
Online:Webmistress Xoraxia

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Webmistress Xoraxia
Location Eton Nir Grotto
Race Spiderkith Gender Female
Health 140,217 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Webmistress Xoraxia

Webmistress Xoraxia is a Spiderkith mage found among the sacked Khajiit Meridia cultist camp in Eton Nir Grotto. Defeating her is not required to clear the delve.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Entropic Bolt
A basic ranged attack dealing low magical damage.
The webmistress envelops you in a coccoon, rendering you incapacitated until you break free or the ability's runs its full course.
Summon Spiders
During the fight, weaker spiders will descend from the ceiling to help her.


  • The summoned spiders don't give experience or loot when killed.