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Shivering talk:Staff of Sheogorath

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Archive 1: July 2007 - December 2010

Other people using it.[edit]

If you created a clone of yourself with console commands with all weapons not in your inventory except, the staff of Sheogorath, What happens if you attack him and he uses the staff on you? G-Raffe 00:33, 27 January 2011 (UTC)

Don't quote me, but I believe the script used specifically blocks the effect from running on the player. --DKong27 Talk Cont 02:00, 27 January 2011 (UTC)
DKong27 is right, I just tested it myself and when I was hit with it, there was an enchantment "Voice of Sheogorath" on me, however it didn't stop me from moving, or the enemy. No "release" and "hold" sounds as well. Vidkun (talk) 04:47, 3 June 2013 (GMT)

Horse mounting glitch with Staff.[edit]

I was messing around with the Staff, when my horse decided to join in with the battle. When I used it, the horse froze, as it should, and I decided to mount it. When this happened my player's top half began to spin at a slow speed through my legs and continued to do so until Jyggalag said "RELEASE!" Has anyone else encountered this? If so, should it be added to the page?G-Raffe 10:33, 27 January 2011 (UTC)

Something similar happend to me, but only on one of my horses. --Archain 16:30, 11 March 2011 (UTC)

Great Gate bug[edit]

"There is a very serious bug associated with this staff. If you use it during the quest The Great Gate, when you exit the The Great Gate after closing it everyone in the game is frozen, permanently. The only known fix is to load an earlier save." ^I've been trying to reproduce this, but it looks like it doesn't happen. Not on the PC anyways. I've tried coming back to Cyrodiil after using the staff and entering the gate, both by getting the Sigil stone and by returning to Cyrodiil manually. In both instances, everything was working normally. Also, whenever I was entering the great gate, I could hear a "RELEASE" just before the loading screen appeared, independently of the timing of my entry after using the staff (Be it immediately after, a few seconds later, or just before the effect expired) In short, I believe I've covered every possible scenario, yet I wasn't able to reproduce this bug. I believe this should be removed from the bugs. If someone else agrees, please remove it from the link below as well: — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:47 on 11 March 2011‎

It certainly happened to me today on 360 (Xbox One digital download), after closing the gate. Not everyone in the game, just those affected by the staff before I entered the gate. When I tried it a second time, everything was fine though. Not sure why. Possibly because I used the staff while inside the gate, which might have reset something. Needs further testing. 17:55, 29 January 2018 (UTC)

Kvatch Glitch[edit]

During gameplay of the freeing Kvatch quest I experienced a very similar glitch to the Great Gate bug, but less severe. I charged in to the gate, freezing a couple of scamps and the guards, including Savlian Matius. I crossed into Oblivion before the spell wore off, and on the other side I heard the "Release" effect. Once I closed the gate and came back to the world, all the characters I froze stood motionless and could not be interacted with. I tried fixing them with the console by killing them then resurrecting the guards, but I was only able to make them speak, as they would not move on itno Kvatch and just stand around with no animation whatsoever. Every other NPC in the game was functional however. I was able to fix the issue using the 'tai' command in the console. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:16 on 20 April 2013‎