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Shivering talk:Traps

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Page Rewrite[edit]

I did the same with this page as I did with the Oblivion:Traps page. All (or most) traps should be covered, have a picture and description. The traps are not categorised as Magic or Physical, but as where they appear (In the Root Tunnel or Ruin sections of Dungeons) as this seemed like a clearer distinction.

Septim Trap[edit]

In one of the Isles' ruins, is there a trap that rains/drops Septims/Drakes/Gold before using a offensive spell or physical effect trap against the player? I'm sure I've seen something about 'raining Septims' on one of the trap pages.--Merco 11:02, 15 August 2007 (EDT)

that is in Ebrocca and it isnt a different trap, its just a combination of a trapped floor and a dart trap that has tresure placed on it-(Warmanivan 06:16, 11 October 2008 (EDT))

Atronach Trap Reversal[edit]

For atronach characters hunger traps and traps like them can be a good way of restoring their magicka if they run four oblivion gates at 17+ and make sure they get the spell absorbtion effect by saving before they close the gate seeing as the effect is determined when the stone is added to your inventory

Tortured Statue[edit]

In the ruin of Ebrocca, and the room called Fiele, there is a trap, named here as Tortured statue. It fires at you with Damage health and seem to be built of a lot of sheogorath statues. Shouldn't this trap be named on this trappage? -Goblin lair 19:33, 29 July 2008 (EDT)

It's true the appearance is unique, but it's essentially the same as the Hunger/Scalon Statue. But the real reason that trap is not covered on this page is because it is unique to Ebrocca, and the trap can better be explained there. Ebrocca seems to have more of these peculiar traps (e.g. the Septims falling on you, followed by Darts), and to list all of these here would be too much of the good thing. --Timenn < talk > 07:50, 30 July 2008 (EDT)
Ok then I know. -Goblin lair 9:43, 4 August 2008 (EDT)

Flying visit/comment on the tunnel traps...[edit]

From what I've seen in-game, the triggers for the Spikes and the Spore Pods all have small clusters of red dots across them (a warning?) and can just about be seen on the page pics. This is not mentioned in the page text. I've also come across Spore Pods directly under drop-holes and these can be a devil to avoid. [Angeret, not affiliated] 23:37, 19 June 2009 (EDT)

I think "Look on the ground for a plant similar in appearance to Root Stalks, only smaller" was referring to the trigger you're talking about, but it didn't mention the red...blobs. I've changed the phrasing a bit to make it clearer. Thanks for pointing that out! –Eshetalk 23:52, 19 June 2009 (EDT)

help i'm meltingggg![edit]

when ever my charic ter runsinto a spore pod trap they trun into a puddle for some's kinda wearid but wearider still is that there head rolls away...the one where it happens is kinfe point hollow--GUM!!! 16:04, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

Hmmm, that's very weird... And it's never happened to me before. Does it occur only in Knifepoint Hollow? Because the spore pad there is no different from any others. --SerCenKing Talk 16:15, 2 June 2010 (UTC) dosn't do it anymore....oh and i forgo to say i ran at it...--GUM!!! 16:27, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
well it happend again i'll see if it happens with other ones now--GUM!!! 16:33, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
yep evry Spore Pod trap does it and i just noticed that my charicter dosn't turn into a puddle he falls apart!(like there's two arms and legs on the floor)|GUM!!!]] 17:07, 2 June 2010 (UTC)