Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Ildos Norvor's Caravan

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Discover the fate of Ildos Norvor's unlucky caravan.
Quest Giver: Geod Entoriane
Location(s): Guild of Fighters, Karthwasten
Prerequisite Quest: Kill Orcish Bandits
Next Quest: Geod's Vendetta
Reward: 1000 gold, optional 300 gold
ID: Sky_qRe_KWFG3_Journal
The caravan plus new crew

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Geod Entoriane who will send you to Ildos Norvor in his house next door.
  2. Head toward Vorngyd's Stand on the road south out of Karthwasten. Shortly before reaching Vorngyd's Stand, head right off the road onto a rocky outcrop to find the looted caravan.
  3. Kill the three bandits.
  4. Loot Sokir Yellow-Archer to find a note.
  5. Return to Ildos and then to Geod for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]


Talk to Geod Entoriane for your next orders, he'll tell you that the merchant Ildos Norvor's caravan is missing. Ildos lives next door to the Guild of Fighters, so go talk to him for further instructions. When talking to Ildos he'll tell you that he suspects his caravans are being targeted, he doesn't know for sure but thinks Rolic Gilded-Shield is behind the attacks. Ildos wants you to track down the caravan and if possible, find proof that Rolic is behind the attacks.

Finding the caravan[edit]

Ildos will tell you the caravan was headed for Hammerfell and would have passed Vorngyd's Stand. Exit Karthwasten through the southern city gate, once you've passed the bridge you should take the path to the west and keep following it until you see Vorngyd's Stand. When asking around in Vorngyd's stand about the caravans they will tell you that none of Ildos' caravans passed through, meaning they've been attacked between Karthwasten and Vorngyd's Stand. Head back down the road to Karthwasten but this time, when the road turns east, stop following it and head west through the stony outcrops until you see some dead horses and the missing caravan.


The caravan will be guarded by Manthar the Watchful, Ramheim Long-Scream and Solkir Yellow-Archer, kill them. Solkir will be carrying a note signed by R.G.S. instructing the three bandits to attack the caravan. You can now either go confront Rolic in the Gilded-Shield Manor, who will deny everything, or go directly to Ildos with the news.


When you tell Ildos about the note you found you can either tell him about your conversation with Rolic, if you confronted him, or choose to say nothing. It wont make much of a difference what you choose because both options lead to Ildos deciding to hire the Fighters Guild for future protection services. Now return to Geod in the Guild of Fighters, he'll thank you for securing future business and will give you 1000 gold for your efforts. Geod will tell you to wait a while for new orders but if you talk to him about orders he will tell you about a personal problem. If you wait a day or two and Ildos decided to do further business with the Guild, you can talk to Geod again about the missing caravans and he'll give you 300 gold as an additional reward.


  • If you kill Ildos Norvor, Geod Entoriane's disposition will drop by 30 points and he will tell you that the contract is off and that your involvement with this chapter of the Skyrim Fighters Guild is over. When talking to Geod about orders, he'll tell you to go solve the caravan problem as if nothing happened, making it impossible to progress any further.
  • If you kill Rolic Gilded-Shield, Ildos Norvor won't be happy with you and when you tell him his disposition will drop by 40 points. Geod Entoriane also won't pay you, his disposition will drop by 30 points and he'll refuse to give you further orders and if you try to talk with him about orders his disposition will drop 10 points.
  • If you killed Rolic Gilded-Shield, Ildos Norvor will leave Karthwasten and can't be found in game anymore afterwards.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Ildos Norvor's Caravan (Sky_qRe_KWFG3_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
5 Geod asked me to take on a contract from a local merchant, Ildos Norvor, but did not bother to fill me in. I need to visit Ildos in his house, next to the Guild.
10 Ildos told me his latest caravan bound for Hammerfell failed to arrive. He suspects Rolic Gilded-Shield, a famous local merchant, is using his household mercenaries to disrupt Ildos' routes. I am to take the road south out of Karthwasten to Vorngyd's Stand, search for the caravan and any evidence of its disappearance.
15 I found Ildos' caravan, run off the road with the horses and caravanner killed. When I approached the wrecked caravan, three brigands attacked me.
20 The brigands at the wrecked caravan are dead. I should look around for evidence.
30 I found a note on one of the brigands' bodies instructing them to attack the caravan. Ildos will want to see this.
39 I took the note I found at Ildor's ruined caravan to Rolic Gilded-Shield. Rolic outright denied any involvement.
40 Ildos Norvor told me that the note from "R.G.S" is sure evidence Gilded-Shield is trying to muscle him out of business. He paid me for the job and told me he'll be hiring the Guild in future to protect his caravans across the border.
49 Ildos Norvor told me that despite Rolich Gilded-Shield's denial, the note from "R.G.S" is sure evidence the merchant is trying to muscle him out of business. He paid me for the job and told me he'll be hiring the Guild in future to protect his caravans across the border.
100 Finishes quest☑ Geod was impressed when he heard that I not only completed the contract, but that Ildos would be bringing future business to the Guild. He paid me for the job and told me to ask again in a few days for an additional reward.
110 Ildos Norvor is dead. He won't have to worry about his caravans any longer.
111 Finishes quest☑ Geod was annoyed that Ildos was dead and said the contract was off.
112 Rolic Gilded-Shield is dead.
113 Finishes quest☑ I told Ildos Norvor that Rolich Gilded-Shield is dead. He was furious and refused any further Guild help.
115 Finishes quest☑ Geod was extremely angry that I had soured the contract, and told that he had seen Ildos Norvor leave town. He refused to pay me for the job.
150 Finishes quest☑ Geod paid me some extra gold as a reward for securing further work with Ildos Norvor.
151 Finishes quest☑ I spoke to Geod for a further reward after Ildos agreed to hire Guild mercenaries, but Ildos is dead. Geod was angry and paid me nothing.