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Skyrim talk:About

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Riding a drogon[edit]

Can u fly a dragon? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:41 on 18 January 2012

I the game you can't ride a dragon actively. But at least there is an ingame video sequence where your character will ride a dragon. --Killfetzer 16:49, 18 January 2012 (UTC)

Programming language[edit]

I could find it nowhere on UESP. Shouldnt this be the place to post the program language used by making Skyrim? — Unsigned comment by WeeziMonkey (talkcontribs) at 19:24 on 23 January 2013

Not really. It really isn't all that important. There are several languages likely used in the creation of skyrim. Most likely, C++ and C# were used, and all of the scripting is done in an in house scripting language that was written by Bethesda. Other than that, I'm sure half a dozen other languages were used in the creation of it, for the various softwares that they use to actually create the game (ie, music, graphics, shading, etc) Jeancey (talk) 19:30, 23 January 2013 (GMT)
Papyrus was used for the scripts, Adobe Flash was used for the interface stuff (including menus, map icons, and fonts), and the rest is powered by Bethesda's own Creation Engine, which is presumably C++ or C#. • JAT 19:53, 23 January 2013 (GMT)