Shivering talk:Relmyna Verenim

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Her Spells[edit]

What's her spell list, specifically the spell she casts on the subjects. I assume it's a script effect dictating the victim playing an animation and the projectile a lightning bolt. — Unsigned comment by Kestral (talkcontribs) at 22:12 on 12 October 2008 (UTC)

The brief answer is that you're right, it's a script effect. There's a 1 in 3 chance of the effect being flame, frost or shock. She has many more spells though, so I've marked this as a Good Question for now. –RpehTCE 04:15, 13 October 2008 (EDT)
I found the spells:
Exalted Pain (Effects are listed on the wiki page)
Resurrect Test Subject (I'm pretty sure it resurrects the victims, but the script effect does nothing. It's supposed to be handled by her script and I couldn't find what it did to resurrect them, if it does)
The rest are a mass of powerful spells. Judging from their names their primarily used by Necromancers and Sorcerers. (As I said, VERY powerful spells (If anyone is interested in them, look at "LL2NecromancerLvl100" and "LL2SorcererLvl100")) Kestral 18:04, 24 October 2008 (EDT)
The resurrections of the victims are handled through Relmyna's script and a victim is resurrected when Relmyna's AI package for resurrecting that victim ends. XMarkerHeadings are placed at the location of the dead victim to enable Relmyna to aim because an NPC can not aim properly at a dead NPC. The reason that the resurrections are handled by Relmyna's script is that you can not "run a scripted spell on a dead actor". GroverPlayerB 17:05, 23 June 2011 (UTC)

Exalted Pain[edit]

I recommend casting resistance to magic before talking to Relmyna about the victims. The spell will probably kill you, it dealt over 600 points damage to my character (Altmer with Apprentice birth sign, means various weaknesses + hardcore difficulty level, overall an incredible damage multiplier). Casting resistance to magic will negate negative effects completely. Cannot be absorbed, only resisted! WRFan 05:13, 6 November 2009 (UTC)


i was doin' this quest and i thought what happens if you be mean to relmyna in xaleam does she put you in a cell? do you die? any information is greatly appreciatedThedrunknord 04:51, 29 January 2010 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure nothing as such will happen. --SerCenKing Talk 10:09, 31 January 2010 (UTC)
Ok thanks--Thedrunknord 03:35, 1 February 2010 (UTC)

Exalted Pain Shader[edit]

Quick question: what's the name of the shader that plays when Relmyna casts Exalted Pain on the player (note: the PLAYER, not on the victims; different spell). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:56 on 9 March 2010 (UTC)‎

Relmyna's spell SOW bug.[edit]

I was checking out Xaselm and messing around with the Staff of Worms, as I usually do. I used the staff of worms on the orc victim after Relmyna's spell killed him and before she revived it. It interrupted the effect of her spell causing her to continually fire at the dead orc endlessly. It also caused the orc to glitch out of his cage after I continued to revive it. The spell effect then started affecting my two escorts, the door and Nanette Don. All in all useless I think but funny. I ended up pushing the orc out the door making her fire down the hallway. At a distance the spell seems to hit me but has no effect, maybe reflect spell?Datacaust 23:53, 31 December 2010 (UTC)

Not really that much of a bug as the game would of probably of corrected itself if you didn't continually revive the orc. Many of the spells used by NPCs also have specific effects too make sure it doesn't effect anything else in the game, if you were to us PSB. For example if you were to put the Adoring Fan in front of the archery target in the arena bloodworks he will be shot, but not hurt in any way, this is intended to stop NPCs from getting into accidental fights. Since Relmyna casts spells reguarly I think her spells are tailored only to hurt her victims to make sure you could not be hit nor anyone else that might be with you, avoiding an unintended fight. Alpha Kenny Buddy 00:15, 1 January 2011 (UTC)
yeah not much of a bug just interesting that you can completely interupt her schedule.Datacaust 03:40, 1 January 2011 (UTC)
What you said is true in some cases, but not all. For example, the Mages in the practice rooms will continue firing spells if I am standing there or if I command fellow npcs to stand there. --Manic 17:15, 23 June 2011 (UTC)

Formatting Errors[edit]

Her page seems to have the first quest icon overlapping a line. The line itself overlaps the first [edit] 09:54, 24 September 2011 (UTC)

Hidden Dialogue[edit]

If you go full sadist and kill the Gatekeeper right before Relmyna talks to her child or during she will use an unsubtitled dialogue and say "How could this be? No mother should outlive her child. No Never!" and walk back into Passwall.