Online:The Wailing Maw

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The Wailing Maw
(view on map)
Discoverable Yes
Completion Explore and Clear
Dungeon Yes
# of Zones 1
Skyshards 1
Dremora Beldakyn, Dremora Caitiff, Dremora Ferylkyn, Dremora Harstryl, Dremora Mafrekyn, Frost Atronach
Fist of StoneColdharbour
Northeast of the Lost Fleet
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Molag Bal is fascinated by the metamagical technology of Soul Gems, and has several mystical research efforts under way to develop new and more efficient methods of stealing and imprisoning the souls of mortals.
The Wailing Maw

The Wailing Maw is a cave in northeastern Coldharbour, northeast of the Lost Fleet containing Daedra.

Within the Maw

It is being used by Molag Bal to research new ways of using soul gems. Dralnas Moryon will approach you near the entrance to begin the related quest. Deathbringer Orders can be found on a table in the first open chamber. Centipedes are found in numbers within.

Related Quests[edit]

  • The Anguish Gem: Destroy a powerful soul gem to disrupt Molag Bal's research.

Clearing the Dungeon[edit]

Explore and clear The Wailing Maw.

To clear this dungeon and mark it as complete, you need to kill the following bosses:

ON-misc-Boss 1.png Marwoleath



There is one achievement associated with this location:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Wailing Maw Explorer 10 Explore and clear the Wailing Maw.


A map of the Wailing Maw
