Imperial City

Online:Xorolagora the Shearflame

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Xorolagora the Shearflame
Location Imperial City's Elven Gardens District
Race Xivkyn Gender Female
Health 103494 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Time Bomb Mage
Daedra Hearts, Tel Var Stones, Key Fragments
Xorolagora the Shearflame

Xorolagora the Shearflame is a Xivkyn time bomb mage who can be found in the Elven Gardens District of the Imperial City. She is guarding the Vat of Acid needed to treat the "False Key" into the "Acid-Bathed False Key" during the related quest. She has no unique dialogue.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Entropic Flare
A basic ranged attack that does minor magic damage.
Fire Runes
The enemy shoots two fireballs in the air which form two fire runes when they land. The runes do moderate flame damage over time to all enemies within the red circles and should be avoided. Players should be prepared to move as soon as the attack casts as one rune will always be cast on top of you.
The enemy summons a purple orb from the sky that explodes when it hits the ground splitting into three projectiles dealing moderate magic damage. This skill then sends out magic AoEs across the floor called Void Bursts. This attack can be interrupted to set the enemy off balance or simply avoided.
Void Burst
These AoEs are released after Void lands, the smaller AoEs deal minor magic damage.
Radiant Magelight
The enemy summons a mote of magelight, revealing stealthed and invisible players around itself for 5 seconds. Exposed players cannot return to stealth or invisibility for 3 seconds.