Icon |
Item |
Description |
Value |
Type |
Ancient Map of Eastern Skyrim (page) |
This antique map from the time of Queen Freydis is as notable for its geographical inaccuracies as it is for its age. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Ancient Map of Evermore (page) |
This antique map shows how the city was arranged when it was first built centuries ago. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Ancient Map of High Rock (page) |
This ancient map is as notable for its geographical inaccuracies as it is for its age. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Ancient Map of Morrowind (page) |
This antique map is as notable for its geographical inaccuracies as it is for its age. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Ancient Map of Unknown Land (page) |
This antique map clearly shows a land currently unknown by modern cartographers and explorers. |
00000100100  |
Maps |
Antique Map of High Rock (page) |
An antique map from the time of the Direnni Hegemony. Though inconsistent with modern maps, the calligraphy is beautiful. |
00000250250  |
Maps, Artwork |
Beautifully Rendered Chart (page) |
This chart is highly detailed with different shades and ink. The strange symbols are rendered in perfect, steady writing. |
00000100100  |
Artwork, Maps |
Black Marsh Transportation Guide (page) |
A hand-drawn map of the various underground expressways formed by the roots of the Hist trees and the common routes for traders. |
0000004040  |
Maps, Artwork |
Camel Map of Hew's Bane (page) |
A hardy rectangle of camel leather with an intricate map of Hew's Bane tattooed into the skin. |
00000250250  |
Maps, Oddities |
Caravan Schedule (page) |
These simple maps and notes appear to reveal a future caravan's route and schedule. A fence could resell these to bandits. |
0000004040  |
Maps |
Compass of the Deadlands (page) |
This compass would be a useful tool for mortals trying to navigate the Deadlands … if they could read it. |
00000250250  |
Devices, Maps |
Directions to Clockwork City (page) |
Scouting reports, collected rumors, and suppositions on the true location of Sotha Sil's Clockwork City. |
000015001500  |
Writings, Maps |
Dwemer Animunculi Schematics (page) |
These complex schematics detail several types of Dwemer builder constructs. |
000015001500  |
Artwork, Maps, Writings |
Dwemer Tonal Diagram (page) |
A schematic utilizing the principles of tonal architecture, indecipherable by any but the lost Dwemer people. |
000015001500  |
Maps, Writings |
Fanciful Map of Rivenspire (page) |
This map from the time of King Ranser is notable for its extended borders, displaying Ranser's intentions at the time. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Fanciful Map of the Rift (page) |
This map from the time of King Einar is notable for its depiction of fantastic creatures along the edges of the parchment. |
00000250250  |
Maps, Artwork |
Gideon Alley Map (page) |
This weathered map doesn't look like much, but it illustrates the crime-infested alleys of Gideon in considerable detail. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Greenshade Tunnel Map (page) |
An extremely detailed map of the cave networks under Greenshade. It would be useful to anyone traveling in secret. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Hand-Drawn Constellation Map (page) |
A meticulously detailed map of the stars. The Warrior, Mage, and Thief are the most prominent constellations. |
00000250250  |
Maps, Artwork |
High Rock Quilt (page) |
This Breton quilt features an embroidered map of High Rock. Southern Bangkorai is included in Evermore's domain. |
00000100100  |
Maps, Furnishings |
Inaccurate Riften Map (page) |
This map of Riften contains glaring mistakes and was supposedly commissioned on Thane Unnvald's orders to confuse the Worm Cult. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Inaccurate Rivenspire Map (page) |
A map of Rivenspire containing glaring mistakes. Supposedly commissioned on King Ranser's orders to confuse High King Emeric. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Map of Eastern Skyrim (page) |
A map showing the current borders of Eastern Skyrim, though it appears to have a number of errors and inconsistencies. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Outdated Map of Tamriel (page) |
This map of Tamriel was drawn before the Alliance War began. However, it still accurately depicts geography and distance. |
0000004040  |
Maps |
Painted Pocket Dimension Map (page) |
A colorfully painted map of a previously unknown pocket dimension in Oblivion. |
00000100100  |
Artwork, Maps |
Read No Further! (page) |
A scroll emblazoned with these words in large type. Below, in smaller type, is a short, highly erotic poem involving a vampire. |
00000100100  |
Writings |
Rivenspire Map Desk Blotter (page) |
Desk blotter printed with a map of Rivenspire, with an inkblot half-covering Sanguine Barrows. |
00000100100  |
Scrivener Supplies, Maps |
Royal Cartographer's Kit (page) |
This sturdy satchel contains a silver-coated sextant, fine vellum, inks, and a number of quills. |
00000100100  |
Scrivener Supplies, Maps |
Secret Roads Map (page) |
This map locates several hidden passes and caves that run though the mountains between Hallin's Stand and Satakalaam. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Silk Map of Summerset Isles (page) |
Sailors and collectors alike would covet this delicately woven map of the Summerset Isles. |
00000100100  |
Maps, Dry Goods |
Star Map (page) |
A detailed map of the Tamrielic sky, prepared by members of the Star-Gazer Order. |
00000250250  |
Maps, Ritual Objects |
Summerset Isles Map Scroll (page) |
A wooden scroll case containing a beautifully hand-painted cloth map of the Summerset Isles. |
00000250250  |
Maps, Dry Goods |
Summerset Isles Nautical Depth Chart (page) |
A highly detailed nautical chart of ocean depths and hazards in the strait separating Auridon and Summerset. |
00000250250  |
Maps |
Woodhearth Sewer Map (page) |
A smugglers' map of the Woodhearth sewers. |
00000250250  |
Maps |