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Home Settlement Redfur Trading Post
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Hollow Moon
Old look

Valirr is the Khajiit leader of the Hollow Moon who can be found in Redfur Trading Post.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Before the quest:

"I'm sorry, but managing an organization of this size takes time. Please. Return later and we may talk."

When you are told to speak with him during the quest:

"Fadi sent you? She thinks, perhaps, you can do work for us? Who are you to know so little, yet offer so much?"
I've heard that you help the less fortunate.
"Hmm. Maybe you are less interested when you hear what we do?
You are familiar with the custom of property ownership, yes? I have a thing, it is mine! You take it, it is still mine, yes? Why? Because I did not give it to you."
I am.
"And if you are starving and use what you took to feed your belly? Is it still mine?
No. Whatever you stole—food, money to buy food, silks to trade for food—it is inconsequential next to saving you from death!"
You're a thief.
"You think we should work for our bread, yes? But many can't work. They're injured, sick, or just too hungry. The Hollow Moon gives them what they need.
Perhaps we're wrong to steal, but if the world were a more virtuous place we wouldn't need to."
What do the merchants think of your charity?
"Many of them appreciate what we do. Sometimes a merchant falls on hard times. His stock is poor or the price of sugar is too high. Then he needs us, too, yes?
But what about you? Are you still interested in helping the Hollow Moon?"
I'll help however I can, but I'm not going to steal for you./You suggested I could help with something?
"Of course, of course! Aheh.
Now, I was hoping you could assist me with a rather … delicate matter that has presented itself."
What's wrong?
"Shan-ra, leader of the merchants here, has threatened to call in the Thalmor. This is a problem.
Jode's Chariot understands that we provide a valuable service. The Thalmor is unlikely to agree. We need to change Shan-ra's mind."
Do you have something in mind?
"This place was not always a trading post—it was built upon a tomb whose gauntlet of traps have kept it sealed for generations.
If the stories are true, it holds untold riches. We can use them to persuade Shan-ra to leave us be."
Why not keep them for ourselves?
"The reason is twofold.
For one, if we did this thing only for ourselves, we would remain a thorn in Shan-ra's side and be forced to leave. Who, then, would help the helpless of Redfur?"
How do we get in?/... and the other reason?
"There lies the trouble, yes?
The only known entrance to the tomb is within Jode's Hall. The place is teeming with guards. We will need their cooperation to gain entry to the tomb."
What do you need me to do?
"Go to Jode's Hall and speak to Tulira. If I am right, she is no happier about Shan-ra's decision than we are.
Once you are inside, you must retrieve what treasure you can and return to me, here."
I'll do it.

You can ask him more about this mission after accepting the task.

"Thank you, my friend.
While many have attempted the tomb's gauntlet of traps, none have returned to tell the tale. There are many dangers ahead of you. Be careful."
[Persuade]Why do you think Tulira will help us?
"If Shan-ra calls in the Thalmor, that's the end of Jode's Chariot. They won't be necessary any longer.
Besides, Jode's Chariot has always respected what we do, even if they do arrest us from time to time."

If you exit out of your conversation with Valirr before he gives you your task and return to him; you may catch a conversation between Feathers and Valirr:

Feathers: "Shan-ra will not listen. He simply cannot afford further losses."
Valirr: "Damn … and Jode's Chariot?"
Feathers: "They are open to suggestions, but it may already be too late."
Valirr: "We need a way to win Shan-ra's favor…."
Valirr: "Tell Tulira I have something in mind."
Feathers: "As you will."

Speaking to him again after getting your assignment:

"Paws of Rajhin tread with you, my friend."

Your next opportunity to speak with Valirr will arise when he and Tulira are meeting with Shan-ra. You will overhear their exchange.

Shan-ra: "Tulira and Valirr working together! Punabi, did you ever think we would see this day?"
Punabi: "No, Shan-ra."
Shan-ra: "Come now, smile! Only good can come of such an auspicious alliance!"
Tulira: "You are wise to say so, Shan-ra."
Shan-ra: "Such flattery! Tell me. Why have you called me here?"
Valirr: "We have a gift for you, Shan-ra. To show our appreciation and solidify our friendship."
Valirr: "And I believe it has just arrived. My friend, if you would do the honors?"

You can speak with him before greeting Shan-ra.

"Go on, my five-clawed friend! Show him the treasures you recovered from the tomb!"

Speaking with him if you used the treasure to keep the Thalmor out of Redfur:

"My good friend! You have done so much for us, and asked so little in return. If all my agents were so skilled and selfless, we might bring our services to the world!"
Glad to be of service.
"With Shan-ra appeased, we will continue to do what we do best. While I am sure Jode's Chariot will try to stop us, they will never blot us out entirely, no?
Thank you, my friend. We would not be here without your help."

If you asked Shan-ra for gold instead:

"When you asked for the gold, my heart nearly stopped. You have Sheogorath's own mouth, that is for sure!
Still, this is wonderful news! We will be able to continue our operations, thanks to you."

After the quest:

If you used the treasure to keep the Thalmor out of Redfur:
If you asked Shan-ra for gold instead:
"I have much to learn in your shadow, my friend. You have done more for the Hollow Moon than most could ever claim."
"Lies of Lorkhaj and all his thralls! We trusted you! We trusted you and you abandoned us in our hour of need!"

Deprecated Content[edit]

The following dialogue is associated with the removed portion of the quest where you would steal from the merchants and deliver exotic goods to several people.

"Many of them appreciate what we do. Sometimes a merchant falls on hard times. His stock is poor or the price of sugar is too high. Then he needs us, too, yes?
But what about you? Are you still interested in helping the Hollow Moon?"
Yes, I am.
"Go to the market. You will find it overflowing with goods, no doubt — from the frozen heights of the northern mountains to the swealtering [sic] arbors of Summerset.
Take what you can and give to those in need. When you have done this, return here."
Very well.
"Take these clothes. Use them to conceal yourself. If Jode's Chariot catches you, tug the collar. They will burst into a flurry of unrecognizable ribbons — use that to cover your escape.
If you need another, talk to Fadi."

After you distribute the exotic goods, Valirr can be seen speaking with Feathers.

Feathers: "Shan-ra will not listen. He simply cannot afford further losses."
Valirr: "Damn … and Jode's Chariot?"
Feathers: "They are open to suggestions, but it may already be too late."
Valirr: "We need a way to win Shan-ra's favor…."
Valirr: "Tell Tulira I have something in mind."
Feathers: "As you will."

Speak to Valirr.

"Speak of Sheogorath! You've caused quite a stir! Merchants speak of a black wind robbing them blind! Your open hand is blessed on every street corner!
If you were looking to make an impression, you have!"
Thank you.

He will then tell you about the tomb heist.