Online talk:Simply Misplaced
No Wabbajack[edit]
He gave me nothing. I have the option when talking to Sheo at the part where he says to use it on 5 people, to say "I need you to give me the Wabbajack", and he comments affirmatively, and then just "Goodbye" - and at this point nothing happens. Nothing equipped, or in inventory or even in quest items tab. I think it may have to do with having a weapon out when initiating conversation, but I don't know exactly what's supposed to be happening as this is my first time with this quest. Thoughts? Many thanks. Also, I don't even know what to do if there IS something wrong here, and it appears there is, because of the lack of saves. I SO don't want to restart the game. Level 23 is a big deal for me. :/ Crayolamanic (talk) 23:25, 27 January 2016 (UTC)
- I think I've heard of this bug before on the forums. My first suggestion would be to abandon the quest and start it over, as that fixes many quest bugs. Make sure you leave the Glade of the Divines first, then abandon the quest, then log off for at least fifteen minutes (this allows for the area to go through a soft reset), then try again. --Enodoc (talk) 16:42, 28 January 2016 (UTC)
- This actually happened because my inventory was full. The Wabbajack is initially stored in Quest Items, but is taken out and added to your regular inventory when you are instructed to test it on five people. I destroyed some junk I was carrying and asked him again for the staff and the quest proceeded as normal. I can add it to the page when I'm not in a rush or someone might beat me to it. Not sure if it goes under notes or bugs. Crayolamanic (talk) 23:49, 2 February 2016 (UTC)
Reward Discrepancy[edit]
While close, my reward at level 19 was a bit different. I got 354 gold instead of the stated 336, the ring as stated, and an additional Slight Glyph of Magicka that was not mentioned in the quest rewards of this page (blue grade, adds 763 Magicka). While I've got no idea what the reward algorithm is, would it be wise to edit the reward to state that the gold awarded is a leveled amount? Also, is the Glyph being awarded to anyone else, or just me? --Scozz (talk) 10:52, 15 April 2017 (UTC)
- Yeah, thank you Scozz for pointing it out. Many of our Online pages still show rewards from pre-One Tamriel time, where quests had fixed levels and the gold/xp showing on the page was then for that level as well. But about the glyph, i have no idea, it must be added as a reward but it was so long ago I did these quests! It is definitely an additional reward but I dont know if it comes with any condition? Tib (talk) 17:50, 16 April 2017 (UTC)
- Having encountered the same outdated or missing rewards information in the Dragon Age wiki lately, this is apparently a common issue when updates to the game take place after the most reecnt edit. Part of me feels like that necessitates a general sweep of reward checking, but that's quite something to organize neatly in an MMO. I suppose I'll keep updating talk pages for articles when I find new reward data to share on a quest-by-quest basis. Thanks for responding Tib! --Scozz (talk) 14:39, 20 April 2017 (UTC)
Using the Wabbajack[edit]
Because I was myself confused for quite a while before I understood what to do, I would suggest to make an add to the article, describing how to use the Wabbajack: 1) Equip the weapon via inventory 2) Do a light attack. Also to be noted: heavy attack doesn't work and using a skill number (from skill bar) doesn't work. -- 13:04, 30 May 2021 (UTC)