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Skyrim:Borgakh the Steel Heart

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Borgakh the Steel Heart
(RefID: 0005B688)
Stronghold Mor Khazgur
House Larak's Longhouse
Race Orc Gender Female
Level PC×1 (range=10-30) Class Orc Warrior
RefID 0005B688 BaseID 00019959
Other Information
Health 50+(PC-1)×11.7
Magicka 50+(PC-1)×3.3
Stamina 100
Primary Skills Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Sneak
Class Details GuardOrc1H
Morality No Crime Aggression Aggressive
Marry Yes Follower Yes
Voice Type FemaleOrc
Faction(s) Blood-Kin of the Orcs; GuardFaction; PotentialFollowerFaction; PotentialMarriageFaction; TownMorKhazgurFaction; Tribal Orcs
Borgakh the Steel Heart

Borgakh the Steel Heart is an Orc warrior and potential follower found in Mor Khazgur. During the day she can be found using the training dummy in front of Larak's Longhouse and at night sleeping inside. Although she is proud of Orc traditions and willing to abide by them, she seems uneasy about what her future may hold.

She wears heavy armor, including heavy boots and heavy gauntlets, and she keeps a set of ragged trousers for sleeping. She carries a sword and shield, a bow with 20 arrows, a key to the longhouse, and a selection of common items and gold. Her armor and weapons are leveled, and can be up to Orcish in quality.

Related Quests[edit]


Her greetings:

"I envy you, outlander. You can choose to leave if you wish."
"Soon, I will be of age. The taste is bitter."
"Perhaps I'll join the Legion one day, as my father had done."

When spoken to:

What do you do for the stronghold?
"I am Larak's daughter. Soon, I'll be of age and will be sent to marry an Orc chief in some distant stronghold. Until then, I train. My new home will need strength, and my new sisters will know I'm not weak when I arrive."
You don't know who you'll marry?
"No. A chief's daughter marries who her chief wishes. It ensures the stronghold receives a fair trade in goods for my absence. I used to look forward to the day when I was of age, to see new places and people, but now it feels like a cage."
You want to leave the stronghold?
"I couldn't. It would shame my chief, and mother, and foremothers."
Option Dialogue
They'll understand. Trust me.
Passed: You're right. Malacath teaches us to meet our fate. Perhaps this is mine.
Failed: What do you know about my people, outlander?
What if I pay off your dowry?
Passed: That is a fine idea. The stronghold would need the gold when I am ready to marry anyway.
Failed: No. That won't be enough.
You're weak.
Passed: I am not weak. Very well, outlander, I will go with you whenever you are ready.
Failed: You dare challenge a child of Malacath?
Fine, then. Thank you for asking.

If you are successful, she becomes a potential follower, as well as a candidate for marriage, and can be recruited into the Blades.

Unused Dialogue[edit]

The game's DialogueViews files include an early iteration of her response to you persuading her. Said line notably includes the term Mauloch, instead of Malacath. Both names are in use by the Daedric Prince, but Malacath is much more prominently used:

"You're right. Mauloch teaches us to meet our fate. Perhaps this is mine."


  • Once she is following you, you can simply take back the gold you gave her for the dowry if you are in need of it.


  • When married, she lacks most of the store dialogue, leaving it unvoiced.
  • If you marry Borgakh and adopt a childHF, she cannot be asked how the children are doing as she has no recorded dialogue for it.
  • Her class, GuardOrc1H incorrectly levels her Magicka instead of Stamina.