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Shivering talk:Knotty Bramble

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In the cave system of Knotty Bramble there is an area called Lost Crypt. Inside the Lost crypt are two *dead* Zealot Guardian bodies laying on top of coffin pedestals. There is also a small area in the map that is unreachable, but you can look into it through iron bars.

The *dead* bodies don't give any type of search option when you scroll over them, because they aren't actually dead. If you drag their bodies (LB button for Xbox 360) off of the pedestals, you will reveal a secret button that can be pressed to open the secret chamber. Doing so also reanimates both *dead* Zealot Guardians.

There are 4 chests/urns in the area as well as some Nightshade petals and some small loot that is found when searching the skeleton body.

There is one other piece of unique loot. It's called Lorenz Bog-Trotters skull. I don't know what this is for, or if it has any correlation with any quests, but since the developers went through that much trouble to hide the button, you'd think that the unique loot (Lorenz Bog-Trotter's skull) would have to have some specific purpose, unless it's just an Easter Egg with an inside joke or something.

Bog-Trotter's skull (and other named skulls in SI) tie in with the Hill of Suicides quest.

Hollowed Stump[edit]

I doubt this is important but I noticed that one of the Hollowed Stumps in the first section makes the noise that you would hear if you opened a stone coffin when you open it. I also noticed this with other stumps on the root cave. --Imperial Scum 21:05, 27 April 2008 (EDT)

Is it Just me?[edit]

none of the maps on this page are marked! whats up with that? 18:57, 1 July 2008 (EDT)

As the note at the top of the page says, we haven't got around to it. You could always help and do it yourself? –RpehTCE 00:52, 2 July 2008 (EDT)

falling guy?[edit]

I just walked in to the dungeon with the gray fox cowl so i had a detect life effect, well anyway i just saw sombody through the wall fall really far so i was just wondering what that was.

A few corrections to the OPRP[edit]

I just noticed a few oddities with the Knotty Bramble walkthroughs and I think they should be checked once again - and corrected:

  • At the very beginning of the Knotty Bramble walkthrough it is stated that There are two doors leading to the next zone: C and D. This is somewhat confusing, because the Crypt is listed as the "next zone" and the two doors lead to the third zone, Knotty Bramble, Hatchery.
  • In the Crypt zone, the two zealot's will NOT reanimate when you hit the switch, nor will they reanimate when you take the skull. They will only reanimate the moment you move BEHIND Lorenz Bog-Trotter piedestal, which means that you can safely pick up the skull as long as you stay away from the two chests along the western wall.
  • Also, pushing the switch only opens ONE entrance to Lorenz, not two as stated. H will not open at all, only G.
  • At the beginning of Lost Crypt, it is stated that: This zone is merely a large loop, therefore it is irrelevant which direction you take at the initial intersection. Not true. It is only possible to head east when you enter the Crypts, due to the western part of the "loop" is above ground level, which basically means that you will have to pass the piedestals with the zealots and continue on, ending up falling into a hole and land near the entrance.

Now, I could have made the corrections myself, but I am not really experienced with the OPRP so I figured I'd leave my observations herefor more experienced project members.--Krusty 11:05, 25 April 2010 (UTC)

no lost crypt????[edit]

i get to the derection of the lost crypt but there is a big wall what the heck??? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:16 on 14 May 2011

Please be a bit more precise; are you in the Lost Crypt or are you in another location? --Krusty 08:13, 29 August 2011 (UTC)

The door is through the water in the Hatchery.