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Online talk:A Lesson in Silence

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Non-essential dialogue[edit]

Putting it here so it's centralized; I'll copy it to character pages if I get the time.

Quest start -- conversation between Kor, Hildegard, and Astara. It's not subtitled. Didn't manage to record all of it.

?????: "The Grand Sermonizer is at it again."
Kor: "Those loudmouth fanatics! It's time to teach them a lesson about the blessings of silence!"
Astara: "Enough. I'll decide how we respond to these malign sermons. Initiate, I have a task for you."

Dialogue with Astara after her response to you selecting, "I can go to Kvatch:"

I'll go to Kvatch right away.
"Tanek will meet you in Kvatch. I expect the two of you to deal with the Grand Sermonizer and show the people of that hypocritical city the real power of the Dark Brotherhood."
Tell me more about this mission.
"The Grand Sermonizer and her priests spread lies about the Brotherhood for reasons I do not yet understand. Whether she seeks to insult us or acts upon some misguided tenet of faith, our response is clear.
These impudent priests must die."
Who's this Grand Sermonizer?
"She's one of the ranking priests at the Cathedral of Kvatch, right below Primate Artorius in the hierarchy. She won't be easy to find, however.
Killing her subordinates may draw her out. Otherwise, rely on Tanek to locate the hole she's hiding in."
Who's Primate Artorius?
"Primate Artorius leads the Cathedral of Akatosh in Kvatch. The Chanters and Sermonizers bow to his authority as the Chosen of the Dragon God, and even the Order of the Hour follows his commands.
Pious and faithful, I find the man to be insufferable."
Do we really need to send two assassins to Kvatch?
"Caution becomes the appropriate response after the deaths of two assassins, Initiate.
But make no mistake. I expect you to assassinate the Grand Sermonizer. Tanek will be there to provide assistance, nothing more."
Do assassins often die when they go on missions?
"Under normal circumstances, no. These recent attacks against us, however, have made circumstances far from normal.
Concentrate on the Grand Sermonizer. That's your primary mission."
What's the Brotherhood's reputation like these days?
"The common folk fear us, the political leaders tolerate us, and everyone who needs someone dead and can pay the cost hires us without hesitation. Our reputation remains strong.
But these attacks by the Sermonizers. They're obviously up to something."
What do you think they're planning?
"It could be anything. Certainly Primate Artorius and his priests have little love for the Brotherhood. I wonder, does the Cathedral plan to outlaw the Black Sacrament? Would they dare such an action?
"Regardless, these sermons are bad for business."

Afterward, not subtitled:

Kor: "Initiate, I have my own contract in Kvatch. I'll join you and Tanek as soon as I'm finished."

Hildegard has a reply to that, also not subtitled (sure must suck playing this DLC if you're deaf), but I didn't get it on video.

Conversation between Fithia and the black-armored woman in the Interrogation Hall:

Black-Armor: "Grand Sermonizer, have you discovered the location of the Sanctuary yet?"
Fithia: "Unfortunately, this assassin expired before revealing anything useful."
Black-Armor: "I'll capture another. Try not to kill this one before we learn the location of the Dark Brotherhood's lair."

Black-Armor exits to and through the door to Fithia's study.

Fithia, loudly: "Lord Akatosh, hear our prayer!"
Fithia, to herself as she casts a spell: "Just prepare the body... like so..."
Tanek, to the player: "Who is that black-armored warrior? Some kind of mercenary?"

Fithia turns to exit to the study.

Tanek: "Now's our chance. Follow me."

Tanek heads downstairs to the right.

Fithia, Tanek, and Kor have dialogue in the Interrogation Room -- in particular, Fithia may mention "the Black Dragon" in combat -- but apparently, I accidentally hit the "stop recording all this non-subtitled dialogue" button on my keyboard, so, uh,... Yeah.

Fithia in the Escape Tunnel, as the player approaches the spawn point for the first Order enemy:

"Defend me, knights of the Order of the Hour. Show this assassin the true power of Akatosh!"

Fithia, as the player approaches the fourth or so Order spawn point:

"Trust in Akatosh! Let the dragon god guide your strikes!"

Fithia, nearly screaming at the player as they approach her chamber:

"Murder me if you must!! It won't save your Dark Brotherhood!"

Fithia as she engages you in combat (hopefully) for the last time:

"It seems I'll need to use something far harsher than words to deal with you."

Fithia, in the final fight:

"The Black Dragon will make you pay for striking a servant of Akatosh."
"Lord Akatosh, my spirit is yours!"

Kor, Hildegard, and Tanek at the quest's end:

Kor: "Don't worry, Tanek. A cask of mead and you'll be back on your feet in no time!"
Tanek: "Ech. Your mead tastes like bee vomit. I'll pass."
Hildegard: "Tanek, I hate that this happened to you!"
Tanek: "You worry more than the Matron, Hildegard. I'll be as good as new before you know it. Ah, New-blade has arrived. Give us the room if you would, Kor."
Kor: "Certainly, Tanek, but I still expect you to be completing contracts again in a few days."
Tanek: "I'll do my best not to disappoint you."
Hildegard: "Take your time, Tanek. I'm going to say a prayer for your quick recovery."

DavidJCobb (talk) 06:16, 18 March 2018 (UTC)