whiterun, but without meeting them). But I noticed in many occasions that Alik'r warriors do show up on the road, arguing with a Redguard woman as usual. Has the game changed ? Because it reads at the beginning of the article : "Alik'r Warriors (...) show up in Skyrim once you have defeated Mirmulnir during Dragon Rising." Loxias (talk) 11:29, 11 November 2016 (UTC)

Yes, that sentence is misplaced. The sentence should be placed in the specific paragraph in which it is true; instead it is misplaced in a way that implies that the description is correct for ALL Alik'r warriors - which it is not. That particular sentence describes the Alik'r warriors encountered in the wilderness encounter, and should be corrected. - KINMUNETALK﴿ 12:15, 11 November 2016 (UTC)

Wandering Alik'r?[edit]

On the road to Riften, I encountered a frostbite spider and started fighting it, when I heard a voice do a battle cry of some kind. Unfortunately a stray axe blow caught whoever the fellow was, and I got the message that I received a bounty. Then I might have "accidentally" hit him a couple of times more. I was surprised to see that the body was an Alik'r warrior, equipped with the standard equipment. I had killed them all in Swindler's Den so I figured I wouldn't be seeing them again. Are there wandering Alik'r, and if so should they be mentioned in this article? Would they be hostile given my past actions? Maybe I hit him before his hostile script started?

Postscript: The spider died afterwards and I got a message that the witness to my crime had died, but the bounty still said 1000 gold :( — Unsigned comment by Jigoro (talkcontribs) at 19:14 on 2 March 2017

Yes, there is a World Interaction that should stop appearing but continues appearing after the quest is over. These are the two Alik'r in the second section. They are not hostile unless physically assaulted, and they probably spawned near enough to come fight the spider. I have no idea why the section on this page says the event stops as the issue was identified by the USKP version 1.1 and never patched officially. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 20:12, 2 March 2017 (UTC)

Do they repawn?[edit]

I killed both of them before activating the quest and I need them alive to get to the quest. I tried waiting over two months and tried talking to the warriors wandering outside in random encounters to activate the quest, neither worked. Do they respawn and how do they respawn? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:09 on 5 November 2018