Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Pona's Journal

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Book Information
Pona's Journal
Added by Project Cyrodiil
ID PC_m1_K1_MC4_Journal
Value 70 Weight 1
Related to Soap Surplus
Found in the following locations:
  • Anvil, Navy Officer Lodgings
Pona's Journal
A record of a thieving Navy officer.

[This journal details years of petty theft from Fort Telodrach and the city of Anvil. A few entries near the end stand out as relevant.]

Entry 341:

Nearly got caught sneaking out of the captains' apartments. Pretty sure no one saw me, but they definitely noticed what I took. Going to be too much attention on it to hit it for a while. Money getting tight again. Need another plan.

Entry 342:

Heard a rumor about a place called Carthalo -- Reman ruin in the Viduscan Isles. Apparently loaded with valuable equipment. And angry skeletons. Worth a shot?

Entry 343:

Back from Carthalo. Still collecting self. Will write more in next entry.

Entry 344:

Met Sload at Carthalo. Was not hostile. Asked what I wanted. I said that I came to make money. It said that could be 'mutually beneficial'. Offered to trade Sload soap for information on Anvil/Navy. I agreed, told about patrol routes. It rubbed fingers together and a stack of Sload soap appeared from thin air. Sload watched as I loaded it into boat and sailed away. Terrified for my life. Never going back.

[Some more entries pass without any information of note.]

Entry 351:

Money getting tight again. Carthalo still an option?