Project Tamriel:Skyrim/A Promise Kept

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Perform a mysterious ritual with the matriarch.
Quest Giver: Vesmorah
Location(s): Merduibh
Prerequisite Quest: Just Asking Questions
Next Quest: Chthonic Secrets
Reward: None
Disposition: +10 (Vesmorah)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Taliesinn)
ID: Sky_qRe_BM3_Journal

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Vesmorah in the communal hut in Merduibh about components for a ritual.
  2. Bring her one of each the three components:
  3. Complete the ritual with Vesmorah.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

A Promise Kept (Sky_qRe_BM3_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Vesmorah has asked me to retrieve three components for an important ritual.
15 Finishes quest☑ I decided not to bring the ritual components to Vesmorah.
20 Restarts quest I agreed to bring the ritual components to Vesmorah: vicar herb leaves, gravedust, and an emerald.
30 I brought the ritual components to Vesmorah. She revealed that the ritual is a ""faol abrann"" -- a magically-binding oath -- and that I am the intended subject. I must swear never to reveal the secrets of the Taliesinn, on pain of death, before she will proceed with the investigation.
40 Finishes quest☑ I swore the faol abrann and am magically bound never to reveal the secrets of the Taliesinn, whatever they may be.
50 Vesmorah told me the secrets of the Taliesinn people. Once, they were united under their devotion to the Sun Mother, and through blood rites accrued enough power and prosperity. But a witch-warrior called Malthorc came to lead a rival group known as the Moon Cult and, although he was banished, his daughter led the remaining cultists to found the village of Bailcnoss. The two groups have existed in uneasy peace since then. Vesmorah also named me a rondach -- blood-kin -- of the Taliesinn.
100 Finishes quest☑ Vesmorah, the Merduibh matriarch, has been killed.