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Daily Job Broker
Home City Solitude
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Coterie of Organized Scholars

Tinzen is a Wood Elf scholar and daily job broker who can be found in Solitude. He represents the Coterie of Organized Scholars and hands out jobs to assist his fellow scholars.

Related Quests[edit]


When there is a job available, Tinzen will greet you with one of the following
"Who's this? Strong, sober, well-equipped? The Coterie of Organized Scholars needs adventurers of your stripe! Our research very much depends on it.
Our fieldwork is fascinating, satisfying, and it pays quite … well, there is payment. Interested?"
[verification needed — Only the first time he's talked to?]
"The Coterie of Organized Scholars has need of individuals with a fondness for practical research and very few personal connections. And a sense of adventure, of course!
Can I count on you?"
"The Coterie of Organized Scholars is conducting a new study and we're prepared to pay for your assistance! Is rigorous fieldwork to your liking? Any problem with heights? How about widths?"
"If it isn't my favorite adventurer! One of several, I mean, but don't quote me on that. The Coterie of Organized Scholars can't afford to play favorites. Literally. We need all the help we can get at the moment. Are you busy?"
"There really used to be more people willing to take an unspecified amount of personal risk in the name of academic discovery. Maybe I should study what happened to them?
You're still here, at least. Can I interest you in a new study?"
While on a contract he will suggest you speak to the scholar involved
"Western Skyrim offers a delightful panoply of subject matter, as you'll soon discover!
Which reminds me, you should seek out the scholar organizing this study for additional advice."
"If you haven't already seen to it, check in with the scholar running this study. They're most eager to see it get underway."
"The Coterie's work can be dangerous, but such is the price of enlightenment. Just think of the work that your findings might inspire!
Speaking of … if you haven't, you should speak with the author of the study straightaway!"
"You should speak with the scholar authoring the study. They're much more likely to cite you in their work once you've established a rapport!"
Returning after completing a job
"Your fieldwork went well, I take it? Tell me every detail!"
"How did your field work progress? The Coterie of Organized Scholars can only offer funds for completed studies."
"You survived the field work. Excellent! Tell me, were your findings at all conclusive?"
"Ah, you're the first one back today. Hopefully not the only one. Walk me through your findings, if you'd be so kind?"
After completing a job and there is nothing available till tomorrow
"I'll need some time to organize your findings before submitting them. We are the Coterie of Organized Scholars, after all.
Do come back tomorrow so we can continue our efforts!"
"While your eagerness for more work is inspiring, I fear the Coterie of Organized Scholars has no pressing needs.
Things do move rather quickly in the world of middle-tier organized academia, however, so be sure to check back soon!"
"These changing formats are confounding! Should I use the Stormhaven style of citation? Something more Cyrodilic, perhaps? I must insist upon using the Colovian comma, of course.
Sorry, friend. I'm a bit busy right now. Check back later, won't you?"
"The Coterie of Organized Scholars' pursuit of knowledge is relentless, but even the most assiduous of scholars needs time to digest such inscrutable findings.
Consider this a brief respite. We'll have more work for you soon enough."

Tinzen can also be asked about his organization and himself:

Tell me about yourself.
"Tinzen is the name. I'm a representative of the renowned Coterie of Organized Scholars. I'm also a member.
Alchemy is my purview—as well as my passion—but our membership's specialties outnumber the stars in the sky!"
I've never heard of your group before.
"We're the oldest institution of learning in Western Skyrim, outside the Bards College. In fact, the students of the Bards College and the Mages Guild employ us exclusively for research assistance. A perk of our charter with the High King."
They don't do their own research?
"Well, the Mages Guild is a foreign body and folk are particularly suspicious of them, so they are legally obligated to conduct their business through our trusted institution. As for the Bards College? Not all poets are scholars, let's say."
What kind of jobs do you offer?
"The dangerous and dirty kind, I'm afraid. We may be a scholarly organization, but some of our research is more hazardous than others, so we are often in need of adventurous types to recover materials for study and experimentation."

A Trail Gone Cold[edit]

When approaching him:

"Who's up for a archeology? Anyone?"

Speaking to him:

Tell me more.
"The esteemed Goblin-scholar Landal Gevont has commissioned the Coterie to seek evidence of a previously undiscovered tribe living within Chillwind Depths.
As you'd imagine, the Coterie is eager to substantiate this claim."
What do you need me to do?
"We need someone to verify this claim and—if this tribe exists—bring definitive proof. Landal is specifically interested in objects of cultural significance in order to learn how socially advanced they are.
Try not to disrupt the tribe too much."
I'll search Chillwind Depths for tribal artifacts.

You can ask about the caves.

Is there anything you can tell me about Chillwind Depths?
"It's only known for being chilly, windy, and deep. One of the larger frozen caverns in the region. Very inhospitable to life, so it's unusual to suspect an entire tribal civilization is eking out a living there, but that would put it on the map!"

After collecting artifacts, you can return to Tinzen.

I brought artifacts from the tribe in Chillwind Depths.
"Oh my, these aren't like anything I've seen before. Doesn't look terribly Goblin to me, but that's for Landal to determine. Either way, the existence of undiscovered peoples is quite an accomplishment. We're most pleased. Most pleased!"

Dwemer Disassembly[edit]

When approaching him:

"Are you an individual with a love of tinkering, or a lot of pent up aggression?"

Speaking to him:

Let me hear the details.
"One of the Coterie's scholars has an obsession with the mysteries of Dwemer mechanisms, specifically the effects of harmonics upon soul-powered automatons. Sounds like a novel, doesn't it? Investigator Vale and the Mysteries of Dwemer Mechanisms."
So what do you need from me?
"We need someone to test the scholar's Dissonance Apparatus on some Dwemer constructs, as well as locate one of their heartcogs.
The Dwemer ruin affectionately referred to as the Scraps should be an ideal location. I'll mark it on your map."
I'll test out the device and return with a heartcog.

You can then ask him about the device you were given:

What exactly is a Dissonance Apparatus?
"I haven't the faintest idea. That's the best part. Whatever your findings are, it'll all be uncharted territory for me. I could use more interesting reading material while I'm out here looking for quality research assistants."

Returning from the Scraps:

I tested this Dissonance Apparatus and retrieved a heartcog.
"You've proven quite adept with strange mechanisms. We could use more like you in the Coterie. I'm more partial to the workings of living things, but I am fascinated by the lifelike behavior of Dwemer constructs.
Here's your commission. Well done!"

Precious Bark[edit]

When approaching him:

"I have a unique opportunity for scholastic research today. It'll keep you warm!"

Speaking to him:

What's needed?
"Our senior most expert on ambulatory flora requires a field assistant to collect fresh samples of spriggan bark from the Shadowgreen."
How fresh?
"Expired spriggans tend to decompose rather quickly, but if you find any that are recently deceased, that should do. More likely, you'll have to chop down some that you encounter. Careful, they are more aggressive than most trees."
I'll head to the Shadowgreen and gather the spriggan bark.

You can then ask him about the location you are being sent to:

What can you tell me about the Shadowgreen?
"It's a natural wonder! A lush, temperate cavern within the nearby mountain. Thanks to some not-entirely-dormant volcanic activity, no doubt. A great number of local fauna take refuge from the cold there. That includes many predators, I'm afraid."

When you return with spriggan bark:

I collected the spriggan bark as requested.
"What a relief. I thought my Argonian colleague might try to skin me instead if I didn't procure her samples. I can assure you, Wood Elves are not made of wood.
Here you go. Fair market value, I promise."

The Preservation of Life[edit]

When approaching him:

"Seeking a reliable research assistant with little to no fear of death!"

Speaking to him:

How can I help?
"You should enjoy this. It's a fascinating study!
One of our scholars is doing research for a treatise on ancient Nord embalming practices, specifically how they might help to improve modern healing techniques. He needs help acquiring samples."
Samples of what?
"He wants to analyze specific organs and tissues. The ancient Nords sometimes preserved such things in jars within their barrows. There's a large one called Dragonhome, near the coast.
It should be fairly unspoiled, on account of the Draugr."
I'll retrieve some preserved organs from Dragonhome.

You can ask about the draugr.

Tell me about the Draugr you mentioned.
"Not familiar with them? Well, that will soon change! They are a kind of undead unique to Skyrim. Long dead warriors and servants of the mysterious Dragon priests who ruled here in the ancient past. They remind me a bit of frostbitten jerky."
Could I gather your samples from them?
"Technically, you already will be. Draugr are mummified Nords, you see, so the organs in those jars you'll be retrieving are theirs.
You should really speak to Nezashul, if you want to know more about the embalming process."

Returning with the organs:

I collected the preserved organs.
"Splendid! Aren't the state of these just fascinating? They've been stored for centuries, but they look as fresh as those you'd find in a bowl of Valenwood stew.
Here's your payment. Well done!"

Spiritual Release[edit]

Approaching him:

"If you have any experience with jails, or escapes, I could make use of it!"

Speaking to him:

What's the job?
"The Coterie's resident paranormal scholar needs help studying the migratory behavior of spirits after significant durations of imprisonment.
Ethically sourced, of course."
What needs to be done?
"There's an ancient Nord prison called Midnight Barrow. Our research indicates history's worst criminals were entombed there, and their spirits trapped within umbric urns.
All you need to do is smash those urns and observe the results."
I'll go to Midnight Barrow and destroy the urns.

You can then ask about the Barrow:

Can you tell me anything more about Midnight Barrow?
"It won't be easy to get to. We know, historically, where the Midnight Barrow was, but it's long been buried and forgotten. It's probably a place better off left alone, but if there's something to learn from that place, then it's our duty to learn it."
Why would it be better off being left alone?
"The barrow is both a prison and a grave. The condemned who were exiled there were doomed to remain imprisoned long after they died. To say it is full of vengeful spirits would be understating things. Be careful when you disturb them."

Returning from breaking the urns in the Midnight Barrow:

I destroyed the umbric urns. The spirits appeared briefly, then vanished.
"Frankly, I'm uncertain about the merits of this avenue of research, but the Coterie is about the pursuit of academic excellence, so I must trust in the process.
I thought you were crazy to do it, but I admire your bravery! Here, your reward."

The Strength of Giants[edit]

When approaching him:

"Have a passion for alchemy? Be a part of my exciting research!"

Asking him:

What do you need me to do?
"This task is part of my own alchemical research, and something of my own creation. I believe it will make for an interesting study!
I've formulated a Tonic of Giant Strength that's nearly ready to test. All it needs is a finishing touch!"
What is it you need?
"Snowberries. They are quite popular among Giants and mammoths, and look how large they grow. I don't think that's a coincidence.
I need you to add a copious amount to my mixture and consume it immediately to observe the results."
All right. I'll gather snowberries and test your concoction.
"Local sources have mostly been consumed, but the bushes along the Frozen Coast should be remote enough to remain untouched.
Oh, and if you have any additional questions as to the nature of my study, please don't hesitate to ask!"

He will give you an Empty Potion Flask and you can ask more about his theory and safety of the potion:

Do you really believe these berries can bestow the strength of a Giant?
"Oh, it's far more complicated than that! The tonic's other central ingredient is the essence of a Giant itself.
Forget I said that. You will have to drink it, after all."
You're certain that this potion will be safe to consume?
"I can assure you that in its present formulation that it will cause you no harm. I've nearly eliminated the tongue swelling entirely. The snowberries should allow the tonic to more easily diffuse through your body … and make it much more palatable."
I'll head to the Frozen Coast.

After you have returned from the field, you can sum up what happened.

Your Tonic of Giant Strength doesn't work.
"Huh. I was certain this formula was the one. Perhaps the snowberries weren't the right catalyst. Maybe mammoth milk ….
Live and learn—that's the Coterie motto—and you've done both! Take this for your assistance."