Online:Votar Far-walker

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Votar Far-walker
Home Settlement Geirmund's Hall
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 127,470 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Friendly
Class Chillfiend
Votar Far-walker

Votar Far-walker is a Nord chillfiend who can be found at Geirmund's Hall. He's near the southern bridge, which leads out of town.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

If you speak to him before accepting the quest, he says:

"I hear you adventurers go around murdering potential threats. Ever think of reasoning with them?"

Before you face off any of the brawlers:

"Go muck around with the chumps."

After you defeated the brawlers and before speaking to Daljari:

"Follow the rules. Talk to Daljari and then we can fight."

You have the option of fighting him during the related quest. He looks concerned as he notices a giant nearby.

"You're ready now? Wait. There's a giant over there!"
I'm looking for a fight.
"I'm ready when you are."

After defeating him or another champion, he'll unenthusiastically say:

"Your dueling performance was acceptable. Just barely."

After you become the hall's champion, he'll say:

"Excellent. Now you can stand around here wrestling idiots."
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