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Daedric Artifact: Volendrung (0002acd2)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Warhammer
Editor ID DA06Volendrung
Damage Damage 25
Damage Damage 25 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.7
Speed 0.7 Reach 1.3
Weight Weight 26 Value Value 1843
Quality Tempering Ebony Ingot
Quality Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk None (See Bugs)
Absorb 50 points of Stamina
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/129=23

Volendrung, also known as the Hammer of Might, is said to have been created by the Dwemer of the now-abandoned clan of Rourken, hundreds of years before they disappeared from Tamriel. Like the dwarves who created it, Volendrung is prone to disappearing suddenly. Unlike the Dwemer, Volendrung is also prone to resurfacing unexpectedly. It is the reward for completing Malacath's daedric quest, The Cursed Tribe. It can be tempered with an ebony ingot. Its swing speed is faster than other warhammers (the same speed as battleaxes and greatswords). It is the second fastest warhammer in the game, after the Longhammer, which is the fastest two-handed, non-artifact, weapon in the game.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Volendrung is the only Daedric artifact you do not need to possess for the Oblivion Walker achievement/trophy, as the quest completes (and increments your total) while the hammer is transformed on the altar.
  • In Arena, Daggerfall, and Oblivion, Volendrung had the ability to absorb health and paralyze opponents, but it was unenchanted in Morrowind.
  • Guards will occasionally comment on the weapon if you have it equipped, saying "That is one... big hammer" or "What do you aim to do with that hammer, friend? Knock down a house?"
  • Despite its higher speed giving it an abnormally high DPS value, there are two base weapons that outdo it: the dragonbone battleaxe and the dragonbone warhammer.
  • HendraheimCC contains a special holder for this item.
  • The orange, pulsing light in the center of the head still glows when the enchantment is depleted.
