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Skyrim:Summon Daedric Horse

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SR-icon-spell-Summon.png Summon Daedric Horse
School Conjuration Difficulty Apprentice
Type Offensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Target Location Equip Either Hand
Spell ID xx000B62 Editor ID ccBGSSSE067_SummonDaedricHorse
Base Cost 136 Charge Time 0.5
Duration 60 Range 24 ft
Tome ID xx000B64 Tome Value 720
Daedric Horse
Summons a Daedric Horse to act as your steed.

Summon Daedric Horse is an apprentice level conjuration spell added by The Cause Creation.





  • The spell tome is called Spell Tome: Conjure Daedric Horse.
  • Like other horses, the Daedric Horse will aid you in combat.
Creature (ID) Lvl Health Magicka Stamina Abilities Attacks Soul
Daedric Horse (FExxxB4B) 50 1637 0 198 (?) (?)